Nội dung text 5th year Qs 2023 by ASM Minds Team
5th Year Qs Collected by ASM Minds Team تنويه :غير مسموح اخالقيا تعديل أو االقتباس من هذا المحتوى ألي غرض ربحي حيث أن هذا العمل خيري ونهب أجره والثواب المرجو منه لزمالئنا عليهم رحمة هللا دكتور أحمد الحسيني ودكتور عمرو صالح ودكتورة هايدي بدر. ORTHOPEDICS Orthopedics End MCQ Exam 1) All of the following are common sites for secondary tumors except: a) upper end humerus b) upper end femur c) upper end radius d) pelvis Ans: C 2) The most common site for thoracolumbar injury is a) upper thoracic b) lower thoracic c) thoracolumbar area d) lower lumbar Ans: C 3) All the following are characteristics of osteosarcoma except a) causes bone destruction b) does not cause new bone formation c) affect age less than 20 Ans: B 4) 7 y/o boy present with Hx of mild trauma, has fever, pain on lower end femur. a) acute osteomyelitis b) Osteosarcoma
c) ewing sarcoma d) supracondylar femur fracture Ans: A 5) Fall on flexed trunk causes a) burst fracture b) wedge fracture c) fracture dislocation Ans: B 6) Age of SUFE ? a) Under 3 years b) From 3 to 6 years c) From 6 to 9 years d) Puberty Answer (D) 7) Osteoarthritis in knee joint can be treated by all except : a) Medication and physiotherapy b) Total knee arthroplasty for all cases c) Reduce weight d) Reduce bearing on joint Answer (B) 8) Which grade in open fracture need vascular repair? a) 3A b) 3c c) 2 Answer (B) 9) Most common complication in anterior shoulder dislocation ? Recurrence 10) All are complications of posterior hip dislocation except : a) Popliteal artery injury b) Sciatic nerve injury c) Myositis ossifican d) Recurrence dislocation Answer (A)
11) An adult came complaining of persistent pain and limping of left hip ,he had fracture neck of femur of left hip and was treated 6 months ago , what is the cause of his symptoms ? a) Non - union and AVN b) mal union and coxa vara Answer (A) 12) Lateral bending of spine called : a) Lordosis b) Kyphosis c) Scoliosis Answer (C) 13) A child came in with mild pain and limping ,x-ray revealed flattening of epiphysis? Perthe's disease 14) Least common site of metastasis >> foot 15)supracondylar fracture then inability to flex medial 2 fingers the affected nerve is >> median nerve 16)Bennett fracture >> intraarticular in the 1st metacarpal bone Round 1D 1.Nerve responsible for adduction thumb : ulnar 2.Child has supracondular humerous fraction tx: -Closed reduction Internal fixation by kwire✓ -Reduction and cast 3.Deformity in talipes equino varus : adduction, equinus , varus 3. Femoral shaft- neck angle increased in > Coxa valgus 4.a cause of AVN > Talus fracture 5. Treatment of ACL tear > Reconstruction 6. treatment of Ewing Sarcoma > chemotherapy and Radiotherappy
note: 1.MM, Ewing are Radio, chemo sensitive 2.Chondrosarcoma is resistant 9.pt with acute osteomylitis will have all of the following except : unable to flex toe 10.treatment of chronic osteomylitis: surgical debridement 11.Hip dilocation will cause all except : popliteal artery rupture 12.pathological fracture all except : treated conservative 13.treatment of OA all except : arthoplasty in all patients 14.mc complication of scaphoid : nonunion 15.shoulder dislocation tx. Closed reduction and brace 16.Fracture shaft of tibia: Interlocking nails 17.mc complication of scaphoid: Non union 18. Fracture neck femur : - closed reduction and screws -Open reduction and screws 19. Child unable to raise his shoulder but move elbow and fingers history of difficult labor : Erb's palsy 20: fracture neck femur all except: inability to flex toe 21 :15 yrs old pt with painful swelling, eccentric, cystic and with thin cortex: aneurysmal cyst 22. treatment of DDH 2w : abductor brace 23. Treatment of TEV : serial cast