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D.J. Sindh Govt. Science College, Karachi. Preliminary Examination 2024 Botany – I Time allowed: 2 hours Maximum Marks: 45 SECTION ‘A’ (MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS) – (M.C.Qs.) Time allowed: 15 minutes (Marks : 09) NOTE: (i). This section consists of 20 part questions and all are to be answered. Each question carries one mark. (ii). The correct answer bubble must be filled on OMR sheet (I) A B C D pasted in answer script. (iii). Use only blue / black ball point pen or pointer on OMR sheet. (iv). Avoid using pencil / White-o pen on OMR sheet. (v). All notations are used in their usual meanings. The use of Scientific Calculator is allowed. Q. 1. Choose the correct answer for each from the given options. i Which of the following is NOT a function of proteins in the plant body? a) Energy storage b) Enzyme catalysis c) Structural support d) Genetical information storage ii Exposure to flame destroys bacteria is called? a) Lyophilization b) Incineration c) Autoclave d) Desiccation iii Which characteristic distinguishes Kingdom Fungi from Kingdom Animalia and Plantae? a) A cell wall b) Nuclear mitosis c) Centrioles d) Heterotrophic nutrition iv. Which of the following is a defining feature of Marchantia, a type of liverwort? a) Vascular tissue b) Production of flowers c) Rhizoids for anchorage d) Formation of seeds v The female reproductive part of angiosperm is present in: a) Style of flower b) within ovule c) Stigma of flower d) Pollen Sacs vi A dense cluster of flowers with a central stem is present in inflorescences. a) Corymb b) Umbel c) Capitulum d) Catkin vii In Aerenchyma, the cortex contains large air cavities, these tissues are present in: a) Collenchyma b) Chlorenchyma c) Hydrophytes d) Sclerenchyma viii A solution where the solute concentration is equal to that inside the cell. a) Hypotonic b) Hypertonic c) Isotonic d) Semi-hypotonic
ix Which of the following organelles is semi-autonomous? a) Lysosome b) Mitochondria c) Vacuole d) Golgi bodies x Which of the following drugs is used in the treatment of AIDS: a) Protease inhibitors b) Penicillin c) Antihistamines d) Quinine xi Which of the following is associated with sexual reproduction in fungi: a) Uredospore b) Ascospore c) Basidiospore d) Teliospore xii Gametophyte in Pteridophyte is: a) Haploid b) Diploid c) Triploid d) Pentaploid xiii Which of the following characteristics is unique to gymnosperms? a) Naked seed on cones b) Winged seed c) Seed enclosed within fruit d) multi-flagellated sperms xiv Sporophyte generation is dominant in a) Gymnosperm b) Pteridophyte c) Bryophyte d) Angiosperm xv The carbohydrate molecules move through the phloem mostly in the form of: a) Glucose b) Sucrose c) Maltose d) Lactose xvi Which is the soluble pigment in a plant? a) Chlorophyll b) Anthocyanin c) Xanthophyll d) both A& B xvii What are the products of the Calvin cycle? a) ATP and NADP b) Glucose molecule c) ATP, PGA and NADPH2 d) ATP, PGA, and Oxygen xvii Diagram shows the Krebs cycle. At which numbered stages does substrate-level phosphorylation take place? a) 1, 2, and 5 b) 2, 3, and 5 c) 1, 2, and 4 d)1, 3, and 4
D.J. Sindh Govt. Science College, Karachi. Preliminary Examination 2024 Botany – I For Science Pre-Engineering & Science General Groups Time allowed: 1 hour 45 minutes Maximum Marks: 36 NOTE: (i). Answer any Nine (09) part questions from section B and Attempt any 03 questions from section C SECTION ‘B’ (SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS) (Max. Marks : 18) NOTE: Answer Any nine parts of the questions from this section. All questions carry equal marks. 1. What type of plants are insectivorous, and what is their main source of nutrients? 2. What pigment is responsible for the green colour of plants, and what is its role in photosynthesis? OR 3. What is the primary function of the light reaction in photosynthesis, and where does it occur within the chloroplast? 4. Complete the table: Important Nutrients Major Role Deficiency symptoms Sulphur Phosphorus 5. What distinguishes eukaryotic cells from prokaryotic cells in terms of their internal structure and complexity? OR What is the significance behind the nickname "icebergs" given to proteins within the cell membrane? 6. What is photorespiration, and when does it occur in plants? 7. Define followings: a) Endosperm formation b) Foot cell. 8. Please explain the distinction between positive-sense and negative-sense viruses. OR What are viruses, and what distinguishes them from other microorganisms? OR 9 What are bacteria, and what are some of their key characteristics? OR What role do bacteria play in various ecosystems, and how do they impact human health? 10. Why is Volvox considered a polyphyletic organism? OR How is Nostoc important to Higher plants? 11. Give the botanical name of any four of the following: a) Wheat b) Mako c) Barley d) Rice e) Amaltas f) Mulhethi OR What are the four main characteristics of plants that do not possess vascular tissues?
12. Draw a well-labelled diagram of the following: a) Rhizopus thallus b) Septate and aseptate mycelium 13. What is the energy yield of glycolysis, the initial stage of glucose metabolism? OR What are CAM plants, and how do they adapt to arid environments? 14. What are fungi, and what role do they play in ecosystems? 15. Why osmotic adjustment is beneficial for plants? OR Define Vernalization. Classify plants based on photoperiodism. 16. What is the reason behind the reduction in leaf size observed in desert plants? SECTION ‘C’ (DETAILED-ANSWER QUESTIONS) (Max. Marks : 18) NOTE: Answer any three questions from this section. All questions carry equal marks. 1. Describe the structure and characteristics of the plasma membrane, incorporating a visual representation. 2. What is phloem translocation, and how does it relate to the pressure flow hypothesis in the movement of food within plants? OR Discuss the classifications of flowering plants based on their water availability preferences. 3. How does the life cycle of Psilotum, a primitive fern ally, demonstrate adaptations to its environment and reproductive strategies? 4. How does the Calvin cycle help plants turn carbon dioxide into sugar, and what factors affect its effectiveness? 5. How is ATP produced during photosynthesis, and how does its formation differ from ATP production in mitochondria during cellular respiration? OR What are the adaptations that enable plants to thrive on land?

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