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REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. What is the sample for compressive strength determination of a structural concrete? Answer: concrete cylinder sample 2. What is the test to determine the consistency of concrete? Answer: Slump test 3. What is the length required for RSB sample for quality test? Answer: 1.0 m/10,000kg/size/shipment 4. How many samples should be taken for every 75 cu.m fresh concrete? Answer: 1 set consist of 3-pcs sample 5. What is the required size of test specimen for G.I. sheets? Answer: 3 pcs-60mm x 60mm in 1 sht/100shts 6. What kind of paint that has a reflectance or beads? Answer: Reflectorized paint 7. What is that construction material that has a property of being a dark brown to black cementitious material in which the predominating substance is bitumen? Answer: asphalt 8. For how long or how many hours shall a bituminous prime coat be left undisturbed? Answer: 24 hours 9. What is the rate of application of bituminous tack coat? Answer: 0.2 to 0.7 L/sq. m 10. What is the penetration grade of blown asphalt? Answer: 0 to 30 penetration grade 11. What kind of sample is taken for flexural test? Answer: concrete beam sample 12. What are the tests needed for the 2.650 cu.m Item 201 (Aggregate Base Course)? Answer: CBR, abrasion, GPCD 13. How many grading tests are required for a 3,200 cu.m selected borrow topping (Item 104)? Answer: 3 grading tests 14. As a materials Engineer, what will you recommend if you find out that the materials to be used as Item 200 if finer than the required materials? Answer: blend Item 200 with coarser materials 15. What is the standard specification for LL and PI of Item 201? Answer: maximum of 25% and maximum of 6% respectively 16. What is the CBR requirement for Item 201? Answer: 80% maximum 17. What asphalt is used for sealing weaken plane joint of concrete pavement? Answer: Blown Asphalt 18. What is Item 311 of the DPWH Specification (Blue Book)? Answer: Portland Cement Concrete Pavement 19. What is the machine used for abrasion test? Answer: Los Angeles Abrasion Machine 20. How to determine the degree of compaction of Items 104, 200, & 201? Answer: by Field Density Test 21. What is the formula in obtaining the value of PI? Answer: Liquid Limit minus Plastic Limit 22. What are the other terms for sieve analysis? Answer: Grading Test, Particle Size Distribution Test, Mechanical Analysis 23. What is the degree of compaction of the soil if the wet density is 2,200 kg/m3 , with an actual moisture content of 10.2% and a maximum dry density of 1,960 kg/m3? Answer: 101.86% dry den = wet den/mc+1 deg c =dd/mdd
24. How many concrete cores shall be taken for one (1) kilometer concrete pavement? Answer: 5 holes/km/lane 25. What is the moisture content of the soil having an original weight of 162.5 grams and an oven – dried weight of 138.2 grams? 162.5-138.2/138.2 Answer: 17.58% 26. If the group index of a soil is high, what indication does it mean? Answer: the soil is clayey 27. As a Materials Engineer, how can you determine that the sample placed in the oven is already oven – dried? Answer: if the sample reaches its constant weight 28. In oven drying a sample for test, what temperature shall be maintained? Answer: 110 ± 5°C 29. Why is it that cooling an oven dried sample before weighing is advisable? Answer: because it can affect its weight 30. What is the difference between hygroscopic moisture content from natural moisture content? Answer: HYGROSCOPIC MOISTURE CONTENT is the moisture content of an air – dried sample while NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT is the moisture content of the original sample from the field. 31. For how many bags of cement does a 10 kgs sample arepresents? Answer: 2000 bags 32. For 15, 000 kgs RSB, how many samples shall be submitted for Quality Test? Answer: 2 pcs – 1 m sample 33. An admixture is being introduced to the fresh concrete mixture for heavily reinforced concrete structure using a pump Crete to pump out the fresh concrete mix, what admixture should it be? Answer: Super plasticizer 34. What is the use of blown asphalt? Answer: as joint filler and water proofing 35. What asphalt is commonly known as hot asphalt or penetration grade asphalt? Answer: Asphalt Cement 36. How many days does the sample for Immersion – Compression Test be soaked in water? Answer: 4 days @ 50°C 37. If ductility test is for asphalt, _____ is for cement? Answer: Magnesium Oxide, Insoluble Residue, Loss on Ignition 38. Paint is composed of _____ Answer: 35% vehicle, 50% pigment, 15% beads 39. What is the size of tamping rod used in tamping concrete sample? Answer: 16 mm Ø and 610 mm long with hemispherical tip 40. What is the temperature to be maintained when curing sample after its initial curing? Answer: 23°C ± 1.7°C 41. Concrete cylinders are cured and ready for test. Temperature between 63°F to 85°F are permitted for a period not to exceed _____ hours immediately prior to test if free moisture is maintained on the surface of the specimen at all times. Answer: three (3) 42. The molds of specimen not to be transported shall be removed after initial curing of _____ hours and should be cured to the standard curing temperature of 73.4 °F ± 3°F Answer: Twenty – four (24) 43. High plasticity index means _____ of a soil? Answer: high degree of compressibility 44. Sample to be used for liquid limit and plastic limit tests should pass to what sieve? Answer: No. 40 (0.425 mm)
45. What compaction rammer shall used if the specs given for Moisture – Density Relation Test (MDR) is T – 180? Answer: 4.54 kg with 457 mm drop 46. A bean mold measuring 6” x 6” x 20 is to be used for sampling concrete, how many blows/tamps per layer shall be applied? Answer: 60 blows/layer if 21in=63blows 47. If asphalt mix having a weight of 3,020g and an aggregate weighing 2,865.98g, what is the % asphalt by weight of mix? Answer: 5.10% 48. What is the material used for Bituminous Prime Coat? Answer: Cut – back asphalt 49. In Item 303, application of cover aggregates shall be evenly spread over the surface at the rate of approximately _____? Answer: 0.004 to 0.007 m3/m2 50. Applying the tolerance of 0.4% for asphalt content to your answer in prob. 47, what is the acceptable range of asphalt content? Answer: 4.7% to 5.5% 51. An embankment having a PI of 30%, LL of 40% and GI of 0, what is the degree of compaction for this kind of soil? Answer: 95% degree of compaction 52. The minimum cement factor for concrete Class “A” is 9 bags/cu.m, how about for concrete Class “B”? Answer: 8 bags/cu.m 53. Quality control testing in a DPWH project is the responsibility of the_____? Answer: Contractor 54. As Materials Engineer, when is the right time to start sampling and testing aggregates? Answer: Once the source is identified 55. The minimum compressive strength for concrete Class “P” is 5,000 psi, what is the minimum compressive strength for concrete Class “C”? Answer: 3,000 psi 56. The volume of concrete mixer per batch shall not exceed the mixer’s nominal capacity in cu.m as shown on the manufacturer’s standard plate on the mixer, except that an overload up to _____ percent above the mixer’s nominal capacity may be permitted provided concrete test data for strength, segregation, and uniform consistency are satisfactory, and provided that no spillage of concrete takes place. Answer: Ten (10) 57. Where do we take additional cores when the measurement of any core taken from pavement is deficient in thickness by more than 25 mm? Answer: at no less than 5 meter intervals parallel to the centerline in each direction from the affected location 58. Under what climatic condition do we use lower penetration grade or hard asphalt? Answer: hot climate (cold climate – higher penetration grade or soft asphalt) 59. What is the basis for the acceptance or rejection of any construction material? Answer: Materials test results/reports 60. Penetration test is for asphalt: cement is to _____? Answer: consistency 61. Slump test is a very important test in fresh concrete to determine _____? Answer: consistency of concrete 62. How many samples should be taken for an asphalt mix for each full day’s operation? Answer: at least one but not to exceed three samples 63. The thickness of asphalt core using a caliper is based on how many measurements? Answer: four (4)
64. The thickness of concrete core using a caliper is based on how many measurements? Answer: nine (9) 65. Failed samples do not necessarily mean that the structure it represents is defective, why? Answer: may be the sampling is incorrect 66. The specification calls for a 1: 2:4 concrete mix. In a one bagger mixer, which of the following amount of water is most likely required for the mix? Answer: 20 liters 67. The spot test on asphalt is used to determine ______. Answer: overheating during the process of manufacture 68. How many samples shall be submitted for test if 315 pails of flat wall enamel paint are to be used in the project? Answer: four (4) pails 69. Aggregate Sub – base course has a volume of 5, 000 cu.m and to be laid in a 15cm compacted depth. How many samples shall be submitted for CBR test and for sieve analysis? Answer: 2 samples for CBR and 17 samples for sieve analysis 70. How many samples shall be submitted for quality test if 60 tons of Bituminous Prime Coat is to be used in the project? Answer: Two (2) samples 71. How many compaction tests shall be conducted for Item 201 having a volume of 8,250 cu.m? Answer: Six (6) compaction tests 72. What composed of Materials Quality Control Monthly Reports? Answer: Summary of field tests and status of test 73. What is the required mixing of mortar for Item 505 (Stone Masonry)? Answer: 1 part cement and 2 parts sand by volume with sufficient water 74. What is the required mixing of mortar for Item 500 (Pipe Culverts and Storm Drains)? Answer: 1 part cement and 2 parts sand by volume with sufficient water 75. Before the project starts, the materials Engineer or the technician must have a program on how many samples for each item of work should be tested based on the minimum testing requirements. What program or report is this? Answer: Quality Control Program 76. If sample splitter is not available for use in reducing samples for test, what is the alternative way of reducing sample for testing size? Answer: apply quartering method and get two opposite sides as sample 77. The road will not be opened to traffic until test specimens molded and cured have attained the minimum strength requirements. If such tests are not conducted prior to the specified age the pavement shall not be operated to traffic until _____ days after the concrete was placed. Answer: Fourteen (14) 78. As the work progresses, the Materials Engineer should know how many sample has been submitted and tested and how many samples are to be submitted, in other words the ME must refer to what report so that he/she may be updated on the balance and on file quality test of the construction materials being used in the project? Answer: Status of Test 79. It is the minimum moisture content at which the soil can be molded without breaking or crumbling up to 1/8” (3.2 mm). Answer: Plastic Limit 80. The _____ is expressed as the moisture content corresponding to 25 blows. Answer: Liquid Limit 81. The concrete has been tested for consistency by the use of a slump cone with base and tamping rod. After the test, the height of concrete measured is 178 mm. what is the slump of the concrete? Answer: 127 mm

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