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Nội dung text 4 घंटे मैराथन Class Python .pdf

Telegram | YoutubeChannel :- NewIdeasYT © Copyright All Rights Reserved @newideasyt | By Satyam Sahu © Copyrighted PDF | यह PDF WWW.EXAMJILA.COM से डाउनलोड की गयी है| O Level Practical –PR3 Python Programming M3-R5.1 Practical Question – Answers Very Very Important Questions यही Question आपकेएग्जाम में आयेंगे Class link: 1 Click Here Class link: 2 Click Here Basic 1. Write a program to exchanging values of two variables. a=int(input("Enter First number")) b=int(input("Enter Second number")) print("Before swaping a= ",a, "b= ",b) a,b=b,a print("After swaping a= ",a, "b= ",b) OUTPUT Enter First number15 Enter Second number24 Before swaping a= 15 b= 24 After swaping a= 24 b= 15
Telegram | YoutubeChannel :- NewIdeasYT © Copyright All Rights Reserved @newideasyt | By Satyam Sahu © Copyrighted PDF | यह PDF WWW.EXAMJILA.COM से डाउनलोड की गयी है| 2. write a python program to test whether a given year is leap year or not. year=int(input("Enter any year")) if (year%400==0) or (year%4==0 and year%100!=0): print("leap year") else: print("Entered year is not Leap year") OUTPUT Enter any year2024 leap year 3. Write a python program to enter a number in decimal and print its octal and hexadecimal equivalent. decimal=int(input("Enter any number in decimal")) print("Octal value ", oct(decimal)) print("Hexadecimal value", hex(decimal)) OUTPUT Enter any number in decimal25 Octal value 0o31 Hexadecimal value 0x19
Telegram | YoutubeChannel :- NewIdeasYT © Copyright All Rights Reserved @newideasyt | By Satyam Sahu © Copyrighted PDF | यह PDF WWW.EXAMJILA.COM से डाउनलोड की गयी है| 4. Python Program to Convert Celsius To Fahrenheit 5. cel=int(input("Enter value in C")) 6. f=cel*1.8+32 7. print("Farenhiet =", f) 8. OUTPUT Enter value in C25 Farenhiet = 77.0 9. r=int(input("Enter radius of a circle")) area=3.14*r*r print("Area of circle is = ", area) OUTPUT Enter radius of a circle7
Telegram | YoutubeChannel :- NewIdeasYT © Copyright All Rights Reserved @newideasyt | By Satyam Sahu © Copyrighted PDF | यह PDF WWW.EXAMJILA.COM से डाउनलोड की गयी है| Area of circle is = 153.86 10. num=int(input("Enter any number which you want to check")) if num%2==0: print("Even") else: print("odd") OUTPUT Enter any number which you want to check263 odd 11. Program to check whether given charcter is vowel or not c=input("Enter any char") vowels=['a','A','e','E','i','I','o','O','u','U'] if c in vowels: print("Vowel") else: print("not a vowel")

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