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THE AST Lessont Clphone ndd Mank-1 ho 0ngto8n4 ehen M. Homel wamted do ge shtng, he gove-ham 2o13) ha da Ahad didM. Hamel do uhen he wanled to ching Ohen holiday k 1Shod Shad did idM. Hamel mite ol tha end o fha clost (2013 M. Homel wNote vive- ko france' at 4he end o the class. 3Shod wos uoHten m h meo copjes btought oy M. Hamel fok Aents m a beaudikd Hound hand (261+) A copies ton bought ce lsace, tramce, Alsace was toni4en in he me M Hamel oH he studens m a beaud u Mound hamd . Shd is he mame ethe blatksmith im 44Th Last esson /(2018) he mame he backsmith in he Last Lesson WacheM. 5. 8hat is he mame the tiven esson" (2019) tioned in The ast hmeThe Mame he HiveH meiened in és The ast dason Saa 6Lehod oH ds did M. Hamel wrlHe on the bla ckbead behone di gmis Sing The Losl Lesson hat did they mean (2010) hsM. Honel onote Vive la Hance on theblackbo akd beore dis mi S6ing the host Le sson" Ihey meom thal ng ive tance ttance. had accoKding o M. Hamel is the gteod touble wlh Al3 oce) (20)
An he qteat Frouble twth Alsace is that "She puk oleonng HomoHMOto 8-LBhad dtd fhanz dhimk oH a momend" (2016) AnsFO a moment fhang hougkte uning awa ond Spendingthe day eud thedook. 9 How lona did M. Hamel Heach in his school7 Pmu-M.Homel thugkt Pn fis scheol fondy 10. LShy wos ho as son caled The osesson "(2014 Juelyhe tile e The Lasesson asThee had Come PMom 18eulin o Heach ony yaHman in the Schoo elsace ond ornaine orm mex doy. o thad esson was hein ast Hiench ess on. esson was called he Less on be cause am ordler 11Teloededot sthool nfety lote had moning he is he T hene A-on2 s the T hexe. Manks:-2 ho t Ar wes: 1. hat ws hamz expecBedt be phepaned with fot school tha doy? (201s, 16, 12) tamz was expected to pHe pate a his Heachet had anhounced lesson on 6paticiples', M. Hame, poti ciples 0n had day. Ftan2 did mot even wond' oboud know the Rinst hem. He was expectimg 8colding tom MHamel on Ahd do that he would questiom hem on 2 hat did nan2 molice hat was unusual aboud the School 4ho
3 Han2 notlced many unus ual hina obou +he schoo that HHst, moHma ly wham +ho 3chod began hene wo muth comm oyh on, thich way missing tho dou. Second, s mut. ncheMM Homel had wohn his cotemonlalclothes, Third, hch wos mos4 Unus ua tha villoge people wene SHing teacheM on fhe back benches, whieh sene usualy e.mply on qwey ohen doui z 9ha had been pud up on he bulle in boond 2014) OR 1hat mews has been displayed on he oull e tin boondna las Hwoyeats in he Lost Lesson" OR Ghu did he people gadhen matont o he oull ein board OR shy wosthene o ctowd innont o the bulletin b0od? veryim pontanmt mews o public amnourncem en t_s put buetin- bood. FoH the lasB two yeots otcupat om, ol hein bad mews' had eme hom he. A up on the Sin ce enman mew OndeH HOm 0denlin im posed Hetman on the tench spea kimg people Alsace o, the people on a cHow d gathen e mton o the bulletin board. Schoo 4.hat changes did the onden trom UeMlin cause in, had 8a(2012) ing he onden trtom loenlin Caused a gheat dismay in he Scheol thot day.Tt ups e all the studlens M. Hamthe class Heachen was gHealy dly agHaded. his mews upset eveybody.The feachen wantd o give he studens all he kne betone 01) ay. He elH 3oHto oM he megli gence ohe FHench ang uages.h oHdemHo 0Serlin wos thod now em waxds, hsehool NlSace omd oHMaine would |teach yeman O di m2 keelings abodM. Homl ond school change
Ahntram2 eeling! aboud M. amd omd school wene olally changedmow e ONden tom 1eMlin otoued polhioic edling m hih. e Suddenly deloped a sromge oscinadionon Wis language ond Ychool. Jls books toafd hold uiands mou.euddeny ores lespecd fon M. lamd He even Hongel all aboud ulor.e aho igno Mad hou CHOn ki M. mol wab OR Came to knowhal it wos the la st lesson n ren ch thad next day h wil be HOn2 M.Hame would give hem. Ghom the Only Haugkt omy Genman. lhen te e Jt 3omy eh not le atning his leasons pkope rdy. Hs books, which seemed a muusance omd abutd en ea1lie wene mew old iends.i3 eelings oboud M.Homd also changed. He ohegot all oboudis rdiler amd houd crankyho was 6. 19hy did achten, the blacksmith Helltramz that he wouldl Heach school in plend +ime'? A UJach ten,the blacksmith told an2 mot to huMNy Sche o ddecause te wos olH 0ady known ab od tho laf osl neos PHom h bull ein boad which0 had come ttom 3eMlin ts6 leach ony enman in he 8chool 8a ce amd oHHane ond tho ew mastet hm ha he Com es to m6tto uw, o, Wachtet o ld wo wd teach tha school 1m plen-y oHme, 7 19had was ha Commotion at ham2 onticipated In he cla sShoom, (2013,1 he as-he gHeat oustle tahich could o 0ening omd be haard od m the street, th closing e desks, less ons hepeated in unison, am feoche's gneod Huh topping n the +talble. Ihese wera the ubua COmm otionthod Han2 omtcip ot ed 2.19hat Ai M. HamelSa obod ha rench longuage (2013) OR 1had one . Pomel's vieus abou the Hrench longuoage /(2016 OR

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