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1 FRIENDS PLUS 9 – UNIT 4 – FEELINGS Exercise 1: Use should or shouldn’t 1. You ……………stay up too late because it’s not good for your health. 2. No one ……………….. be late for school tomorrow because we will have an exam. 3. I think there …………………be a garbage dump in front of the restaurant. 4. You …………….. go for a check-up regularly. 5. I think you …………………be more tactful. 6. …………………you have any questions, please write me an email. 7. What …………………I do to learn better? 8. My father thinks that I …………………be so into computer games. 9. The candidates…………………be here before 10am, or they will be disqualified. 10. You …………………learn about some cultural features of the country you are going to visit. 11. Sylvie …………………take any pills before seeing the doctor. 12. ………………… Sylvie apply for the job at this company? Yes, she should. 13. How much time …………………I spend on this task? 14. Old people …………………work too hard. They need an abundance of time to relax. 15. Parents…………………let their children expose to smartphones at an early age. Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with an -ed or -ing adjective formed from the verbs in the brackets. 1. The singing and dancing were ……………….. (amaze). 2. A few actors forgot their lines and looked quite …………………. (embarrass) 3. The final scenes were actually quite ………………………. (move) 4. I was ……………………. that it was over two hours long. (surprise) 5. I was a bit ……………….. by the end of it. (bore) 6. I don't understand this map. It's very ………….. (confuse) 7. Can you help me with my math? I'm ……………… (confuse) 8. I was …………….. when I fell over. (embarrass) 9. I hate it when my dad dances. It's so ………………. (embarrass) 10. Are you ………………… in photography? (interest) 11. Which is the most ……………….. lesson in this unit? (interest) Exercise 3: Circle the correct forms to complete the sentences. 1. I don't find computer games very (excited/ exciting). 2. Don't be (frightened/ frightening). The dog won't bite. 3. I was (shocked/ shocking) when I heard the news 4. It's really (annoyed/ annoying) when you interrupt. 5. Why are you looking so (worried/ worrying)? Exercise 4: Choose the best option 1. This is a hospital. You ……………………….. smoke here. A. mustn’t B. must C. can D. may 2. He had been working for more than 11 hours. He ……………………. be tired now. A. mustn’t B. has to C. must D. had to 3. We ………………….. wear a uniform, so I normally wear sports clothes. A. didn’t have to B. don’t have to C. must D. mustn’t 4. When I get home, I ………………… do my homework. A. had to B. must C. has to D. have to 5. I really ……………………. buy a new notebook. Mine is so old. A. have to B. has to C. must D. mustn’t 6. You’ve been traveling the whole day. You ………………… be tired. A. have to B. must C. don’t have to D. mustn’t 7. Sylvie ………………….. get bored on the job. She does the same things every day.
2 A. has to B. must C. mustn’t D. doesn’t have to 8. You are going on holiday next week. You ……………….. be looking forward to it. A. have to B. don’t have to C. mustn’t D. must  9. The house is near the motorway. It …………………….. be very noisy. A. must  B. mustn’t C. doesn’t have to D. has to 10. Congratulations on passing your exam. You ………………….. be very pleased. A. have to B. mustn’t C. don’t have to D. must Exercise 5: Choose the best option 1. People ……………………… walk on the grass. A. must B. mustn’t  C. have to D. don’t have to 2. Drivers …………………. stop when the traffic lights are red. A. have to B. don’t have to C. must  D. mustn’t 3. I …………………… go to school from Monday to Friday. A. have to B. don’t have to C. mustn’t D. must  4. We ………………….. arrive late because my teacher is very strict. A. must B. mustn’t  C. have to D. don’t have to 5. We ………………….. go to wrong class. A. mustn’t B. must C. have to D. don’t have to 6. In class, we ………………….. shout, play or sing. A. must B. mustn’t  C. have to D. don’t have to 7. We ……………………… have lunch at school, so I sometimes go home. A. must B. mustn’t C. don’t have to D. have to 8. When school finishes, I …………………… take after my little sister. A. have to B. don’t have to C. mustn’t D. must 9. When my parents come home, I ……………………. stay in, so I usually go out with my friends. A. must B. mustn’t C. have to D. don’t have to 10. I ………………….. go to bed late, except on Fridays, because I have a lot of homework to do. A. must B. mustn’t C. have to D. don’t have to Exercise 6: Choose the best option 1. You ……………………. write 30 sentences for homework. A. have to B. don’t have to C. must D. mustn’t 2. You ………………………. write 300 sentences ! 30 will be enough. A. have to B. don’t have to C. must D. mustn’t 3. He never does much work, but he …………………… A. must B. mustn’t C. doesn’t have to D. has to 4. ……… I use your pen please? A. May B. Could C. Will D. Might 5. When I was a child, I …………… speak a little German.  A. may B. could C. might D. will 6. Take an umbrella. It …………. rain later. A. could B. will C. must D. might 7. ……….. I have a cup of tea, please? A. Can B. May C. Will D. Might 8. We haven't got a lot of money, so we …………………. go on holiday next year. A. will B. may not C. might D. couldn’t Exercise 7: Give the correct form of each word in brackets. 1. Mothers are often the ones who provide …………… support for the family. (emotion) 2. You’d be ……………… how many people voted for him. (surprise) 3. I was ……………… with myself for eating so much. (disgust)
3 4. He is extremely ……………… for her safety. (worry) 5. I was a bit ……………… with him. (annoy) 6. Sylvie felt ……………… with herself. (anger) 7. I was ……………… about talking to my parents about it. (embarrass) 8. ……………… of continued unrest, the government imposed a state of emergency. (fear) 9. The movie was dreadfully dull and incredibly ………………. (boredom) 10. I wish he'd show me a little more ………………. (sympathize) Exercise 8: Give the correct form of each word in brackets. 1. It's the most ……………… thing that's happened to these people in a long time. (excite) 2. Sylvie had a very ……………… manner. (relax) 3. A ……………… study of refugee children came up with some worrying results. (psychology) 4. Biometric ……………… methods include fingerprints and facial recognition scanners. (identify) 5. Sylvie and I were most ……………… with the present we bought in Edinburgh. (please) 6. It was a warm day, if not ……………… hot. (exact) 7. The authorities have launched an ……………… to determine why the ferry sank. (investigate) 8. It is difficult to prove whether their actions were negligent or ………………. (intend) 9. Then things started to get ………………. (interest) 10. Sylvie is a successful ……………… executive. (advertise) Exercise 9: Give the correct form of each word in brackets. 1. I noticed a change in his ………………. (behave) 2. The poor child looks more ……………… than alive. (die) 3. The production process is now highly ………………. (mechanize) 4. I was ……………… to see the series end. (sadden) 5. The film is a fitting ……………… to the series. (conclude) 6. Sylvie spoke ……………… on the subject. (intelligence) 7. How could you ……………… think that I had anything to do with it! (possible) 8. I'm ……………… never going there again. (certain) 9. I was ……………… for my family. (worry) 10. He’s no longer ……………… involved in the day-to-day running of the company. (personalize) Exercise 10: Give the correct form of each word in brackets. 1. Investors can ……………… expect to make an average of 5% a year. (confide) 2. There's no need to get ………………. (aggressively) 3. Sylvie continued to ……………… her innocence. (assertively) 4. They're ……………… not coming. (obvious) 5. Interest rates on bank loans have increased ……………… in recent years. (consider) 6. Tiredness affects your powers of ………………. (concentrate) 7. He was killed during a violent ……………… over money. (argue) 8. It takes time and ……………… to photograph wildlife. (patiently) 9. A lively ……………… followed about whether he should be allowed to join the club. (discuss) 10. Sylvie didn't give an adequate ……………… for being late. (explain) Exercise 11: Give the correct form of each word in brackets. 1. Religious ……………… is banned in all state schools in the country. (instruct) 2. Sales figures continue to show signs of ………………. (improve) 3. As children they invented the ……………… world of Gondal. (imagine) 4. Sylvie smiled ………………, as if she were hiding something. (slight) 5. I would ……………… agree with this comment. (respect) 6. Fathers are sometimes less ……………… competent than mothers. (conversation) 7. The economy has shown significant ……………… over the past 9 months. (improve) 8. Nobody hates you. It's all in your ………………. (imagine)
4 9. We took a ……………… more direct route. (slight) 10. I learnt ……………… Spanish at evening classes. (conversation) Exercise 12: Give the correct form of each word in brackets. 1. I go hill-walking for ………………. (relax) 2. A large number of people fail to derive any ……………… at all from horror movies. (please) 3. Detectives are currently ……………… possible links between the murders. (investigate) 4. He has announced his ……………… to retire. (intend) 5. It is ……………… that you mention that. (interest) 6. It is hard to change old patterns of ………………. (behave) 7. Sylvie was pronounced ……………… at the scene of the accident. (die) 8. I felt terribly ……………… about it. (sadden) 9. New evidence might lead to the ……………… that we are wrong. (conclude) 10. I will come as soon as I ……………… can. (possible) Exercise 13: Give the correct form of each word in brackets. 1. The Democrats were ……………… of victory. (confide) 2. He tried to overcome his ………………. (shy) 3. Nowadays our ……………… is channelled into sports. (aggressively) 4. The report ……………… confidently that the industry will grow. (assertively) 5. I know you don't like her but try not to make it so ………………. (obviousness) 6. He was ……………… what to do next. (consider) 7. After 1926, Sylvie ……………… her energies on her medical practice. (concentrate) 8. We're always ……………… with each other about money. (argue) 9. Sylvie's very ……………… with young children. (patience) 10. Have you ……………… the problem with anyone? (discuss) Exercise 14: Give the correct form of each word in brackets. 1. My father smiled ……………… and shook his head. (sadden) 2. After his death, his assistant completed chapters nine and ten and wrote the ………………. (conclude) 3. Smart cards can store large amounts of data and interact ……………… with a smart card reader. (intelligence) 4. There's a strong ……………… that it will rain. (possible) 5. Always read the ……………… before you start. (instruct) 6. I think there is room for ……………… in any organization. (improve) 7. I had an ……………… friend when I was a child. (imagine) 8. There is a ……………… increased risk of chest infection after the procedure. (slight) 9. Sylvie was a much loved and highly ……………… teacher. (respect) 10. We had to listen to endless ……………… about high prices and food shortages. (conversation) Exercise 15: Give the correct form of each word in brackets. 1. An ……………… is a person or company that advertises. (advertise) 2. Changing consumer ……………… will take some time. (behave) 3. The terrorists have chosen to play a ……………… game with the civilian population. (die) 4. The evidence is by no means ………………. (conclude) 5. Elephants are ……………… creatures and enjoy interacting with humans. (intelligence) 6. He turned out to be the nicest guy you could ……………… imagine. (possible) 7. I ……………… hope we can do this again. (certain) 8. He glanced ……………… at his father. (worry) 9. You will be held ……………… responsible for any loss or breakage. (personalize) 10. While girls lack ………………, boys often overestimate their abilities. (confide) Exercise 16: Give the correct form of each word in brackets. 1. You can't ……………… mean that. (possible) 2. Sylvie was ……………… attractive but you couldn’t call her beautiful. (certain)

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