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Nội dung text CHUYÊN ĐỀ 4(THÌ SỰ KẾT HỢP THÌ).docx

Page 1 CHUYÊN ĐỀ : THÌ KẾT HỢP THÌ CHAPTER 4 : TENSES (THE SEQUENCE OF TENSES)  CƠ SỞ LÝ THUYẾT  Các thì cơ bản Thì Dạng SIMPLE PRESENT (Hiện tại đơn) SIMPLE PAST (Quá khứ đơn) Khẳng định S + V[-s/es] S + V-ed/V cột 2 Phủ định S + don’t / doesn’t + V1 S + didn’t + V1 Nghi vấn Do / Does + S + V1 …? Did + S + V1 …? Dấu hiệu nhận biết - always, usually, occasionally, often, … - every:every day, every year, every Sunday - once a day , twice…, 3 times… - yesterday - last + time: last week, last Sunday… - time+ ago : two months ago, five years ago… - in the past, in + year (past): in 1990, … Thì Dạng PRESENT CONTINUOUS (Hiện tại tiếp diễn) PAST CONTINUOUS (Quá khứ tiếp diễn) Khẳng định S + am / is / are + V-ing S + was / were + V-ing Phủ định S + am not / isn’t / aren’t + V-ing S + wasn’t / weren’t + V-ing Nghi vấn Am / Is / Are + S + V-ing …? Was / Were + S + V-ing …? Dấu hiệu nhận biết - now, at present - at the moment - Sau câu mệnh lệnh : Vd: Keep silent! The baby is sleeping. Look! He is running. - At that moment - When / As + S + (simple past), S + was/ were V-ing Vd: When I came, she was crying. - While : Vd: A dog crossed the road while I was driving. Thì Dạng PRESENT PERFECT (Hiện tại hoàn thành) PAST PERFECT (Quá khứ hoàn thành) Khẳng định S + has / have + V-ed/V cột 3 S + had + V-ed/V cột 3 Phủ định S + hasn’t / haven’t + V-ed/ V cột 3 S + hadn’t + V-ed/ V cột 3 Nghi vấn Has / Have + S + V-ed/ V cột 3 …? Had + S + V-ed/ V cột 3…? Dấu hiệu nhận biết - just, already, ever, yet, recently, lately,.. - since, for : since 1995, for 9 years - so far, up to now , It is the first time….. - after + S + had V 3/ED , (simple past) - before + (simple past), S + had V 3/ED - By the time + S + V(simple past) , S + had V 3/ED : cho đến lúc........ Thì Dạng SIMPLE FUTURE (Tương lai đơn) FUTURE PERFECT (Tương lai hoàn thành) Khẳng định S + will + V 1 S + will have+ V-ed/ V cột 3 Phủ định S + won’t + V 1 S + won’t have + V-ed/ V cột 3 Nghi vấn Will + S + V 1? Will + S + have + V-ed/ V cột 3…? Dấu hiệu - tomorrow - by the end of this month
Page 2 CHUYÊN ĐỀ : THÌ KẾT HỢP THÌ nhận biết - next + time : next week, next Monday,…. - in the future - by the time+S+ V (simple present), S + will have V 3/ED Thì Dạng NEAR FUTURE (Tương lai gần) FUTURE CONTINUOUS (Tương lai tiếp diễn) Khẳng định S + am/is/are going to + V 1 S + will be + ving Dấu hiệu nhận biết - Diễn tả 1 kế hoạch, dự định. - Diễn tả 1 dự đoán có căn cứ - Diển tả 1 sự việc đang xảy ra ở tương lai.  Sự phối hợp về thì Một số cách hòa hợp thì giữa mệnh đề chính và mệnh đề thời gian Main clause (Mệnh đề chính) Adverbial clause of time (Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian) Hiện tại Hiện tại Quá khứ Quá khứ Tương lai Hiện tại 1. TLĐ + until / when / as soon as + HTĐ  I will wait here until she comes back. 2. TLĐ + after + HTHT  He will go home after he has finished his work. 3. TLHT + by / by the time / before + HTĐ  He will have left by the time you arrive 4. while / when / as + QKTD, QKĐ  While I was going to school, I met my friend. 5. QKĐ + while / when / as + QKTD  It started to rain while the boys were playing football. 6. QKTD + while + QKTD  Last night, I was doing my homework while my sister was playing games. 7. HTHT + since + QKĐ  I have worked here since I graduated 8. QKĐ + since then + HTHT  I graduated in 2002 since then I worked here. 9. QKHT + by / by the time / before + QKĐ  He had left by the time I came. 10. Before + QKĐ + QKHT  Before she had dinner, she had written letter 11. After + QKHT, QKĐ  After I had finished my homework, I went to bed. 12. QKĐ + after + QKHT  I went to bed after I had finished my work. Đổi thì quá khứ đơn sang hiện tại hoàn thành a. S + last + QKĐ ….+ thời gian + ago. =>S + HTHT (phủ định) ….+ for + thời gian =>It’s / It has been + thời gian + since + S + last + QKĐ….. =>The last time + S + QKĐ…. + was + thời gian + ago. b. This is the first time + S + HTHT khẳng định….
Page 3 CHUYÊN ĐỀ : THÌ KẾT HỢP THÌ =>S + have/ has never V3/ed …..+ before c. S + began / started + V-ing + --- => S + have / has + V3/-ed + for / since ---  BÀI TẬP ÁP DỤNG Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer. 1. The phone________ constantly since Jack won the first prize this morning. a. has been ringing b. rang c. had rung d. had been ringing 2. The earth________ on the sun for its heat and light. a. is depend b. depending c. has depend d. depends 3. I don't feel good. I ________ home from work tomorrow. a. am staying b. stay c. will have stayed d. stayed 4. In the last two decades, space exploration___great contributions to weather forecasting. a. is making b. has made c. made d. makes 5. On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong ________ down onto the moon, the first person ever set foot on another planet. a. was stepping b. stepped c. has stepped d. was step 6. The wedding party________ at the Rex Hotel. a. is b. is being c. will be d. is going to be 7. How many languages_____ John speak? a. do b. does c. did d. will 8. Hurry! The train________ I don't want to miss it. a. comes b. is coming c. came d. has come 9. Angelina Jolie is a famous actress. She ________ in several film. a. appears b. is appearing c. appeared d. has appeared 10. I saw Maggie at the party. She ________ in several film. a. wears b. wore c. was wearing d. has worn 11. What time________ the next train leave? a. does b. will c. shall d. would 12. Monica________ with her sister at the moment until she finds a flat. a. stays b. is staying c. will stay d. is going to stay 13. After I________ lunch, I looked for my bag. a. had b. had had c. have has d. have had 14. By the end of next year, George________ English for 2 years. a. will have learned b. will learn c. has leaned d. would learn 15. The man got out of the car,_______ round to the back and opened the boot. a. walking b. walked c. walks d. walk 16. For several years his ambition ________ to be a pilot. a. is b. has been c. was d. had been 17. Henry________ into the restaurant when the writer was having dinner. a. was going b. went c. has gone d. did go 18. He will take the dog out for a walk as soon as he ________ dinner. a. finish b. finishes c. will finish d. shall have finished 19. Before you asked, the letter________ a. was written b. had been written c. had written d. has been written
Page 4 CHUYÊN ĐỀ : THÌ KẾT HỢP THÌ 20. She ________ English at RMIT these days. a. studies b. is studying c. will study d. is gong to study 21. She's at her best when she________ big decisions. a. is making b. makes c. had made d. will make 22. We________ next vacation in London. a. spend b. are spending c. will spend d. are going to spend 23. Robert________ tomorrow morning on the 10:30 train. a. arrived b. is arriving c. has arrived d. would arrive 24. Look! The bus________ a. left b. has left c. leaves d. is leaving 25. Mike________ one hour ago. a. phoned b. was phoning c. had phoned d. has phoned 26. I shall be glad when he________ a. had gone b. did go c. went d. had gone 27. Ask her to come ad see me when she ________ her work. a. finish b. has finished c. finished d. finishing 28. After you finish your work, you________ a break. a. should take b. have taken c. might have taken d. takes 29. Oil________ if you pour it on water a. floated b. floats c. will be floated d. float 30. When he returned home, he found the door________. a. unlocking b. unlocked c. to be unlocked d. have unlocked 31. That dancing club________ north of the city a. lays b. lies c. locates d. lain 32. Almost everyone________ for home by the time we arrived. a. leave b. left c. leaves d. had left 33. By the age of 25, he ________ two famous novels. a. wrote b. writes c. has written d. had written 34. While her husband was in the army, Janet________ to him twice a week. a. was writing b. wrote c. was written d. had written 35. I couldn't cut the grass because the machine_______ a few days previously. a. broken down b. has been broken c. had broke down d. breaks down 36. We ________English this time last week. a. learned b. were learning c. have learned d. had learned 37. Is it raining? - No, it isn't but the ground is wet. It________ a. rained b. had rained c. has rained d. has been raining 38. Her family________ to America before 1975. a. went b. have gone c. had gone d. would go 39. When I arrived at the party, Martha________ home already. a. went b. have gone c. had gone d. would go 40. Henry________ for 10 years when he finally gave it up. a. has smoked b. has been smokingc. had smoked d. had been smoking' 41. Yesterday morning I got up and looked out of the window. The sun was shinning but the ground was very wet. It________

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