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THE LIVING WORLD 19 EXERCISE –2: Previous YearQuestions 1. Which one of the following belongs to the family Muscidae? (NEET 2021) (a) Cockroach (b) Housefly (c) Firefly (d) Grasshopper Ans. (b) Sol. Cockroach belongs to the family Blattidae. Muscidae are a family of flies found in the superfamily Muscoidea. Muscidae, some of which are commonly known as house flies. Firefly belongs to the family Lampyridae. Grasshoppers belong to the family Acrididae. Hence, the correct answer is option (b). 2. Select the correctly written scientific name of mango which was first described by Carolus Linnaeus. (NEET 2019) (a) Mangifera indica Linn (b) Mangifera indica (c) Mangifera Indica (d) Mangifera indica Car. Linn Ans. (a) Sol. According to rules of binomial nomenclature, correctly written scientific name of mango is Mangifera indica Linn. 3. Match the items given in Column I with those in column II and select the correct option given below. Column I Column II a. Herbarium i. It is a place having a collection of preserved plants and animals b. Key ii. A list that enumerates methodically all the species found in an area with brief description aiding identification c. Museum iii. Is a place where dried and pressed plant specimens mounted on sheets are kept d. Catalogue iv. A booklet containing a list of characters and their alternates which are helpful in identification of various taxa. (NEET 2018) (a) a-ii, b-iv, c-iii, d-i (b) a-iii, b-ii, c-i, d-iv (c) a-i, b-iv, c-iii, d-ii (d) a-iii, b-iv, c-i, d-ii Ans. (d) Sol. Key- A booklet containing a list of characters and their alternates which are helpful in identification of various taxa. Catalogue- A list that enumerates methodically all the species found in an area with brief description aiding identification. 4. Which of the following represents order of ‘Horse’? (NEET 2017) (a) Equidae (b) Perissodactyla (c) Caballus (d) Ferus Ans. (b) Sol. Horse is an odd-toed ungulate mammal. Horse belongs to the family Equidae. Its order is Perissodactyla. Its scientific name is Equus ferus caballus. Horse is one of the extant subspecies of Equus ferus. Some of them are domesticated. It has evolved over the past 45-55 million years. 5. Nomenclature is governed by certain universal rules. Which one of the following is contrary to the rules of nomenclature? (NEET 2016) (a) Biological names can be written in any language. (b) The first word in a biological name represents the genus name and the second is a specific epithet (c) The names are written in Latin and are italicised (d) When written by hand, the names are to be underlined Ans. (a) Sol. Biological names cannot be written in any language. They are written in Latin and are italicised. When written by hand, the names are to be underlined. Binomial name is of two words. The first word- the generic name and the second word, the specific epithet. Generic word represents the genus and the specific epithet represents the species. 6. The label of a herbarium sheet does not carry information on (NEET 2016) (a) Date of collection (b) Name of collector (c) Local names (d) Height of the plant Ans. (d)
20 THE LIVING WORLD Sol. Herbarium is a collection of dried plant specimens mounted on sheets of paper according to families and genera and other details. The label of the herbarium sheet contains information on data of collection, name of collector and local names. 7. Match Column-I with Column-II for housefly classification and select the correct option using the codes given below. (NEET 2016) Column-I Column-II 1. Family i. Diptera 2. Order ii. Arthropoda 3. Class iii. Muscidae 4. Phylum iv. Insecta (a) 1-iii, 2-i, 3-iv, 4-ii (b) 1-iii, 2-ii, 3-iv, 4-i (c) 1-iv, 2-iii, 3-ii, 4-i (d) 1-iv, 2-ii, 3-i, 4-iii Ans. (a) Sol. Housefly belongs to the family Muscidae, order Diptera, class Insecta, phylum Arthropoda. This can be identified based on the suffixes added. Housefly is believed to be originated from the Middle East and has now widely spread all over the world as a commensal of humans. Its scientific name is Musca domestica. It is named housefly as it is common in every place. 8. Study the four statements (A-D) given below and select the two correct ones out of them. A. Definition of biological species was given by Ernst Mayr B. Photoperiod does not affect reproduction in plants. C. Binomial nomenclature system was given by R.H. Whittaker. D. In unicellular organisms, reproduction is synonymous with growth. The two correct statements are (NEET 2016) (a) B and C (b) C and D (c) A and D (d) A and B Ans. (c) Sol. Definition of biological species was given by Ernst Mayr. In plants, photoperiod directly affects flowering by regulating the secretion of florigen and vernalin. Binomial nomenclature system was established by Linnaeus. R.H. Whittaker was the one who introduced five kingdom classification. In unicellular organisms, reproduction is synonymous with growth. 9. Binomial nomenclature system of Linnaeus means that every organism has (NEET 2013) (a) One name given by two scientists (b) Two names one Latin and other of a person (c) Two names one scientific and other popular (d) One scientific name with generic and other with specific epithet Ans. (d) Sol. Binomial nomenclature system was established by Carl Linnaeus. According to the system, naming of species was done by giving a name consisting of two words. The generic name that represents the genus and the specific epithet that represents the species to which the organism belong to. The names are written in Latin and are italicised. When hand written, the words are underlined. 10. Specific epithet is (AIPMT 2012) (a) First word in the scientific name of a species (b) Second word in the scientific name of a species (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these Ans. (b) Sol. According to the binomial nomenclature system, naming of a species is done by giving a name consisting of two words. First word is called as the generic name representing the genus of the species and the second word called as the specific epithet represents its species. Binomial names are written in Latin and are italicised. Binomial nomenclature system was introduced by Carl Linnaeus. 11. Read the statements given below and identify the incorrect statement. (AIPMT 2012) (a) Scientific names are used all over the world (b) Scientific names are often descriptive and tell us some important character of an organism (c) Scientific names indicate relationship between species (d) Scientific names favour multiple naming for the same kind of an organism Ans. (d) Sol. A species when named scientifically, is known by the same name all over the world. Binomial nomenclature system makes sure that two different species with the same name do not exist. Binomial nomenclature system was introduced by Carl Linnaeus. Scientific names usually come from Latin.
THE LIVING WORLD 21 12. Who amongst the following is regarded as the "Father of Taxonomy"? (AIPMT 2012) (a) Takhtajan (b) Linnaeus (c) Bentham and Hooker (d) Theophrastus Ans. (b) Sol. Linnaeus is regarded as the ‘Father of Taxonomy’. Takhtajan is known for the flowering plant classification. Bentham and Hooker is known for the ‘Natural System of Classification’, a taxonomical system for seed plants. Theophrastus is called as the ‘Father of Botany’. He described plants based on their uses and has also attempted a biological classification. 13. Sequence of taxonomic categories is (AIPMT 2012) (a) Class, phylum, tribe, order, family, genus, species (b) Division, class, family, tribe, order, genus, species (c) Division, class, order, family, tribe, genus, species (d) Phylum, order, class, tribe, family, genus, species Ans. (c) Sol. According to taxonomic hierarchy, descending sequence of categories is- kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species. In the classification of plants, the word phylum is used in place of division as the taxonomic category. Tribe is a category present between family and genus. Kingdom is the highest taxon and species the smallest. As taxonomic categories increase, general characters decrease. 14. Family is placed between (AIPMT 2011) (a) Order and genus (b) Genus and species (c) Class an order (d) Phylum and class Ans. (a) Sol. Taxonomical hierarchy is the stepwise arrangement of all categories for classification of plants and animals. Coming from the highest taxon kingdom, the descending sequence of categories is phylum, class, order, family, genus and species. Thus, family is placed between order and genus. As taxonomic categories increase, the similar general characters between them decrease. This hierarchy was introduced by Carl Linnaeus. 15. Which of the following combinations is correct for wheat? (AIPMT 2010) (a) Genus: Triticum, Family: Anacardiaceae, Order: Poales, Class: Monocotyledonae (b) Genus: Triticum, Family: Poaceae, Order: Poales, Class: Dicotyledonae (c) Genus: Triticum, Family: Poaceae, Order: Sapindales, Class: Monocotyledonae (d) Genus: Triticum, Family: Poaceae, Order: Poales, Class: Monocotyledonae Ans. (d) Sol. Triticum aestivum commonly known as wheat, belongs to the family Poaceae, order Poales and class Monocotyledonae. Binomial name consists of two parts- the generic name and the specific epithet. Hence, Triticum is its generic name that represent its genus and aestivum is the specific epithet that represents the species to which wheat belongs to. 16. Which of the following statements regarding universal rules of nomenclature is wrong? (AIPMT 2010) (a) The first word in a biological name represents the genus (b) The first word denoting the genus starts with a capital letter (c) Both the words in a biological name, when handwritten, are separately underlined (d) Biological names are generally in Greek and written in italics Ans. (d) Sol. Binomial nomenclature are written in Latin and is italicised. When hand written, they are underlined separately. Binomial nomenclature ensures that no two species are named the same way and once named, a species is known by that name all over the world. Linnaeus introduced binomial nomenclature. It is a practice of naming a species consisting of two words, the generic name and specific epithet. 17. Match the following and choose the correct combination from the options given below. (AIPMT 2010) Column I (Common name) Column II (Taxonomic category Order) A. Wheat 1. Primate B. Mango 2. Diptera C. Housefly 3. Sapindales D. Man 4. Poales (a) A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3 (b) A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1
22 THE LIVING WORLD (c) A-2, B-4, C-1, D-3 (d) A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1 Ans. (b) Sol. Wheat belongs to the order Poales, mango belongs to the order Sapindales, housefly belongs to the order Diptera and man belongs to the order Primata. Wheat is known as Triticum aestivum, mango as Mangifera indica, Housefly as Musca domestica and man is named as Homo sapiens. Usually for the order of plants, fungi and algae a suffix ‘-ales’ is added to the word. 18. Who proposed the Binomial Nomenclature System? (AIPMT 2010) (a) Whittaker (b) Mendel (c) Carl Linnaeus (d) Tippo Ans. (c) Sol. Carl Linnaeus proposed the binomial nomenclature system. This system deals with the naming of species by giving each a name composed of two parts, a generic name and a specific epithet. The first word represents the genus of the organism and the second word represents the species of the organism. 19. Systema Naturae was written by (AIPMT 2010) (a) Lamarck (b) Cuvier (c) Aristotle (d) Linnaeus Ans. (d) Sol. Systema Naturae is one of the finest work of Carl Linnaeus. It gave an introduction to Linnaean taxonomy. Linnaeus brought binomial nomenclature consistently throughout this book. The most popular one was the tenth edition which was published in 1758. This edition is considered as the starting point of zoological nomenclature. The book was published in Latin. 20. A group of plants with similar traits of any rank is (AIPMT 2009) (a) Species (b) Genus (c) Order (d) Taxon Ans. (d) Sol. According to biology, a taxon is a group of one or more populations of organisms seen by taxonomists to form a unit. It is a name given to a particular ranking. This can be specific or general. Examples of taxonomic ranks are kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species. The smallest taxon is species.

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