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GLOBAL SUCCESS 9 UNIT 5:CITY LIFE 1 UNIT 2: CITY LIFE WORD PRONUNCIATION MEANING bustling (adj) /ˈbʌslɪŋ/ hối hả, nhộn nhịp, náo nhiệt carry out /ˈkæri aʊt/ tiến hành (nghiên cứu, nhiệm vụ) come down with (v) /kʌm daʊn wɪð/ bị ốm (vì bệnh gì) concrete jungle (n) /ˌkɒŋkriːt ˈdʒʌŋɡl/ rừng bê tông (dùng để miêu tả một khu vực có nhiều nhà cao tầng) congested (adj) /kənˈdʒestɪd/ tắc nghẽn (giao thông) construction site (n) /kənˈstrʌkʃn saɪt/ công trường xây dựng downtown (n) /ˌdaʊnˈtaʊn/ khu trung tâm  thành phố, thị trấn get around /ɡet əˈraʊnd/ đi xung quanh (khu vực), di chuyển từ nơi này đến nơi khác hang out with /hæŋ aʊt wɪð/ đi chơi (cùng ai) hygiene (n) /ˈhaɪdʒiːn/ vệ sinh, vấn đề vệ sinh itchy (adj) /ˈɪtʃi/ ngứa, gây ngứa leftover (n) /ˈleftəʊvə/ thức ăn thừa liveable (adj) /ˈlɪvəbl/ (nơi, địa điểm) đáng sống metro (n) /ˈmetrəʊ/ hệ thống tàu điện ngầm pricey (adj) /ˈpraɪsi/ đắt đỏ process (v) /ˈprəʊses/ xử lí public amenities /ˈpʌblɪk əˈmiːnətiz/ những tiện ích công cộng rush hour (n) /ˈrʌʃ aʊə/ giờ cao điểm sky train /skaɪ treɪn/ tàu điện trên không tram (n) /træm/ xe điện underground (n) /ˌʌndəˈɡraʊnd/ (hệ thống) tàu điện ngầm I.DOUBLE COMPARATIVES. Dịch nghĩa : càng…………………….thì càng………..………….. +)short adj.( adv.)( Tính từ hoặc trạng từ ngắn )
GLOBAL SUCCESS 9 UNIT 5:CITY LIFE 2 the + adj. ( adv.) + er + s + v , the + adj. ( adv.) + er + s + v Eg. The cooler it is , the better I feel. +)long adj. ( adv.)(Tính từ hoặc trạng từ dài) the more + adj.( adv.) + s+ v , the more + adj. ( adv. ) + s + v Eg. The more interesting football matches are, the more popular they become. DOUBLE COMPARATIVES I.Choose the underlined part that is incorrect 1.The faster Mr Buong finishes his work, the soon he can leave. A B C D 2. The more they advertise, the least expensive things are.. A B C D 3.The more he earns, the most happy he is. A B C D 4. His father’s health gets worst and worst. A B C D 5. The fastest you drive, the greater danger you get. A B C D 6.The larger the room is, more people can sit in it. A B C D 7. The more I live with him, the most I love him. A B C D 8.The harder he tried, the worst he danced before the large audience. A B C D 9. The most we work, the more money we earn. A B C D 10. The higher the temperature of a molecule is, the more energy has it. A B C D Choose the correct option to complete each sentence 11. The more you water this plant, the________it will grow. A. faster B.best C.tall D. wetter 12. the more manufactures advertise, ________they sell. A. the most products B. the products more C. the more products D. most products 13.The greater the demand, ________the price. A. the highest B. the high C. higher D. the higher 14. She lives a flat in the _______ , so it is very convenient for her to work in the city centre. A. subburb B.downtown C. countryside D.mountain 15. The larger the road is, ________can participate in transportation. A. its most people B. its more people C. the most people D. the more people 16. The more you pull on it, ________it gets, A. the tightest B. the tighter C. the more tightest D. the most tightest 17. The …..things are produced, the________price are. A. more/ cheaper B. most/ cheapest C. much/ cheap D. many/ cheaper 18. The city centre is _______at the weekend, so we can’t drive safely. A.packed B. small C.quiet D.noisy 19. The harder you try, ________results you get. A. the better B. better C. more better D. the more better 20.The smaller the room is, ________furniture it needs. A. less B. little C. the less D. the fewer 21. The more you talk about the matter, ________ A. the situation seems worse C. the worse the situation seems
GLOBAL SUCCESS 9 UNIT 5:CITY LIFE 3 B. the worse seems the situation D. the situation seems the worse 22. The more Mr Buong studies, ________knows about the world. A. the better knowledge B. the better he C. the more things D. the more knowledge 23. The higher one rises in the atmosphere, ________the temperature generally becomes. A. the colder B. colder than C. the colder as D. the colder is 24. ________people use their computer, ________self-confident they become. A.More and more/ more and more B. The most/ the least C. The more / the more D. More/ and more 25.________electricity you use, ________your bill will be. A. The more / the higher B. The most / the higher C. The more / the high D. More / higher 26.When we pay a visit to Hoi An city, we often _________its downtown. A.look after B.find out C.pass down D.look around 27. The younger you are, ________it is to learn. A. easier B. you are easier C. the easier D. the easy 28. _______ the task becomes, the more determined I am to complete it. A.The more hard B. more difficult C.harder D. The harder 29. The faster the car drives, ______ the engine is. A. the louder B.the more loudly C. more loudly D. loudly 30. The colder the weather gets, ______ my hat becomes. A. warm B. the warmer C. more warmly D.the warmly 31. ______ I wake up, the fresher I feel. A.The more early B.The early C.The more earlier D. The earlier 32. The _____ I am, the smoother the event runs. A. more carefully B. more careful C. carefully D. more carefuler 33. _______I finish my work, the sooner I can relax. A.The soon B.The more soon C. The sooner D.Sooner 34. ______ I am, the better my chances of getting a good seat. A. The earlier B.The more early C The early D. More early 35. / Ms Nga is, the better she understands the speaker. A. The attentively B. attentive C. The more attentively D. The more attentive 36. ________ time you spend on social media, the worse at English you are. A. The less B. lesser C. The lesser D.The more little 37. The ______ experience you have, the less training you'll need. A.more B.much C.many D.less 38. ______ we are, the less traffic we encounter. A. The earlier B. The early C. The more early D. The more earlier 39.________ time I spend on my phone, the more time I have for other activities. A. lesser B. The less C. The lesser D.The more less 40. ________ I start my day, the more I accomplish. A.The more early B. The earlier C. The more earlier D. more earlier 41.There are too many high buildings with overpopulation. It looks a ________. A.public amenity B.sky train C.metro D.concrete jungle 42. / I am at the airport, the smoother the check-in process is. A.The early B. more early C. The earlier D.The more early 43. _______time I spend watching TV, the more time I have for hobbies. A. The less B.The lesser C. lesser D.The more lesser Phrase verbs 44. "Could you please ___ the lights? It's too dark in here." A. turn off B. turn on C. turn over D.turn up 45. "She decided to ___ smoking last year and hasn't had a cigarette since." A. give off B. give out C. give up D.give on
GLOBAL SUCCESS 9 UNIT 5:CITY LIFE 4 46. "Don't forget to ___ your shoes before entering the house." A. take off B. take on C. cut down on D.come down with 47. "Can you ___ the TV? I can't hear the news." A. turn up B. turn down C. turn over D.turn into 48. "I'll ___ you at the train station at 5 PM." A. pick off B. pick up C.turn into D. pick out 49. "Mr Buong needs to ___ his sister's birthday party because he's feeling unwell." A. go off B. put off C.call off D.see off 50. "He decided to ___ his job and travel around the world." A. get around B. carry out C.hang out with D. give up 51. "I'll ___ the music if it's too loud for you." A. turn up B. turn over C. turn down D.turn on 52. "We need to ___ this project by the end of the month." A. hand over B. hand out C. hand in D.hang out 53. "I'll ___ you at the airport when you arrive." A. pick off B. pick up C.wait for D. pick out PARTICLES 54. "She looked ______ the window to see the bird flying." A.at B. over C. up D. out of 55. "He ran ______ the street to catch the bus." A. over B. across C. into D. in 56. "Please turn _______ the volume on the TV.I am studying." A. up B. off C.over D. down 57. "He walked ______ the park." A. up B. down C.over D. through 58. "The kids played ______ the playground." A. at B. on C. in D.over 59. "He fell ______ the stairs.He was painful." A. on B. down C. off D.above 60. "She hung the picture ______ the wall." A. above B. on C. across D.over 61. "The ball rolled ______ the hill." A. up B. off C.over D. down 62. "He turned ______ the offer because it wasn't good enough." A. on B. down C. off D.into 63. "The dog chased ______ the cat." A. over B. through C. after D.under 64. "He walked _____ the street to get to the other side." A. across B. over C. through D.under 65. "She looked ______ the mirror and smiled." A. at B. in C. on D.after 66. "She turned _______ the light before leaving the room." A. on B. up C.into D. off 67. "The ball rolled ______ the hill and into the valley." A. up B. down C. off D.in 68. "She turned _______ the invitation because she had other plans." A. on B. off C. down D.into 69. "She looked _______ the window and saw the rain pouring down." A. through B. in C. at D.under FURTHER PRACTICE 70. On children Festival, the zoo is always ________with people mainly children.

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