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www.iaritoppers.in Whatsapp : +91-9694095242 Page | 1 Soil Science 5 th Edition 2024
www.iaritoppers.in Whatsapp : +91-9694095242 Page | 2 Manures & Fertilizers 1. Manure: Can be grouped into two: (A) Bulky Organic manure (B) Concentrated Organic manure (A) Bulky organic manure: Contain small percentage of nutrients and they are applied in large quantities. Example- FYM, Compost, Green Manure, Night soil, vermi-compost. 1. Farm Yard manure ( FYM ): Generally applied: 10-20 t/ha. For vegetables/fodder grasses: More than 20 t/ha. 2. Compost: Rotting or decomposition of organic matter by micro organism under controlled conditions. Methods of compost preparation: Indore method: Known as heap or Aerobic method Developed at Institute of Plant industry Indore by Sir Albert Howard. In this method, animal dung is used as the catalytic agent along with different types of organic wastes available on the farm. N - 0.5 - 0.75 % P - 0.25 % K - 0.5 %
www.iaritoppers.in Whatsapp : +91-9694095242 Page | 4 4. Sheep and Goat manure: 5. Poultry manure: N - 3.03 % P - 2.63 % K - 1.4 % 6. Green Manure: Improves soil structure. Supplies organic matter and nutrients, (Particularly Nitrogen). Two types: In Situ green Manuring: Growing of green manure crops and decomposed in the same field e.g.: Sunhemp, dhaicha, cluster beans and Sesbania rostrata. Sesbania rostrata is a stem nodulating green manure crop. Ex-Situ or green leaf manuring: Collecting green leaf along with twigs of trees e.g.- Glyricidia, Pongamia, Neem, Mahua, Subabul. N - 3 % P - 1 % K - 2 %