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Organisms and Populations  Digital www.allendigital.in [ 29 ] 1. The population of an insect species shows an explosive increase in numbers during rainy season followed by its disappearance at the end of the season. What does this show ? (1) The population of its predators increases enormously (2) S-shaped or sigmoid growth of this insect (3) The food plants mature and die at the end of the rainy season. (4) Its population growth curve is of J-type 2. The formula for exponential population growth is - (1) dt rN dN = (2) dN dt rN = (3) rN dt dN = (4) dN rN dt = 3. Regarding life history variations. Which among the following is incorrect ? (1) Breeding once in life time — Bamboo (2) Breeding many times in life time — Birds (3) Production in large number of small size offspring — Mammals (4) Production in small number of large size offspring — Birds 4. dN K N rN dt N   − =     In above equation K N N   −     represent :- (1) Carrying capacity (2) Environmental resistance (3) Rate of change in population density (4) Instrinsic rate of growth 5. In a pond there are 400 lotus plant last year, through reproduction 16 new lotus plants are added, taking the current population to 416, then calculate the birth rate. (1) 0.4 offspring per year (2) 0.6 offspring per year (3) 0.08 offspring per year (4) 0.04 offspring per year 6. A country has a high number of reproductive individual than pre-reproductive individual, what is correct about the population ? (1) Population is expanding (2) Population is declining (3) Population is stable (4) Cannot be predicted 7. In a logistic growth curve of population, environmental resistance is maximum when : (1) value of 'r' is high (2) value of 'r' is low (3) N approaches K (4) K approaches N 8. A group of individuals of same species constitute : (1) Organism (2) Community (3) Biome (4) Population 9. Which of the following sequences is correct according to ecological hierarchy :- (1) Population, variety, community, ecosystem (2) Population, community, ecosystem, Biome (3) Population, community, species, ecosystem (4) Species, variety, ecosystem, population 10. Properties of populations are not present in the ___"A"___ but arise as a result of interactions among the ___"B"___ comprising the population. "A" and "B" are :- (1) Organisms and ecosystems (2) Biomes and organisms (3) Organism and organisms (4) Ecosystems and communities. 11. Fill in the blank. A .......... is a unit of land with a natural boundary having a mosaic of patches. There patches generally represent different ........... (1) Biome, Landscape (2) Biome, Ecosystem (3) Landscape, Ecosystem (4) Landscape, Biome Exercise - I K Time Population density (N)
NEET : Biology [ 30 ] www.allendigital.in  Digital 12. Which of the following is the key element that lead to so much variation in the physical and chemical conditions of different habitats :- (1) Light and temperature (2) Water availability (3) Soil condition (4) All of these 13. Which of the following is responsible for the formation of biomes? (1) Annual variation in intensity of temperature (2) Annual variation in duration of temperature (3) Annual variation in precipitation (4) All of the above 14. In ecological hierarchy the abiotic factors are first time included at which hierarchical level (1) Community Level (2) Population Level (3) Ecosystem Level (4) Landscape Level 15. Biosphere is : (1) a component in the ecosystem (2) composed of the plants present in the soil (3) life in the outer space (4) composed of all living organisms present on earth which interact with the physical environment 16. The species which establishes an essential link with other species to help the later in some vital activity, is called :- (1) Critical link species (2) Key stone species (3) Endemic species (4) Ecophene 17. Species which play, a vital role in controlling the relative abundance of other species, and control functioning of the community is called (1) Dominant species (2) Key stone species (3) Link species (4) Network species 18. Kangaroo rat in desert is an example of ? (1) Endemic species (2) Key stone species (3) Critical link species (4) None of these 19. Which of the following is not an example of endemic species ? (1) Fig tree (2) Kangaroo (3) Kiwi (4) Metasequoia 20. Mycorrhizal association is (1) Mutualism (2) Commensalism (3) Parasitism (4) Exploitation 21. In general, species diversity _____ as we move away from the equator towards the poles (1) Increases (2) Decrease (3) Constant (4) Can not say anything 22. Which of the following is not a characteristics of a community ? (1) Dominance (2) Species diversity (3) Natality (4) Stratification 23. The figure given below is a diagrammatic representation of response of organisms to abiotic factors. What do A, B and C represent respectively? (1) A: Conformer, B: Regulator, C: Partial regulator (2) A: Regulator, B: Partial, C: Conformer regulator (3) A: Partial, B: Regulator, C: Conformer regulator (4) A: Regulator, B: Conformer, C: Partial regulator 24. Which one of the following is functional characteristics of ecosystem ? (1) Stratification (2) Productivity (3) Species dominancy (4) Species diversity External level Internal level B A C
Organisms and Populations  Digital www.allendigital.in [ 31 ] 25. Which of the following characters are changed with altitude and latitude? (a) Temperature (b) Rain fall (c) Vegetation (d) Species diversity (1) only b (2) only a and b (3) only a, b and c (4) a, b, c & d 26. The group of organisms of different species forms a (1) Community (2) Population (3) Ecosystem (4) Biome 27. Organisms which breed only once in their life is :- (1) Pacific Salmon fish (2) Pacific Tuna fish (3) Pacific Shark (4) Pacific Oysters 28. Sexual deceit is exhibited by : (1) Yucca plant (2) Ophrys plant (3) Wasp species (4) Fig Tree 29. Which of the following is an example of co– evolution? (1) Barnacle & Whale (2) Clown fish & Sea Anemone (3) Hermit crab & Sea Anemone (4) Bees & orchid flower 30. A relationship between algae & fungi is an example of: (1) Commensalism (2) Protocooperation (3) Mutualism (4) Parasitism 31. Lichens are the associations of (1) Protist and fungus (2) Algae and bacterium (3) Fungus and algae (4) Fungus and virus 32. Which one of the following population interaction is (+, +) type : (1) Commensalism (2) Mutualism (3) Parasitism (4) Amensalism 33. A wasp pollinating a fig flower is an example of: (1) Commensalism (2) Protocooperation (3) Mutualism (4) Parasitism 34. Which one of the following interactions share a characteristic where none of the organism can complete its life cycle without the other participating organism? (1) E.coli and Human (2) Cattle egret bird and Cattle (3) Hermit Crab and Sea Anemone (4) Yucca and Pronuba 35. Which of the following species relation is not an example of detrimental relation? (1) Viscum – Oak (2) Sparrow – Seed (3) Loranthus-Mango (4) Fig tree – Wasp 36. They may reduce the survival, growth and reproduction of the other organism and reduce its population density, they might render the organism more vulnerable to predation by making it physically weak. They are: (1) Predator (2) Parasites (3) Ammensals (4) Commensal 37. Animals eating plants are categorised separately as herbivores, they are in a broad ecological context not very different from: (1) Parasite (2) Predator (3) Commensal (4) Amensal 38. Which statement is true for Connell's elegant field experiment? (1) Performed on prickly pear cactus (2) Shows resource partitioning (3) Was perform in rocky intertidal area of Scotland (4) Was done on Pisaster 39. The prickly pear cactus in the early 1920 introduced into :- (1) American pacific cost (2) Rocky sea coasts of Scotland (3) Galapagos islands (4) Australia
NEET : Biology [ 32 ] www.allendigital.in  Digital 40. Which of the following concept is correct about amensalism? (1) Both species are benefitted (2) One species is benefitted and the other is neither benefitted nor harmed (3) One species is harmed whereas the other is unaffected (4) One species is benefitted and the other is harmed 41. Endemic plants - (1) Cosmopolitan (2) Occur in a particular area (3) Occur at high altitudes (4) Occur on north pole 42. Increase of population under optimum condition is termed. (1) Reproductive ability (2) Secondary production (3) Biotic potential (4) Biomass 43. Occurrence of endemic species in South America and Australia due to :- (1) These species has been extinct from other regions (2) Continental separation (3) There is no terrestrial route to these places (4) Retrogressive evolution 44. In a population unrestricted reproductive capacity is called as : (1) Biotic potential (2) Fertility (3) Carrying capacity (4) Birth rate 45. What is true for individuals of same species : (1) Live in same niche (2) Live in same habitat (3) Interbreeding (4) Live in different habitat 46. When the two ecosystems overlap each other the area is called. (1) Ecotone (2) Niche (3) Edge effect (4) Ecotypes 47. The community which starts succession at a place is termed (1) Climax community (2) Seral community (3) Pioneer community (4) Primary community 48. Earliest settlers on barren lands or the farmers of nature are- (1) Diatoms (2) Lichens (3) Moss & grasses (4) Ferns 49. In plant succession last community is called : (1) Ecotone (2) Climax community (3) Seral community (4) Ecosystem 50. Group of two or more than two plant species is called as :- (1) Plant community (2) Animal ecosystem (3) Plant ecosystem (4) Ecological niche 51. Stable plant community formed during succession is called - (1) Sere community (2) Climax community (3) Dominant community (4) Ecotone 52. Succession in a water body leads to the formation of :- (1) Mesophytic vegetation (2) Xerophytic vegetation (3) Halophytic vegetation (4) Epiphytic vegetation 53. Competition for food, light and space is most severe in - (1) Closely related species growing in the same area (in the same niche) (2) Closely related species growing in different habitat (3) Distantly related species growing in the same habitat (4) Distantly related species growing in different habitat 54. Most successful parasites are those which do not (1) Grow free (2) Kill their host (3) Reproduce sexually (4) Survive in soil 55. The basic unit of ecological study is :- (1) species (2) organism (3) community (4) biosphere

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