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Nội dung text Try Out SNBT Reguler 4 Literasi dalam Bahasa Inggris 2024_2025 - Pembahasan.pdf

TS-JXYBUTEY Reguler UTBK/SNBT 4 Literasi dalam Bahasa Inggris 2024/2025 1. The question is basedon the following thread. Joana I strongly believe that sleeping with the lights off is better for a good night's rest. The darkness signals to our bodies that it's time to sleep, allowing for the production of the sleep hormone, melatonin.Does anyone agree with me? Vivianne While darkness may be beneficial for some, sleeping with a dim light on can offer a sense of comfort and security. It can help individuals feel safer and more at ease, reducing anxiety and aiding in relaxation for a peaceful sleep. Armand Research conducted by the National Sleep Foundation has shown that exposure to artificial light at night can disrupt our circadian rhythm by inhibiting melatonin production. This disruption can impact our sleep quality andoverall well-being. Peter I once woke up in the middle of the night only to discover that the power had gone out, leaving me in complete darkness. The experience made me think that it’s important to have a backup light source or night light for such unexpectedsituations. Modesta A dark sleeping environment promotes the release of growth hormone, important for repairing and rejuvenating the body during sleep. It fosters a deeper level of relaxation, allowing for more restful and uninterruptedsleep. Hilarious For individuals prone to nightmares or anxiety, a soft light can serve as a calming presence. It offers a compromise between complete darkness andbright light, promoting a sense of safety throughout the night. Jamal Sleeping in darkness helps reduce the risk of sleep disturbances and supports the body's natural biorhythms. Light exposure at night has been linked to various health issues, including insomnia and disrupted sleep patterns.Thus, a dark room is essential for achieving optimal sleep quality. What is the topic of the thread? a.Benefits of sleeping in darkness versus with a dim light on b.Impact of light exposure on sleep quality andoverall well-being c.Importance of maintaining a dark sleeping environment for optimal rest d.Strategies for managing unexpectedpower outages during nighttime e.Considerations for promoting relaxation andminimizing sleep disturbances
Pembahasan Soal menanyakan topik diskusi tersebut. Untuk teks diskusi seperti ini, biasanya topik dapat diidentifikasi dengan memahami pertanyaan poster (orang yang mengawali diskusi). Namun, dalam konteks ini, Joana tidak menggunakan kalimat tanya yang spesifik merujuk pada topik diskusi sehingga kita perlu melakukan skim pada komentar beberapa peserta. Joana mengatakan bahwa tidur dengan lampu mati lebih baik untuk istirahat malam yang nyenyak.Pernyataan Joana direspons Vivianne dengan mengatakan bahwa meski lingkungan gelap mungkin bermanfaat bagi sebagian orang, tidur dengan lampu redup dapat memberikan rasa nyaman dan aman. Senada dengan Joana, Armand mengatakan bahwa paparan cahaya buatan di malam hari dapat mengganggu ritme sirkadian kita dengan menghambat produksi melatonin. Sementara itu, menurut Hilarious, bagi individu yang rentan terhadap mimpi buruk atau kecemasan, cahaya lembut dapat menenangkan. Berdasarkan pernyataan-pernyataan peserta diskusi, kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa diskusi berputar sekitar pembahasan tentang pro dan kontra tidur dalam gelap (mati lampu total) atau tidur dengan cahaya redup. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A. 2. The question is basedon the following thread. Joana I strongly believe that sleeping with the lights off is better for a good night's rest. The darkness signals to our bodies that it's time to sleep, allowing for the production of the sleep hormone, melatonin.Does anyone agree with me? Vivianne While darkness may be beneficial for some, sleeping with a dim light on can offer a sense of comfort and security. It can help individuals feel safer and more at ease, reducing anxiety and aiding in relaxation for a peaceful sleep. Armand Research conducted by the National Sleep Foundation has shown that exposure to artificial light at night can disrupt our circadian rhythm by inhibiting melatonin production. This disruption can impact our sleep quality andoverall well-being. Peter I once woke up in the middle of the night only to discover that the power had gone out, leaving me in complete darkness. The experience made me think that it’s important to have a backup light source or night light for such unexpectedsituations. Modesta A dark sleeping environment promotes the release of growth hormone, important for repairing and rejuvenating the body during sleep. It fosters a deeper level of relaxation, allowing for more restful and uninterruptedsleep. Hilarious For individuals prone to nightmares or anxiety, a soft light can serve as a calming presence. It offers a compromise between complete darkness andbright light, promoting a sense of safety throughout the night. Jamal Sleeping in darkness helps reduce the risk of sleep disturbances and supports the body's natural biorhythms. Light exposure at night has been linked to various health issues, including insomnia and disrupted sleep patterns.Thus, a dark room is essential for achieving optimal sleep quality. Who provides evidence in his/her comment? a. Joana
b.Vivianne c.Armand d.Peter e.Modesta Pembahasan Soal menanyakan peserta yang menyediakan bukti pada komentarnya. Dalam konteks soal ini, "bukti" merujuk pada informasi yang disajikan atau rujukan konkret yang mendukung pernyataan yang dibuat oleh peserta diskusi. Peserta yang memberikan bukti adalah Armand. Ia merujuk pada penelitian yang dilakukan oleh National Sleep Foundation. Penelitian tersebut menemukan bahwa paparan cahaya buatan di malam hari dapat mengganggu ritme sirkadian kita dengan menghambat produksi melatonin, yang pada gilirannya dapat berdampak pada kualitas tidur dan kesejahteraan secara keseluruhan. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang paling tepat adalah C. 3. The question is basedon the following thread. Joana I strongly believe that sleeping with the lights off is better for a good night's rest. The darkness signals to our bodies that it's time to sleep, allowing for the production of the sleep hormone, melatonin.Does anyone agree with me? Vivianne While darkness may be beneficial for some, sleeping with a dim light on can offer a sense of comfort and security. It can help individuals feel safer and more at ease, reducing anxiety and aiding in relaxation for a peaceful sleep. Armand Research conducted by the National Sleep Foundation has shown that exposure to artificial light at night can disrupt our circadian rhythm by inhibiting melatonin production. This disruption can impact our sleep quality andoverall well-being. Peter I once woke up in the middle of the night only to discover that the power had gone out, leaving me in complete darkness. The experience made me think that it’s important to have a backup light source or night light for such unexpectedsituations. Modesta A dark sleeping environment promotes the release of growth hormone, important for repairing and rejuvenating the body during sleep. It fosters a deeper level of relaxation, allowing for more restful and uninterruptedsleep. Hilarious For individuals prone to nightmares or anxiety, a soft light can serve as a calming presence. It offers a compromise between complete darkness andbright light, promoting a sense of safety throughout the night. Jamal Sleeping in darkness helps reduce the risk of sleep disturbances and supports the body's natural biorhythms. Light exposure at night has been linked to various health issues, including insomnia and disrupted sleep patterns.Thus, a dark room is essential for achieving optimal sleep quality. Who has an irrelevant comment? a.Armand
b.Peter c.Modesta d.Hilarious e. Jamal Pembahasan Soal menanyakan komentar yang tidak relevan. Topik diskusi tersebut adalah pro dan kontra tidur dalam gelap (mati lampu total) atau tidur dengan cahaya redup. Komentar yang tidak relevan disampaikan oleh Peter karena dia justru menceritakan pengalamannya terbangun di malam hari dalam keadaan gelap gulita karena listrik padam. Dia menekankan pentingnya persediaan sumber cahaya cadangan atau lampu malam untuk situasi yang tidak terduga seperti itu. Komentar Peter sama sekali tidak berkaitan langsung dengan topik diskusi tersebut. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang paling tepat adalah B. 4. The question is basedon the following thread. Joana I strongly believe that sleeping with the lights off is better for a good night's rest. The darkness signals to our bodies that it's time to sleep, allowing for the production of the sleep hormone, melatonin.Does anyone agree with me? Vivianne While darkness may be beneficial for some, sleeping with a dim light on can offer a sense of comfort and security. It can help individuals feel safer and more at ease, reducing anxiety and aiding in relaxation for a peaceful sleep. Armand Research conducted by the National Sleep Foundation has shown that exposure to artificial light at night can disrupt our circadian rhythm by inhibiting melatonin production. This disruption can impact our sleep quality andoverall well-being. Peter I once woke up in the middle of the night only to discover that the power had gone out, leaving me in complete darkness. The experience made me think that it’s important to have a backup light source or night light for such unexpectedsituations. Modesta A dark sleeping environment promotes the release of growth hormone, important for repairing and rejuvenating the body during sleep. It fosters a deeper level of relaxation, allowing for more restful and uninterruptedsleep. Hilarious For individuals prone to nightmares or anxiety, a soft light can serve as a calming presence. It offers a compromise between complete darkness andbright light, promoting a sense of safety throughout the night. Jamal Sleeping in darkness helps reduce the risk of sleep disturbances and supports the body's natural biorhythms. Light exposure at night has been linked to various health issues, including insomnia and disrupted sleep patterns.Thus, a dark room is essential for achieving optimal sleep quality. Participants that support the idea of sleeping with dim light believe that .... a.Sleeping with the lights on promotes the release of growth hormone b.Dim light during sleep can enhance a sense of comfort andsecurity

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