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PAPER 1 (1.) Plasma contains which of the following minerals (1) Sodium, calcium ions (2) magnesium, bicarbonate ions (3) chloride ions (4) all of these (2.) Clotting factors are present in (a) plasma (b) in inactive form (c) in active form (d) serum (1) a and b (2) a and c (3) d and b (4) d and c (3.) Serum is (1) plasma with clotting factors (2) plasma without clotting factors (3) plasma without globulin (4) plasma without albumin (4.) Leucocytes are (1) white in colour (2) nucleated (3) without haemoglobin (4) all of these (5.) Platelets are also called (1) erythrocytes (2) thrombocytes (3) lymphocytes (4) leucocytes (6.) Platelets are cell fragments produced from (1) Megakaryocytes (2) Thrombocytes (3) Lymphocytes (4) Leucocytes (7.) Antigens for blood group determination are present on (1) RBC (2) WBC (3) Plasma (4) Platelets (8.) Rh positive persons are nearly (1) 50% (2) 60% (3) 40% (4) 80% (9.) Fibrins are formed by fibrinogens by the action of enzyme (1) Prothrombin (2) Thrombin (3) Thrombokinase (4) None of these (10.) Heart → deoxygenated blood → gills → oxygenated blood → body parts → deoxygenated blood → heart. This is (1) single circulation (2) incomplete double circulation (3) double circulation (4) none of these
(11.) The flow of blood in human heart is from (1) ventricle  atria  pulmonary artery  atria (2) atria  pulmonary artery  ventricle  atria (3) atria > ventricle > pulmonary artery (4) none of these (12.) Purkinje fibres along with left and right bundles are known as (1) Bundle of HIS (2) Bundle of hus (3) Bundle of Has (4) none of these (13.) ECG stands for (1) Electrochemicalgraph (2) electrocardiograph (3) emissioncardiograph (4) none of these (14.) Which of the following represents systemic circulation (1) Right Atrium > dorsal aorta  tissue  vena cava  left atrium (2) Left Atrium > vena cava  tissue  dorsal aorta  right atrium (3) LA > dorsal aorta > tissue  vena cava  right atrium (4) LA > dorsal aorta > lungs > vena cava > right atrium (15.) Function of systemic circulation include (1) Nutrients and Oxygen supply to tissue (2) CO2 and harmful substances from tissue to lungs (3) nutrients and oxygen from tissue (4) both 1 and 2 (16.) Which is not a component of arterial and venous wall (1) tunica externa (2) tunica epithelia (3) tunica media (4) tunica interna (17.) Normal activities of heart are by nodal tissue (1) autoregulated (2) osmotically regulated (3) CNS regulated (4) none of these (18.) Cardiac functions regulated by which brain part (1) medulla oblongata (2) cerebellum (3) cerebrum (4) none of these (19.) High blood pressure effects which organs (1) Brain (2) Kidney (3) Heart (4) all of these (20.) Atherosclerosis is caused by deposits of in the blood vessels
(1) Calcium and fat (2) fibrous tissues (3) cholestrol (4) all of these (21.) The second heart sound (dubb) is associated with the closure of (1) Tricuspid valve (2) Semilunar valves (3) Bicuspid valve (4) Tricuspid and bicuspid valves. (22.) Match the terms given under Column ' A ' with their functions given under Column ' B ' and select the answer from the options given below: Column A Column B A. Lymphatic System i. Carries oxygenated blood B. Pulmonary vein ii. Immune Response C. Thrombocytes iii. To drain back the tissue fluid to the circulatory system D. Lymphocytes iv. Coagulation of blood (1) A-ii, B-i, C-iii, D-iv (2) A-iii, B-i, C-iv, D-ii (3) A-iii, B-i, C-iii, D-iv (4) A-ii, B-i, C-iii, D-iv (23.) How much haemoglobin present in every 100ml of blood in human : (1) 30 35gms − (2) 12 16gms − (3) 20 25gms − (4) 5 10gms − (24.) Identify A B C , , and D in given diagram & choose the correct option : (1) A-Aorta, C-Vena cava (2) B-Aorta, D-Sino-atrial node (3) C-Sino-atrial node, D-Atrio-ventricular node (4) C-Aorta, B-Vena cava
(25.) Which leucocytes are 60 65 − percent of the total WBCs: (1) Neutrophils (2) Eosinophils (3) Basophils (4) Monocytes. (26.) Which leucocytes are phagocytic cells who destroy foreign organisms entering the body : (1) Neutrophils (2) Eosinophils (3) Basophils (4) Lymphocytes (27.) Which statement is correct : (1) A healthy individual has 20 25gms − of haemoglobin in every 100ml of blood. (2) Platelets can not involved in the coagulation of blood. (3) Basophils are involved in inflammatory reactions. (4) Lymphocytes are 90-95 percent. (28.) Which one has open circulatory system : (1) Insect (2) Fish (3) Earthworm (4) Human (29.) Our heart normally beats how many times in a minute: (1) 20 25 − times (2) 40 50 − times (3) 50 60 − times (4) 70-75 times (30.) Blood is a which type of tissue : (1) Skeletal tissue (2) Connective tissue (3) Epithelial tissue (4) Neural tissue (31.) Which of the following is not a granulocyte : (1) Lymphocyte (2) Eosinophil (3) Basophil (4) Neutrophil (32.) Which type of white blood cells are concerned with release of histamine and the natrual anticoagulant heparin (1) Basophils (2) Eosinophils (3) Monocytes (4) Neutrophils (33.) Mark the odd one out: (1) Lymphocytes (2) Monocytes (3) Erythrocytes (4) Neutrophils (34.) The metal associated with haemoglobin is : (1) Sodium (2) Potassium (3) Calcium (4) Iron (35.) Identify A, B and C in given diagram & choose correct option :

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