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Nội dung text [Springboard] Phrasal Verb List #2

PHRASAL VERBS LIST | #2 VOCABULARY LEVEL : C2 Word Fizzle out Definition : To gradually lose momentum or energy and come to nothing Synonym : Peter out, dwindle, die down Example in a sentence : The initial enthusiasm for the project fizzled out after a few months. Word Hone in one Definition : To focus closely on st specific Synonym : pinpoint, zero in on, target Example in a sentence : The detectives honed in on the susoect’s alibi after discovering inconsistencies. Word Thrash out Definition : To discuss st thoroughly and sometimes vigorously to reach an agreement Synonym : hash out, iron out, hammer out Example in a sentence : The team thrashed out the contract details throughout the night until they reached a compromise. Word Definition : To control or manage something with difficulty.
Wrangle in Synonym : corral, rein in, keep under control Example in a sentence : The CEO had to wrangle in the company's finances after a period of rapid expansion. Word Ferry across Definition : To transport someone or something by boat across a body of water. Synonym : convey, transport, ship Example in a sentence : The refugees were ferried across the border to safety. Word Run up Definition : To accumulate quickly, often referring to debt. Synonym : accrue, pile up, rack up Example in a sentence : The company's legal fees ran up quickly during the lawsuit. Word Play into Definition : To contribute to something, often unintentionally. Synonym : feed into, facilitate, pave the way for Example in a sentence : The leaked emails played into the politician's downfall.
Word See through Definition : To complete something to the end, despite difficulties. Synonym : persevere, push through, follow through Example in a sentence : She saw through her education even when faced with financial challenges. Word Fringe upon Definition : To slightly violate or encroach upon something, often a rule or right. Synonym : infringe on, trespass on, breach Example in a sentence : The new policy fringes upon the employees' freedom of speech. Word Cast aspersions on Definition : To suggest that someone is not honest or trustworthy, often without evidence. Synonym : discredit, malign, blacken someone's name Example in a sentence : He refused to cast aspersions on his colleague without clear proof. Word Drum up Definition : To generate interest or support for st Drum up: (Meaning) To generate interest or support for something. (Synonym) Generate, garner, stir up. (Example) He drummed up support
for the new initiative by giving passionate speeches Synonym : generate, garner, stir up Example in a sentence : He drummed up support for the new initiative by giving passionate speeches. Word Hone in on Definition : To focus closely on something specific. Synonym : Zero in on, pinpoint, target Example in a sentence : The detectives honed in on the suspect's alibi after finding inconsistencies.

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