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PHẦN A. MỘT SỐ ĐỀ LUYỆN TẬP PRACTICE TEST 1 (Time: 60 min.) I. Choose the word having the underlined part pronounced differently in each line. (1 p) 1. A. location B. pollute C. folder D. notice 2. A. treatment B. increase C. dream D. great 3. A. champion B. chocolate C. chemist D. children 4. A. humor B. bulb C. dump D. adult 5. A. grades B. conserves C. admires D. finishes II. Choose the correct option A, B, C, or D for each gap in the following sentences. (1 p) 6. The Internet is a wonderful ______ of modern life. A. discovery B. exploration C. invention D. result 7. It was very ______ of him to share his food with the poor man. A. open B. generous C. smart D. general 8. Can you ______ that strange perfume she is wearing? A. see B. hear C. feel D. smell 9. Peter sent me to buy some pills ______ the chemist’s. A. at B. by C. with D. on 10. That’s too ______ money for a book like that. A. many B. any C. some D. much 11. The man ______ you met on Main Street yesterday is your new teacher. A. who B. when C. whose D. which 12. Mr. Trung was working in Hai Phong when ______. A. I see him last B. I was seeing him last C. I last saw him D. I has last seen him 13. I won’t travel to London if ______. A. I didn’t get a cheap flight B. I wouldn’t get a cheap flight C. I’m not getting a cheap flight D. I don’t get a cheap flight 14. Tim wasn’t happy about the delay, ______. A. but I was neither B. but either was I C. and I wasn’t either D. and neither wasn’t I
15. - “______” - “You’re welcome.” A. How are you today? B. Thank you very much. C. Shall I help you? D. I can carry it myself. III. Give the correct form of the word given to complete the sentences. (1 p) 16. There is a lot of evidence for people to believe the _______ of UFOs. EXIST 17. Many houses in this area are ___________ by solar energy. HOT 18. I think his uncle is one of the greatest _____________ in my country. SCIENCE 19. Mr. Robinson is going to Viet Nam in February to attend some _____________ events. CULTURE 20. The flowers were __________ arranged by my mother. BEAUTY IV. There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence. Find the mistake (A, B, C, or D). (1 p) 21. I saw Bill this morning, but I didn’t see him since then. A B C D 22. In spite of the traffic was bad, we arrived on time. A B C D 23. My brother said that he was leaving for the capital tomorrow. A B C D 24. Mexico City isn’t as expensive than London but it is more crowded. A B C D 25. In Viet Nam you will soon be used to take a siesta in the afternoon. A B C D V. Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. (2 p) Hobbies are activities that an individual is (26)______ in doing during his spare time. Most people pick up hobbies for (27)______ and relaxation. Others do it for financial reasons. Some common hobbies that you may have heard of are collecting stamps and coins from different (28)______, reading, cooking, sports and photography. Having one or more hobbies is good. It allows a person to (29)______ new skills, have an in- depth understanding of that skill and gain (30)______ through it. Regardless of the advantages, obtaining personal fulfillment is the utmost aim when a person (31)______ to pursue a hobby.
You do not have to choose a particular hobby based on the (32)______ you do. A computer programmer may pick up cooking as his hobby. A chef may decide on photography as his interest. There are some people (33)______ are engaged in hobbies that provide entertainment to others and income (34)______ themselves. One such example is the street entertainers. They play, sing or dance for passers-by. In (35)______ for their effort, they receive money from the audiences on the streets. 26. A. excited B. amused C. interested D. delighted 27. A. pleasure B. responsibility C. duty D. career 28. A. districts B. countries C. provinces D. councils 29. A. train B. apply C. create D. develop 30. A. experiences B. conveniences C. certificates D. promotions 31. A. requires B. adores C. decides D. attends 32. A. degree B. job C. position D. face 33. A. which B. whom C. when D. who 34. A. for B. with C. of D. on 35.A. regard B. practice C. theory D. return VI. Read the following passage and answer the questions. (1 p) You probably hear a lot about the environment. But do you really worry about it? Do you help to save the Earth? Cleaning a planet is not a task for only one person. People everywhere have to get involved and understand this is our world. If we pass the world about the importance of reducing, reusing and recycling, the destiny of this planet can change. Reducing the amount of waste you produce is the best way to help the environment. Did you turn off the water while brushing your teeth in the morning? You should do it! Did you walk to school or did you use public transportation? Reusing is another way of being environmentally friendly. Try to find ways to use things again! Take cloth sacks when you go shopping instead of taking home newspaper or plastic bags. You should use cloth sacks again and again. You have to save some trees! Shoe boxes, margarine containers can be used to store things or become fun art projects. Use your imagination! You can also recycle in your home or even at school. Many communities have recycling centres for newspapers, batteries and a variety of glass and plastics. These items can be made into new products. 36. What can we do to have a better world? ______________________________________________________________. 37. What is the best way to help the planet? ______________________________________________________________. 38. Where can you recycle? ______________________________________________________________.
39. What should you do at home to help save the Earth? ______________________________________________________________. 40. What should you take with you when you go shopping? ______________________________________________________________. VII. Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence. (1 p) 41. My parents last went to Ho Chi Minh City in 2013. My parents haven’t ______________________________________________. 42. “Do not write on the board,” said the teacher to the boy. The teacher told ________________________________________________. 43. It’s a pity I don’t know how to pronounce this word. I wish ________________________________________________________. 44. You remembered to buy me a newspaper, didn’t you? You didn’t ____________________________________________________. 45. I’d rather read books than go to the cinema. I prefer _______________________________________________________. VIII. Use the words/ phrases provided to write suitable sentences. (2 p) 46. Last week / they / visit / Ha Long Bay / which / one / world heritages / Viet Nam //. ______________________________________________________________. 47. Way / mountain / long / that / take / two hour / walk //. ______________________________________________________________. 48. We / worried / that / people / not / stop / throw / trash / along / street //. ______________________________________________________________. 49. If / house / near / office / I / walk / work / every day //. ______________________________________________________________. 50. Brother / say / he / going / meet / pen pal / following day //. ______________________________________________________________.

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