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09. STRATEGIES FOR ENHANCEMENT IN FOOD PRODUCTION 1. Milk yield from cattle depends on all of the following except: (a) Purchasing cattle which can do better fieldwork (b) Proper sanitation and vaccination (c) Fodder quality and quantity (d) Quality of breeds 2. Management of animals for milk and its products for human consumption is (a) Dairying (b) Dairy farm management (c) Milching (d) Blue revolution 3. Agricultural practice of breeding and raising livestock is: (a) Artificial insemination (b) Animal husbandry (c) Super ovulation (d) Farmyard management 4. 70% of world livestock population is found in: (a) India (b) Africa (c) India and Africa (d) India and China 5. Poultry is the class of domesticated birds. Most common is .....A.... and another being ....B.... . Most commonly reared exotic breed of A in India is .....C...... . (a) A -Chicken, B - Turkey (b) A -Chicken, C - Jersey (c) B -Duck, C - Leghorn (d) B -Turkey, C - Leghorn 6. Hisardale is a new breed of sheep, developed by crossing of: (a) Corriedale/ Lincoln (b) Ganjam/Marino (c) Bikaneri/Marino (d) Lincoln/Corriedale 7. Identify the pair of inter-specific hybrids: (a) Hisardale, Mule (b) Leghorn, Jersey (c) Marin, Jersey (d) Mule, Hinny 8. Semen, which is collected for artificial insemination in cattle” (a) Can also be used later if frozen (b) Can be used later if not frozen (c) Can be used immediately only (d) Requires extensive chemical treatment before insemination 9. Group of animals that are related by decent and similar in most of characters like size. Configuration, morphology, etc., constitute. (a) Breed (b) Variety (c) Species (d) Genus 10. Inbreeding occurs: (a) Within members of same breed (b) Between members of different breed of same species (c) Between members of breeds of different species (d) Between members of different species but same genus 11. Incorrect about inbreeding: (a) Mating is done between the closely related individuals of same breed (b) Continued breeding results in reduced fertility
(c) Inbreeding increases heterozygosity (d) Inbreeding results in pure line 12. Jersey is an important breed of: (a) Poultry (b) Cattle (c) Goat (d) Buffalo 13. In case of inbreeding, mating is done in members of same breed for: (a) 1-2 generations (b) 4-6 generation (c) 8-10 generations (d) 10-15 generations 14. For inbreeding, superior males and superior females of same breed are identified for mating. What does superior female means in case of cattle? (a) A diseases resistant cow (b) Less fodder consuming cow (c) More height and well built up cow (d) A cow producing more milk per lactation 15. For the purpose of inbreeding in cattle, those bulls are chosen which: (a) Are more muscular (b) Can give rise to better progeny (c) Have never become sick (d) Are more heavier than others 16. Inbreeding becomes necessary when: (a) We want to evolve pure line (b) We want a hybrid better than parent (c) We want to create new traits (d) We want to create new species 17. Breeding between the members of same breed but not having common ancestory is: (a) Out crossing (b) Inbreeding (c) Cross- breeding (d) Inter-specific hybridization 18. Hisardale is a breed of .....A..... and result of ....B..... . (a) Goat, Out-crossing (b) Goat, Cross-crossing (c) Sheep, Out-crossing (d) Sheep, Cross-breeding 19. During application of multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer Technology (MOET) on cattle, hormones having ........ like activity are used to induce follicular maturation. (a) FSH (b) LH (c) TSH (d) Prl 20. When hormone induced super ovulation is done in cattle during application of MOET, how many ovums undergo ovulation? (a) 2-3 (b) 6-8 (c) 10-15 (d) 25-30 21. In Multiple ovulation Embryo Transfer (MOET) in cattle, fertilized eggs at ......... celled stage are ........ obtained from the cow and then transferred to the surrogate mothers. (a) 2 - 4 surgically (b) 2-4, non- surgically (c) 8-32 surgically (d) 8-32, non-surgically 22. Blue revolution is related with: (a) Pisciculture (b) Agriculture (c) Horticulture (d) Silviculture
23. Identify the option with incorrect information: (a) Hisardale- Breed of sheep (b) Hilsa- Freshwater edible fish (c) Mackerel-Marine water edible fish (d) Jersey- Breed of cattle 24. How many of the given fishes are marine? [Catia, Mackerel, Sardine, Hilsa, Pomfret, Rohu, Common Carp] (a) Two (b) Three (c) Four (d) Five 25. Most common species reared in apiculture is: (a) Apis indica (b) Apis mellifera (c) Apis florae (d) Apis dorsata 26. Which set represents the common freshwater edible fishes? (a) Catia and pomfrets (b) Rohu and Catla (c) Mackerel and pomfrets (d) Sardines and Rohu 27. Which of the following is most important factor for milk productions? (a) Breed of animal (b) Hygiene of animal (c) Feed of animal (d) Disease resistance in animal 28. Incorrect about apiculture is: (a) It is labour intensive (b) It is an age old cottage industry (c) It is an established income generation industry (d) In can also increase crop yield in addition to honey yield 29. Which set of crops is pollinated by bees? (a) Apple, Sunflower (b) Brassica, Calotropis (c) Pear, Yucca (d) Oxalis, Calotropis 30. Products obtained from honeybee: (a) Honey, lac (b) Beeswax, lac (c) Honey, beeswax (d) Honey only 31. Some improved breeds of animal are shown below. Select the option with correct identification. A B (a ) Surti Catia (b ) Jersey Leghor n (c ) New Hampshire Assel (d ) Murrah Ayrshir e 32. Correctly identify the given hybrid:
(a) Mule (b) Liger (c) Zebronky (d) Tigon 33. Beeswax is commercially used for: (a) Cosmetics and polishes (b) Gramophone records (c) Bangles and insulating material (d) Utensils 34. In which of the following set of fishes, all are marine? (a) Rohu, Sardines, pomfrets, Hilsa (b) Common Carp, Pomfrets, Mackerel, Hilsa (c) Sardines, Rohu, Mackerel, Catla (d) Hilsa, Sardines, Mackerel and Pomfrets 35. Fisheries include rearing, catching and selling of: (a) Finned fishes only (b) Shelled fishes only (c) Finned and shelled fishes (d) Finned fishes, shelled fishes and crustaceans 36. Breeding between the animals of same breed but having no common ancestors is termed as: (a) Inbreeding (b) Out-crossing (c) Cross breeding (d) Inter-specific hybridization 37. Which product of honeybees is having high nutritive value and medicinal value both? (a) Honey (b) Beeswax (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Bee venom 38. Hisardale is a new breed of .......A....... developed in .....B...... state of India. A B (a ) Sheep Punjab (b ) Sheep Haryan a (c ) Buffal o Punjab (d ) Buffal o Haryan a 39. Identify a marine edible fish: (a) Hilsa (b) Catla (c) Rohu (d) Common carp 40. In spite of having about 70% of livestock, contribution of India and china in world farm produces is merely: (a) 5% (b) 15% (c) 25% (d) 45% 41. Which set of animals are commonly reared as livestock? (a) Cattle, sheep, Camel, Fishes, Goat (b) Camel, Sheep, pigs, Horses, Goat, Cattle (c) Poultry birds, Cattle, Sheep, pigs Horses (d) Goats, Elephants, sheep, pigs, Horses

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