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Nội dung text Unit 0 - Lesson 1 - INTRODUCTION.docx

Date of planning : …/… / 2024 Date of teaching : …/… / 2024 WEEK : 1 Period 1 : INTRODUCTION INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING TEXTBOOKS, STUDYING MATERIALS I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson students will be able to gain the following things: 1. Knowledge: - To introduce TIẾNG ANH 9 GLOBAL SUCCESS textbooks. Student’s book and Workbook - Tell students something about Great Britain; England and English. Students learn how to study English well and know the way to learn English. *Vocabulary: Use lexical items related to text book, and the way to learn English in class; at home... some classroom languages. * Grammar : Phrasal verbs; Double comparatives; if-Clause ; Past continuous, Wish Clause ; Present perfect ; To-Verb/ Verb-Ing ; Reported speech ; Relative clauses ; Suggest/ advise ..+ Ving; Adverbial clauses: concession, result, and reason. 2. Competence: Students will be able to know how to study English effectively and how to use new Tieng Anh 9 textbooks and know the methods to study new Tieng Anh 9 textbooks. - Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork. - Actively join in class activities. 3. Qualities: To teach Ss the love of English; The awareness about importance of learning English. - Developing self-study skills. II. TEACHING AIDS: - Teacher: Grade 9 text book, laptop, projector / TV..... - Students : Text books, workbook… - Computer connected to the Internet. - hoclieu.vn III. PROCEDURE: 1. WARM UP & INTRODUCTION ( 3’- 5’) * Objectives: - To create a friendly and atmosphere in the class before the lesson; - To give T and Ss a chance to introduce themselves; - To lead into the unit * Content: Have some warm-up activities to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new class. * Expected outcomes: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson.. * Organisation: Teacher’s instructions… Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content + Greeting + Chatting - Teacher (T) introduces himself/ herself - T may introduce some warm-up activities to creat a friendly and relaxed atmosphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new class… + Greeting + Chatting. T_Ss - Students (Ss) listen and learn how to introduce themselves.
- Have Ss to introduce themselves. - T encourages Ss to talk in English as much as possible + Lead to the first unit of the new school year. - Write the unit title on the board and ask Ss guest what they are going to learn this unit … - Ask Ss to open their book and introduce what they are going to study…. + Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do the tasks. - Answer the teacher’s questions - Open their book and write . 2. NEW LESSON (12’-15’) ACTIVITY 1+ 2: * Objectives: - To set the context for the introductory; - To introduce the topic of the unit. * Content: Some brief notes; Something about England, English . Introduce New Tieng Anh 9 * Expected outcomes: Ss learn something about England, English; Learn how to use New Tieng Anh 8 * Organisation: Teacher’s instructions…. Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content 1. To introduce TIẾNG ANH 9 GLOBAL SUCCESS: TIẾNG ANH 9 GLOBAL SUCCESS is the final of the four-level English language textbooks for Vietnamese students in lower secondary schools learning English as a foreign language (EFL). It follows the systematic, cyclical and theme-based syllabus approved by the Ministry of Education and Training in December 2018, which focuses on the use of language (pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar) to develop the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). * The components of TIẾNG ANH 9 GLOBAL SUCCESS consist of a Student's Book, a Teacher's Book, and a Workbook. + The Student's Book contains: Book map outlining the contents of each unit. - 12 topic-based units, each covering seven sections to be taught in seven 45-minute lessons. - 4 review units, each providing revision and further practice of the previous three units, to be dealt with in two periods. + Glossary: giving meanings and phonetic transcriptions of the new words in each unit. 2. T. asks Ss some questions about England. - What do you know about England? - T. gives sts something about England and - T_Ss - Listen carefully and read aloud. - Answer the teacher’s questions - Give the answers - Ss answer if possible - Listen carefully and read aloud. - There are many interesting things of England and you’ll gradually know about them in the progress of learning English. 2/ Introduction: English is an international language. Hundreds of million people speak
English. - It located in North-west coast of Europe with very mild weather not too hot but not too cold. - It consists of four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. - It’s official name is the UK - Each part has its own flag of UK. 3. English: - How many people speak English as their mother tongue? - How many people speak English as their first language? - How many people speak English as their second language or first foreign language? - Why do you learn English? - Is it important? Difficult? Useful? Interesting? => It’s very important, useful, interesting. It is the means of communication to one another. 3. New English 9 text book: - How many units are there in English 9 text book? - What are they about? ** THE COMPONENTS OF EACH UNIT There are 12 main units in the Student's Book. Each unit has seven sections and provides language input for seven classroom lessons of 45 minutes each. These 12 richly illustrated, cross-curricular and theme-based units offer students engaging lessons and an engaging learning experience. At the beginning of each unit, there are explicit learning objectives that clearly state the main language points and skills to be taught in the unit. SECTION 1: GETTING STARTED This section covers two pages in each unit, and it is designed for one 45-minute period in class. It begins with a conversation followed by activities which introduce the topic of the unit. It then presents the vocabulary items to be learnt and practised through the skills and activities of the unit. SECTION 2: A CLOSER LOOK 1 A Closer Look 1 and 2 cover three pages that mainly focus on language. They are each designed to be taught in one 45-minute period. A Closer Look 1 presents and practises the vocabulary and pronunciation of the unit. The active vocabulary of the unit is given in an interesting and illustrated way so that it is easy for students to memorise. Two sounds, which appear frequently in the unit, are given and practised in isolation and in English in the world. 400 million people speak English as their first language, 600 million people speak English as their second language or first foreign language. 4/5 of the world’s computers use program in English. ¾ of all international correspondence is in English. 3/ English 9 has 12 Units. SECTION 4: COMMUNICATION This section is designed to help students use functional language in real life contexts and consolidate what they have learnt in the previous sections. It also gives students opportunities to learn and apply the cultural aspects of the language learnt to their lives and provides cultural information about Viet Nam and other countries. In some units, knowledge of other subjects is also provided in this section. Everyday English section gives students the skills to communicate effectively in various everyday situations. This part contains a lot of fixed expressions and functions, such as seeking help and responding, offering help and responding, etc. SECTION 5: SKILLS 1 Skills 1 and Skills 2 are each designed to be taught in one 45-minute period. Skills 1 comprises reading (a receptive skill) and speaking la productive skill).
context. Stress patterns of two-/three-/four-syllable words, rhythm, sentence stress, as well as intonation in statements used as questions are also dealt with in the other units of the book. The section also has different exercises focusing on intensive practice of vocabulary and pronunciation. SECTION 3: A CLOSER LOOK 2 This section deals with the main grammar point(s) of the unit. The new language point(s) taught in this section is/are already introduced in the conversation in Getting Started. The exercises are well illustrated to help students remember and use the grammar items effectively. The Remember! boxes appear wherever necessary to give rules or explanations to help students avoid common errors. SECTION 7: LOOKING BACK & PROJECT This section covers two pages and should be dealt with in one period. Looking Back recycles the language from the previous sections and links it with the unit topic. Its activities and exercises are designed to help students consolidate and apply what they have learnt in the unit. Teachers can use this section to evaluate their students' performance and provide further practice if necessary. Project helps students improve their ability to work independently and in teams, giving them practice using language related to the unit topic. Teachers can use this as an extracurricular activity (for group work) or as homework for students to do individually. Reading This section aims to develop students' reading ability. The reading text is often based on the vocabulary and structures that students have previously acquired to make the activities more achievable. The reading is always interesting and relevant to students, and links with the topic of the unit. Important new vocabulary is introduced in the text and practised in follow-up activities. The reading also provides input for the speaking activities that follow. Speaking This section aims to provide further practice to support students in developing their spoken English. The activities use the given suggestions, introduced items in the Reading section in combination with the previously learnt language in new contexts. SECTION 6: SKILLS 2 Skills 2 is composed of listening (a receptive skill) and writing (a productive skill). Listening The listening activities follow the oral practice in the Speaking section. They provide students with an opportunity to listen to the language that they have practised orally, and train them to listen for general and specific information. Writing This section focuses on developing students' writing skills. It normally involves one of the text types required forstudents' skill development. There is usually a writing tip or a guideline to help students write effectively. Upon successful completion of the writing activity, students produce a complete piece of writing. Ideally the teacher, class or groups of students mark the complete writing texts. 3. PRACTICE (15’) ACTIVITY 3: * Objectives: To help Ss understand the lesson. Class room language * Content: Some brief notes; Something about England, English . Classroom language… * Expected outcomes: Ss learn something about England, English; Classroom languages… * Organisation: Teacher’s instructions…. Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content 1. How to learn English best? - Tell us how you learn best? - Tell us how you can learn English best? * Some useful classroom languages: - Who is the monitor? - Who is absent today? - Who is on duty today? - T_Ss - Listen carefully - Practice saying classroom languages. - Work in groups; in pairs; present the

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