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Nội dung text TOPIC 2 - SỰ PHÙ HỢP S-V.docx

 Each of kids is given a pen. S là tên bộ phim, vở kịch, bài hát, quốc gia, ngôn ngữ  Japan is my next travel destination. S là những từ chỉ nhóm người, động vật, đồ vật: a crew of, a herb of, a bunch of, a pair of, …  A herb of cattle is on the field. C. VERB AGREES WITH THE FIRST SUBJECT (Động từ chia theo chủ ngữ đầu tiên) S1 + of like with along with as well as accompanied by in addition to besides no less than excluding + S2  Mrs. Josy together with her sons goes abroad every year.  Gold as well as platinum is very rare. D. VERB AGREES WITH THE NOUN/PRONOUT CLOEST TO IT (Động từ chia theo danh từ/đại từ đứng gần nó nhất) Either … or … Neither … nor … Not only … but also … … or … … nor … … but …  Not only Linh but also her parents want to live in London.  Neither students nor the teacher is in the classroom now Most, All, Plenty, Some, Majority, Minority, The last, One, Half, Part, The rest, Percentage, A lot, Lots, A large amount, A great deal  Most of the money is mine.  70% of the population is young.  A large amount of sugar has been used.  Most of students in my class are female.
+ of + N + V (V chia theo N)  Today the great majority of people use the Internet. Here, There + V + N (V chia theo N)  There is a problem with my laptop.  Here are books you want to read. S là phân số (V chia theo N đứng đầu) Three-quarters, a half, …  Three-quarters of the money is mine.  A half of the apples are fresh.  TRƯỜNG HỢP KHÁC N1 not N2/not N1 but N1 S là hai danh từ: 1 N khẳng định, 1 N phủ định (V chia theo N khẳng định)  My father not my mother is working in the garden.  It is not the faculty members but the president who decides this issue. PART 2. PRACTICE A. CONSTRUCTED – RESPONSE (Tự luận) Exercise 1: Put the verbs into the correct form (be). 1. Our hamburgers (be) ________ so tasty! 2. There (be) ________ a small lake near my house last year. 3. There (be) ________ some candies and cupcakes on the table. 4. The number of books here (be) ________ 28. 5. Children (be) ________ playing in the yard. 6. All CDs (be) ________ in this drawer. 7. The sheep (be) ________ grazing in the fields now. 8. Noodles and fried chicken (be) ________ my favorite dishes. 9. My sister (be) ________ going on a trip to London next week. 10. Mathematics (be) ________ Susan’s favorite subject when she was at primary school. 11. Nine dollars(be) ________ the price of a movie these days. 12. Playing hike and seek (be) ________ funny. 13. My pants (be) ________ in the wardrobe. 14. Your glasses (be) ________ modern. 15. Running (be) ________ a good habit.

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