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PHYSICS 1. The angle between particle velocity and wave velocity in a transverse wave is (A) Zero (B) /4 (C) /2 (D)  2. The number of beats produced by two tuning forks when sounded together is 4. One of them has a frequency of 250 Hz. The frequency of the other cannot be more than (A) 246 Hz (B) 248 Hz (C) 252 Hz (D) 254 Hz 3. To hear beats, it is essential that the two sound waves in air should (A) Be travelling in opposite directions (B) Be travelling in the same direction (C) Have slightly different amplitude (D) Have slightly different frequency 4. Two waves of same frequency but amplitude equal to a and 2a travelling in the same direction superimpose out of phase. The resultant amplitude will be (A) a (B) 2a (C) 3a (D) 1 2 2 2 a (2a)      5. The expression Y(x, t) = A cos (kx – t) represents. (A) Transverse wave travelling along + x direction (B) Transverse wave travelling along – x direction (C) Longitudinal wave travelling along + x direction (D) Longitudinal wave travelling along – x direction 6. The equation of a progressive wave is y = 3 cos (60 t +2x), where x and y are in meters and t in seconds. Which of the following statement is wrong? (A) The wave velocity is 30 ms–1 (B) The wave length is  m (C) The frequency is 30 hertz (D) The amplitude is 3 m. 7. Velocity of sound in a gaseous medium is 330 ms–1 , if the pressure is increased by 4 times without change in temperature, the velocity of sound in the gas is (A) 330 ms–1 (B) 660 ms–1 (C) 156 ms–1 (D) 990 ms–1 8. A segment of wire vibrates with fundamental frequency of 450 Hz under a tension of 9 kg weight. Then tension at which the fundamental frequency of the same wire becomes 900 Hz is (A) 36 kg weight (B) 27 kg weight (C) 18 kg weight (D) 72 kg weight 9. If y 5sin 30 t x 7 6             y  mm, t  second, x  m. For given progressive wave equation, phase difference between two vibrating particle having path difference 3.5 m would be (A) /4 (B)  (C) /3 (D) /2 10. How many times intense is a 90 dB sound than a 40 dB sound (A) 5 (B) 50 (C) 500 (D) 105 11. The velocity of sound in air is 330 ms–1 . To increase the apparent frequency of the sound by 50%, the source should move towards the stationary observer with a velocity equal to (A) 330 ms–1 (B) 220 ms–1 (C) 165 ms–1 (D) 110 ms–1 12. Fundamental frequency of a sonometer wire is n, if its length, diameter as well as tension are doubled, the new fundamental frequency will be (A) n (B) 2n (C) n 2 (D) n 2 2 13. A closed organ pipe and an open organ pipe have their first overtone identical in frequency. Their length are in the ratio (A) 1 : 2 (B) 3 : 4 (C) 2 : 3 (D) 4 : 5 14. A uniform rope of mass M and length l hangs from a ceiling. A transverse pulse at a height x above the lower end of the rope will move with speed c = (A) gx (B) Mxg (C) 2 Mgl / x (D) Mgl / x PW-AITS_NT-05
15. An organ pipe P1 closed at one end vibrating in its first harmonic and another pipe P2 open at both ends vibrating in its third harmonic are in resonance with a given tuning fork. The ratio of the length of P1 to that of P2 is (A) 1/8 (B) 1/6 (C) 1/4 (D) 1/2 16. A man is standing on a railway platform listening to the whistle of an engine that passes the man at constant speed without stopping. If the engine passes the man at time instant t0, how does the frequency f of the whistle as heard by the man changes with time? (A) (B) (C) (D) 17. The two nearest harmonics of a tube closed at one end and open at other end are 220 Hz and 260 Hz. What is the fundamental frequency of the system? (A) 10 Hz (B) 20 Hz (C) 30 Hz (D) 40 Hz 18. A wave travelling in positive x-direction with A = 0.2 m, velocity = 360 m/s and  = 60 m, then correct expression for the wave is (A) x y 0.2sin 2 6t 60                (B) x y 0.2sin 6t 60                (C) x y 0.2sin 2 6t 60                (D) x y 0.2sin 6t 60                19 When an oscillator completes 100 oscillations its amplitude reduced to 1 3 of initial value. What will be its amplitude, when it completes 200 oscillations? (A) 1 8 (B) 2 3 (C) 1 6 (D) 1 9 20. A particle of mass m oscillates with simple harmonic motion between points x1 and x2, the equilibrium position being O. its potential energy U is plotted. It will be as given below in the graph (A) (B) (C) (D) 21. If the length of a simple pendulum is increased by 2%, then the time period (A) Increases by 1% (B) Decreases by 1% (C) Increases by 2% (D) Decreases by 2% 22. Which one of the following statements is true for the speed v and the acceleration a of a particle executing simple harmonic motion? (A) When v is maximum, a is maximum (B) Value of a is zero, whatever may be the value of v (C) When v is zero, a is zero (D) When v is maximum, a is zero 23. A particle is executing a simple harmonic motion. Its maximum acceleration is  and maximum velocity is . Then, its time period of vibration will be: (A) 2  (B) 2 2   (C)   (D) 2   24. The respective number of significant figures for the numbers 23.023, 0.0003 and 2.1 × 10–3 are (A) 4, 4, 2 (B) 5, 1, 2 (C) 5, 1, 5 (D) 5, 5, 2 25. A block of mass m hangs from three springs having same spring constant k. If the mass is slightly displaced downwards, the time period of oscillation will be (A) m 2 3k  (B) 3m 2 2k  (C) 2m 2 3k  (D) 3m 2 m 
26. In a simple pendulum experiment, the maximum percentage error in the measurement of length is 2% and that in the observation of the time-period is 3%. Then the maximum percentage error in determination of the acceleration due to gravity g is (A) 5% (B) 6% (C) 1% (D) 8% 27. A particle executes simple harmonic motion according to equation 2 2 d x 4 320x 0. dt   Its time period of oscillation is (A) 2 s 5 3  (B) s 3 2  (C) s 2 5  (D) 2 s 3  28. A physical quantity A is dependent on other four physical quantities p, q, r and s as given by 2 3 pq A . r s  The percentage error of measurement in p, q, r and s are 1%, 3%, 0.5% and 0.33% respectively, then the maximum percentage error in A is (A) 2% (B) 0% (C) 4% (D) 3% 29. The random error in the arithmetic mean of 100 observations is x; then random error in the arithmetic mean of 400 observations would be (A) 4x (B) 1 x 4 (C) 2x (D) 1 x 2 30. Which of the following is/are not SHM? (A) y = A cos t (B) y = A sin t (C) y = A sin 3t (D) y = AekT 31. Particle executing SHM along y-axis has its motion described by the equation y = 2 + 10 sin 5t. Amplitude of SHM is (A) 2 (B) 12 (C) 10 (D) 104 32. A particle moves such that acceleration is given by a = – 4x. The period of oscillation is (A)  (B) 2  (C) 1  (D) 2 33. Two identical pendulums oscillate with a constant phase difference 4  and same amplitude. If the maximum velocity of one is v, the maximum velocity of the other will be (A) v (B) 2v (C) 2v (D) v 2 34. A body executes S.H.M. with an amplitude A. At what displacement from the mean position, is the potential energy of the body one-fourth of its total energy? (A) A 4 (B) A 2 (C) 3A 4 (D) Some other fraction of A 35. Two particles A and B of equal masses are suspended from two massless springs of spring constants k1 and k2, respectively. If the maximum velocities during oscillations are equal, the ratio of amplitudes of A and B is- (A) 1 2 k / k (B) 1 2 k / k (C) 2 1 k / k (D) k2 / k1 36. The period of oscillation of simple pendulum of length L suspended from the roof of the vehicle which moves without friction, down on an inclined plane of inclination , is given by: (A) L 2 gcos   (B) L 2 gsin   (C) L 2 g  (D) L 2 g tan   37. Select the incorrect statement. (A) If the zero of varnier scale does not coincide with the zero of the main scale, then the vernier callipers is said to be having zero error (B) Zero correction has a magnitude equal to zero error but sign is opposite to that of zero error (C) Zero error is positive when the zero of vernier scale lies to the left of the zero of the main scale (D) Zero error is negative when the zero of vernier scale lies to the left of the zero of the main scale

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