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1 Siêu Âm Can Thiệp Quản Lý Đau Dịch: Bsnt Nguyễn Văn Đàn Hướng Dẫn Thủ Thuật Qua Hình Minh Họa Philip Peng Roderick Finlayson Sang Hoon Lee Anuj Bhatia Editors
Philip Peng • Roderick Finlayson Sang Hoon Lee • Anuj Bhatia Editors Ultrasound for Interventional Pain Management An Illustrated Procedural Guide
Mục Lục 1. Dây Thần Kinh Chẩm Lớn và Bé 2. Dây Thần Kinh Trên Vai 3. Block Dây Thần Kinh Liên Sườn 4. Nguyễn Lý Chung Siêu Âm và Can Thiệp Cơ Xương Khớp 5. Khớp Vai 6. Tiêm Dưới Siêu Âm Đối Với Đau Khuỷu 7. Can Thiệp Vùng Cổ Tay và Bàn Tay 8. Can Thiệp Gối Dưới Siêu Âm 9. Khớp Cổ Chân và Các Dây Thần Kinh 10. Huyết Tương Giàu Tiểu Cầu
About the Editor Philip Peng is a full professor in the Department of Anesthesia and Pain Management of the University of Toronto and is currently the director of Anesthesia Pain Program in Toronto Western Hospital and interim director of Wasser Pain Management Center. He has played an important role in the edu- cation of the pain medicine and established major teaching courses for pain in Canada such as the National Pain Refresher Course, Canadian Pain Interventional Course, and Ultrasound for Pain Medicine Course. The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) honored him with founder designation in pain medicine for his role in establishing pain medicine subspecialty in Canada. Besides, he currently serves as the chair of the Exam Committee in Pain Medicine in RCPSC and previously served as the chair of the Education Special Interest Group (SIG) of Canadian Pain Society and the founding executive of Pain Education SIG of International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP). He has been honored with numerous teaching awards at national and regional level. Dr. Philip Peng is also a leader and pioneer in the application of ultrasound for pain medicine. Being one of the founding fathers for Ultrasound for Pain Medicine (USPM) SIG for ASRA (American Society of Regional Anesthesia), he was involved in the establishment of the guideline for Education and Training for USPM, which was adopted by five continents. He is the chair for the new Ultrasound for Pain Medicine Exam Certificate and chair for the Musculoskeletal Pain Ultrasound Cadaver workshop for ASRA and has been the chair or main organizer for various major teaching courses for USPM, including satellite meeting of the World Congress on Pain, International Pain Congress, combined Canadian and British Pain Society Conference, International Symposium of Ultrasound for Regional Anesthesia (ISURA), and Canadian Pain Interventional Course. Furthermore, he has edited 7 books and published more than 150 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters.