Nội dung text IMP VIVA QUESTION - PYTHON.pdf
www.YouTube.com/@pradnyasclass IMPORTANT VIVA QUESTIONS ON PYTHON 1. Who developed Python? Guido van Rossum in 1991. 2. What is Python? Python is a high-level, interpreted, dynamic, Object-Oriented Programming language. 3. Is Python a compiler language or an interpreter language? Python is an interpreted language. 4. What are the built-in data types available in Python? Numbers, Strings, Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries 5. What are the two modes to work with Python? (i) Interactive mode (ii) Script mode 6. What are mutable data types of Python? Lists, Sets, and Dictionaries 7. What are immutable data types of Python? Strings, Tuples, Numeric 8. What is string? String is a sequence of characters. 9. Differentiate between list and tuples. ✓ Lists are mutable whereas tuples are immutable ✓ Lists use square brackets [ ] and tuples use round brackets ( ) 10. What is slicing in python? Python slicing is the process of extracting elements from the given sequence.