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Nội dung text [QTKD FTU] TÀI LIỆU ÔN APS - by TND

A. Các môn Quản trị I. Fundamentals of Management: 1. What is Organization?: Organization is a group of people working together in a specific structure to achieve goals. ● Common characteristics: - Distinct purposes - People working together - A deliberate systematic structure - Management ● Organization is an open system => need to interact effectively with the external environment (government, customers, competitors/rivals, suppliers, substitutes) 2. What is Management? Management is the process of working with and through people to accomplish organizational goals. Effectiveness (hiệu quả) Efficiency (hiệu suất) Ends (goals) Do right things Means (methods) Do things right => Manager achieve goals by engaging in the 4 functions (POLC): ● Manager: Individuals in organizations who direct the activities of others. They were the organizational members who told others what to do and how to do it - Top Manager: Responsible for making decisions about the direction of the organization (President, Chief Executive Officer,...) + set up long term plans + evaluate the overall performance of all departments + select key personnel - Middle Manager: manage the activities of other managers. (District manager, division manager...) + considered as the bridge between top & first-line managers
+ set up medium-term goals and plans, prepare long-term plans for top managers to review + evaluate the performance of their departments/divisions - First-line Manager: responsible for directing non-managerial employees (Supervisor, Team leader....) + set up short-term goals and plans + supervise specific operations and daily activities + work closely with non-managerial employees ● Four Management Functions: - Planning: defining the organizational purpose and ways to achieve it. => setting goals and deciding how to achieve them => deliver strategic values Most important: the foundation + establishing the goals - Organizing: the process of arranging and structuring human and non-human resources so that plans can be carried out successfully => building a dynamic organization - Leading: the process of influencing others to engage in the necessary behaviors to reach the organizational goals. => Motivate, mobilize, support, train, punish employees - Controlling: the process of monitoring organizational activities so that actual performance conforms to the expected organizational standards and goals. => ensure that goals are done and work goes well by evaluate performance of employees and observe employees working ● ROLES OF MANAGER: - Interpersonal roles - liên kết con người: interact with their employees for the purpose of achieving organizational goals: + figurehead - người đại diện + leader - người lãnh đạo + liaison - /liˈeɪ.zɒn/: trung tâm liên lạc - Informational roles - vai trò thông tin: the managerial role involves the processing of information which means that they send, pass on and analyze information:
+ monitor - người + disseminator / /dɪˈsem.ɪ.neɪ.tər/: người truyền tin (bên trong DN) + spokesperson: người phát ngôn (bên ngoài DN) - Decisional roles - vai trò quyết định: entrepreneur, resource allocation, negotiator ● SKILLS MANAGERS NEED: - Conceptual skills (kỹ năng nhận thức và tư duy): to analyze complex situations => visualize an organization as a whole, understand the relationship among various subunits and recognize how the organization fits into its broader environment (industry, community & world) - Interpersonal Skills: communicate, motivate, mentor and delegate (đại biểu) => ability to work well with other people both individually and in a group - Technical skills: based on specialized knowledge required for work => job-specific knowledge and techniques needed to proficiently perform work tasks => important for 1st-line manager - Political skills: used to build a power base and establish connections ● SKILL NEEDED AT DIFFERENT MANAGERIAL LEVELS: - Top: deal with ideas, strategies goals => conceptual - Middle: communicate, monitor => human skill - Lower: direct non-managerial employees with specific tasks => technical
In reality, a manager’s job varies with along several dimensions (thay đổi theo nhiều khía cạnh) ● IMPORTANCE OF LEARNING MANAGEMENT: - all of us have a vested interest in improving the way organizations are managed - organizations that are well-managed find ways to prosper even in challenging economic times - most of students will become managers or are managed ● FACTOR THAT RESHAPE AND REFINE MANAGEMENT: Today managers must deal with: - changing workplaces - ethical and trust issues - global economic uncertainties - changing technologies

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