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1. Disheveled (adj): không gọn gàng, bừa bộn Example: The disheveled room had dirty socks and empty beer bottles on the floor. 2. Sumptuous (adj): xa xả, xa xỉ Example: They were regaled with sumptuous gifts and splendid food. 3. Reciprocate (v): đền đáp, đáp lại, trao đổi Example: The Moroccan trader gave him some tea, so he felt he had to reciprocate by buying something. 4. Infallible (adj):không thể nhầm được, không bao giờ sai Example: When it comes to matters of money, he’s infallible. 5. Dissident (n): người bất đồng, chống đối (v): phản đối Example: The government forces clashed with dissidents on Friday. 6. Dispatch (v): gửi đi, kết liễu, giải quyết nhanh gọn (n): việc gửi đi, sự khẩn trương Example: Troops were dispatched to quash the riot. 7. Intransigence (n): sự cứng đầu, không chịu lùi bước Example: Her character was that of endless intransigence and pigheadedness. 8. Pastoral (adj): thôn quê Example: The pastoral scenery reminds me of my mom 9. Concede (v): thừa nhận Example: After repeated requests from the bureaucrats, he finally conceded. 10. Manifold (adj): nhiều Example: There are manifold forms of life in the universe.