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General Anatomy 1 Midterms Dent2A - 1st Sem - S.Y. 2022 Dr. Balacanao|Dr. Canoso GENERAL GUIDELINES Page Size 8.5” by 11” Page Margin 0.5 (All) Page Orientation Portrait Font Style Arial, Justified Font Size Title and Topic - 12 Text and Subtext - 10 Table Properties Cell Padding - 0.5 Alignment - Middle Color Modules Lessons Topics Spacing Single Text Format Highlight - Terms Bold - Meaning/Description Italicized - Important Details MODULE # - TITLE LESSON # - TITLE ● Sub-lesson ○ Text i. Subtext TOPIC 1. Subtopic a. Text i. Subtext INSERT TABLE TITLE Text Text Text Text Text Text INSERT FIGURES IMPORTANT QUESTIONS 1. Question ○ Answer 2. Question ○ Answer
General Anatomy 1 Midterms Dent2A - 1st Sem - S.Y. 2022 Dr. Balacanao|Dr. Canoso TOPIC OUTLINE OF GENERAL ANATOMY 1 (Mnemonics for Systems: Dr. Nurse Claim) MIDTERMS FINALS A. Introduction to Human Anatomy B. Integumentary System 1. Epidermis 2. Dermis 3. Modes of Secretion C. Skeletal System 1. Axial Skeleton 2. Appendicular D. Articular System 1. Structural Unit 2. Functional Classification 3. Anatomical Movements of the Body E. Muscular System 1. Trunk 2. Upper Extremities 3. Lower Extremities F. Respiratory System 1. G. Digestive System 1. H. Urinary System 1. I. Reproductive System 1. Reproductive System (Male) 2. Reproductive System (Female) J. Endocrine System 1. K. Cardiovascular or Circulatory System 1. L. Lymphatic System 1. Lymphatic Vessels 2. Lymph Organs 3. Lymphatic Circulation M. Nervous System 1. 2. SYSTEMS OF THE BODY MODULE 1 - INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN ANATOMY DEFINITION ● “Ana” - meaning apart (Greek) ● “Tome” - meaning cutting (Greek) ● Deals with the study of shapes and structures of the human body with special emphasis on the relationships of the different parts SUBDIVISIONS OF ANATOMY 1. Gross Anatomy or Macroscopic Anatomy ○ Refers to the study of the parts of the body as seen by the naked eye 2. Histology or Microscopic Anatomy ○ Study the minute structures that can be seen only with the aid of lenses 3. Developmental Anatomy ○ The branch of anatomy that studies structural changes of an individual from fertilization to maturity 4. Neuroanatomy ○ Study of the nervous system 5 METHODS OF STUDYING ANATOMY 1. REGIONAL OR TOPOGRAPHICAL ANATOMY ○ Study of the relationships of all structures found in a particular area or region of the body a. HEAD ○ Cranium: crown, forehead, occiput, temple ○ Face: frontal, orbital, nasal, maxillary, zygomatic, mandibular b. NECK/CERVICAL REGION ○ Superiorly ■ Anterior - lower border of the mandible ■ Lateral - line between the gonion and the mastoid temporal ■ Posterior - inion and superior nuchal line ○ Inferiorly ■ Anterior - jugular or suprasternal notch ■ Lateral - superior border of the clavicle ■ Posterior - C7 or transverse line from the acromioclavicular joint to the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra C. Suiza | P. F. Cruz | J. P. Mendoza 1
General Anatomy 1 Midterms Dent2A - 1st Sem - S.Y. 2022 Dr. Balacanao|Dr. Canoso c. TRUNK/TORSO ○ Thoracic or Chest: pectoral region, sternal, mammary, vertebral ○ Abdomen: navel (umbilical), fland (body shape), loin (between ribs and pelvis), lumbar (back) ○ Pelvic: pelvic cavity, genitalia/ pubic, inguinal/groin, gluteal region (buttocks), perineal diamond shape area between anus (posteriorly) and reproductive organs (anteriorly), sacral ■ Episiotomy - incision or cutting the perineum and posterior of vaginal wall to deliver the baby d. UPPER EXTREMITY OR UPPER LIMB ○ Shoulder, arm, elbow, forearm, wrist, hand e. LOWER EXTREMITY OR LOWER LIMB ○ Hips or buttocks, thigh, knee, leg, ankle, foot 2. SYSTEMIC ANATOMY ○ Study in which all parts of the body made up of the same structure and of related functions are taken up individually or as a group ○ Integumentary, Skeletal, Articular, Muscular, Digestive, Nervous, Respiratory, Urinary, Reproductive, Circulatory, Endocrine 3. SURFACE ANATOMY ○ Delineating on the external surface of the body the relative positions of the organs and structures found in the body. This is achieved through the use of the constantly seen or felt bony projections or depressions for our surface landmarks. 4. RADIOGRAPHIC ANATOMY ○ Includes the use of plain x-rays as well as x-rays taken through the introduction of various dyes into the bloodstream or ingested 5. APPLIED ANATOMY ○ Application of anatomical knowledge to diagnosis and treatment MATERIALS USED IN STUDYING ANATOMY 1. Books 2. Charts, drawings, and atlases 3. Human models or cadavers 4. Living body FOUR BASIC REFERENCE SYSTEMS 1. DIRECTION ○ ANATOMICAL POSITION - a standard position to which description of any part of the body are based upon ■ Body is standing erect facing the observer ■ The face and the eyes are directed forward ■ The arms are hanging at the side ■ The palms are facing forward with thumb pointing laterally ■ The heels are together and feet flat on the floor ○ SUPINE POSITION- person lying face up ○ PRONE POSITION- person lying face down 2. FUNDAMENTAL PLANES - standard reference terms based on anatomic position ○ SAGITTAL PLANE - a vertical plane that divides the body into right and left halves ○ MIDSAGITTAL PLANE - a vertical plane that divides the body into right and left EQUAL halves ○ FRONTAL (CORONAL) - a vertical plane that divides the body into anterior and posterior halves ○ TRANSVERSE PLANES - a horizontal plane that divides the body into superior and inferior halves C. Suiza | P. F. Cruz | J. P. Mendoza 2
General Anatomy 1 Midterms Dent2A - 1st Sem - S.Y. 2022 Dr. Balacanao|Dr. Canoso ○ OTHER COMMONLY USED TERMS: ■ ANTERIOR (VENTRAL) - front; supine POSTERIOR (DORSAL) - back; prone ■ SUPERIOR (CRANIAL) - towards the head end; higher; above INFERIOR (CAUDAL) - away from the head end; lower; below ■ MEDIAL - close to or along the midline LATERAL away from the midline ■ PROXIMAL - close to the point of attachment or origin DISTAL - far from the point of attachment or origin ■ SUPERFICIAL - close to the surface; exterior DEEP - far from the surface; towards interior ■ INTERNAL - closer to the central axis of the body EXTERNAL - farther from the central axis of the body ■ SOMATIC (PARIETAL) - refers to the walls of a cavity VISCERAL - refers to the organs within the cavity 3. CAVITIES OF THE BODY ○ VENTRAL CAVITY - located in the anterior aspect of the body ■ Thoracic Cavity - Pleural (houses the lungs) and Pericardial (houses the heart) ■ Abdomino-pelvic Cavity - Abdominal Cavity Proper (primarily digestive system) and Pelvic Cavity (primarily reproductive system) ■ Diaphragm - sheet of muscle that divides the ventral cavity into thoracic and abdominal cavities ○ DORSAL CAVITY - located at the posterior aspect of the body ■ Cranial Cavity - anterior portion of the dorsal cavity which houses the brain ■ Spinal or Vertebral Cavity - posterior portion of the dorsal cavity which houses the spinal cord ○ OTHER CAVITIES: Oral, Nasal, Orbital Cavity Component Membrane Lining Dorsal Body Cavity Cranial Cavity Brain (Pineal, Pituitary, and Skull) Meninges Spinal Cavity Spinal Cord Meninges Ventral Body Cavity Thoracic Cavity Heart, Lungs, Thymus, Esophagus, Trachea Pericardium/ Pericardial Cavity (heart) and Pleural (lungs) Cavity Abdomino -pelvic Cavity Abdomin al Cavity Digestive, Spleen, Kidney, Spleen, Pancreas, Adrenal Peritoneal Cavity/ Peritoneum Pelvic Cavity Bladder, Reproductiv e Peritoneal Cavity/ Peritoneum C. Suiza | P. F. Cruz | J. P. Mendoza 3