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Nội dung text ILSW8- BÀI BỔ TRỢ UNIT 4.docx

ENGLISH TYP E PRONUNCIATION VIETNAMESE avalanche (n) /ˈævəlæntʃ/ tuyết lở blizzard (n) /ˈblɪzərd/ trận bão tuyết disaster (n) /dɪˈzæstər/ thảm họa disastrous (adj) /dɪˈzæstrəs/ thảm khốc drought (n): /draʊt/ hạn hán earthquake (n): /ˈɜ:rθkweɪk/ động đất flood (n): /flʌd/ lũ lụt flooded (adj): /ˈflʌdɪd/ bị ngập, úng heat wave (n): /ˈhi:t weɪv/ đợt nóng landslide (n): /ˈlændslaɪd/ sạt lở đất tsunami (n): /tsu:ˈnɑ:mi/ sóng thần typhoon (n): /taɪˈfu:n/ bão nhiệt đới wildfire (n): /ˈwaɪldfaɪər/ cháy rừng battery (n): /ˈbætəri/ pin board up (phr v): /bɔ:rd ˈʌp/ bịt kín (cửa, cửa sổ,…) bằng gỗ fire extinguisher (n): /ˈfaɪər ɪkˌstɪŋɡwɪʃə/ bình cứu hỏa emergency service (n): /ɪˈmɜ:rdʒənsi ˌsɜ:rvɪs/ dịch vụ cấp cứu, cứu hộ escape plan (n): /ɪˈskeɪp plæn/ sơ đồ thoát hiểm stock up (phr) /stɑ:k ʌp/ dự trữ first aid kit (n) /ˌfɜ:rst ˈeɪd kɪt/ bộ sơ cứu flashlight (n) /ˈflæʃlaɪt/ đèn pin supply (n) /səˈplaɪ/ sự cung cấp supply (v) /səˈplaɪ/ cung cấp supplier (n) /səˈplaɪə/ nhà cung cấp task (n) /tæsk/ nhiệm vụ supplies (n, pl) /səˈplaɪz/ nhu yếu phẩm expect (v) /ɪkˈspekt/ dự báo, cho là, kỳ vọng expectation (n) /ˌekspekˈteɪʃən/ sự kỳ vọng immediate (adj) /ɪˈmi:diət/ tức thời immediately (adv): /ɪˈmi:diətli/ ngay lập tức inform (v) /ɪnˈfɔ:rm/ thông báo
informative (adj) /ɪnˈfɔrmətɪv/ cung cấp nhiều information (n) /ˌɪnfərˈmeɪʃən/ thông tin warn (v) /wɔ:rn/ cảnh báo warning (n) /ˈwɔ:rnɪŋ/ sự cảnh báo earthquake landslide flashlight avalanche volcanic eruption fire extinguisher tropical storm thunder supplies tsunami typhoon first aid kit 1. flood 1- a. shaking of the surface of earth, caused by sudden movement in the Earth’s crust. 2. drought 2- b. a storm in which the air moves very quickly in a circle.
3. Wildfire 3- c. a fire in an area of combustible vegetation that occurs in the countryside or rural area. 4. Typhoon 4- d. Natural occurrences where an area or land that is become submerged in water. 5. Tsunami 5- e. Period of time when an area experiences below normal precipitation 6. Landslide 6- f. molten rock, ash and steam pour through a vent in the earth’s crust 7. Earthquak e 7- g. a series of waves in a water body caused by the displacement of a large volume of water 8. Volcanic eruption 8- h. a lot of rocks and earth fall down a hill. 9. tornado 9- i. A mass of snow, ice, and rock that falls down the side of a mountain 10. avalanche 10 - j. A large amount of wet earth that suddenly falls down a hill. 11. mudslide 11 - k. A very strong wind that goes quickly round in a circle or funnel. 12. blizzard 12 - l. a snowstorm with powerful wind 1. The waves of the_________ were so huge that it destroyed everything on the beach. A. tornado B. hurricane C. tsunami D. earthquake 2. Five skiers are missing after the_________ in the Alps. A. drought B. landslide C. flood D. avalanche 3. After the_________ all the houses were left under water. A. flood B. tornado C. typhoon D. mudslide 4. It took firefighters five days to put out the_________. A. hurricane B. forest fire C. tsunami D. drought 5. A period of 3- 4 months without rain will cause a severe_________. A. typhoon B. earthquake C. drought D. flood
The_________ picked up the car and threw it 100 meters into the air. That’s an incredibly strong wind! A. tornado B. volcanic eruption C. landslide D. typhoon The_________ shook parts of the region around Tokyo on Saturday. It was 5 on the Richter Scale. A. hurricane B. flood C. earthquake D. tornado 1. _________ occur when a large amount of water causes the rapid erosion of soil on a steep slope. A. Tsunamis B. Tornados C. Avalanches D. Mudslides 9. A big storm in the Pacific is known as a_________. A. avalanche B. typhoon C. tsunami D. tornado 10. Mount Merapi in Indonesia is a famous_________. A. landslide B. typhoon C. volcano D. tornado debris tornadoes disasters accommodation havoc victims mudslide property supplies flood 1. The_________ was overwhelming and the City was soon drowned. 2. The_________ was overwhelming and the City was soon drowned. 3. Teams of people are still clearing the_________ from damaged trees and houses after the tornado. 4. Temporary housing can be provided to victims when natural______ strike. 5. The storm wreaked_________ in the garden, uprooting trees and blowing a fence down. 6. _________can destroy buildings, flip cars, and create deadly flying debris. 6. Four people were reported killed when a buried their house. 7. Many people lost their homes due to the earthquake and are staying in temporary _________ until their houses are rebuilt. 8. Food, clean water and medical_________ arrived three days after the typhoon. 9. A natural disaster can cause loss of life or damage to_________. 10. The government is sending aid to flood_________.

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