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Page 7  Line Graphs
Page 8 A) Verbs and nouns for describing trends and changes: Trend Verbs Nouns  rise (rose-risen) [to/by]  increase [to/by]  go (went-gone) up [to/by]  climb [to/by]  grow (grew-grown) [to/by]  double  treble/triple  boom  surge  soar  rocket [to/by]  a rise [of]  an increase [of]  a growth [of]  an upward trend  a doubling in + n.  a trebling in + n.  a boom  a surge  fall (fell-fallen) [to/by]  decline [to/by]  decrease [to/by]  dip (dipped) [to/by]  drop (dropped) [to/by]  go (went-gone) down [to/by]  plummet [to/by]  plunge [to/by]  dive [to/by]  deteriorate  slump [to/by]  a fall [of]  a decline [of]  a decrease [of]  a drop [of]  a reduction  a slump  a plunge  a plummet  do (did) not change  remain/stay + stable/steady/static/unchanged [at]  maintain the same level  no change Position  stood at/was  level (levelled) off [at]  plateau (plateaued) [at]  level (levelled) out [at]  stabilise [at]  peaked [at]  reached  a levelling off [at]  a plateau [at]  reached a high/peak of  reached a low of Constant Change  fluctuated [around]  a fluctuation
Page 9 B) Adjectives and adverbs for degree of change: Degree Adjective Adverb Very extensive change dramatic dramatically huge n/a enormous enormously tremendous tremendously Extensive change substantial substantially considerable considerably significant significantly remarkable remarkably Average change noticeable noticeably marked markedly moderate moderately Small change slight slightly small n/a minimal minimally C) Adjectives and adverbs for speed of change: Speed Adjective Adverb Quick change rapid rapidly quick quickly sharp sharply swift swiftly steep steeply Slow change steady steadily gradual gradually slow slowly Unexpected change sudden suddenly unexpected unexpectedly abrupt abruptly

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