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Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants  Digital www.allendigital.in [ 57 ] MALE AND FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE ORGAN 1. Capsella is angiosperm because it possess :- (1) Naked Seed (2) Pollen grain (3) Vascular tissue (4)Fruit/Covered seeds 2. Which part of the reproductive structure produces both enzyme & hormone? (1) Archesporium (2) Middle layer (3) Tapetum (4) Endothecium 3. Ubisch bodies are produced in:- (1) Embryosac (2) Endothecium (3) Pollen grain (4) Tapetum 4. Tapetum is :- (1) Parietal in origin and is the inner most layer of anther wall (2) Modified endothecium of anther wall (3) Outer most layer of sporogenous tissue modification (4) Parietal in origin and is the inner most layer of ovule wall 5. Example of polyploid tissue present in an angiosperm plant is:- (1) Perisperm (2) Embryo (3) Tapetum (4) Placenta 6. Pollen grain represents:- (1) Female gametophyte (2) Male gametophyte (3) Sporophyte (4) Anther 7. Anther is generally composed of:- (1) One sporangium (2) Two sporangia (3) Three sporangia (4) Four sporangia 8. How many cells or nuclei are present in mature male gametophyte of Capsella? (1) One (2) Two (3) Three (4) Many 9. How many and what type of male gametes are produced by the male gametophyte of Capsella? (1) One, multi cilliated (2) Two, biciliated (3) Two, multi ciliated (4) Two, non-motile 10. Ubisch bodies are associated with the development of:- (1) Embryo (2) Pollen grains (3) Endosperm (4) Embryo sac 11. Essential whorls of a flowers are :- (1) Calyx and Corolla (2) Corolla and Gynoecium (3) Androecium and Gynoecium (4) All of the above 12. Sporopollenin is found in :- (1) Exine (2) Intine (3) Cytoplasm (4) Nucleus 13. Microsporophyll of Angiosperms is known as:- (1) Androecium (2) Anther (3) Filament (4) Stamen 14. Main function of endothecium (in anther) is : (1) Mechanical (2) Nutritive (3) Dehiscence (4) Storage 15. Endothecium, middle layer and tapetum in anther are derived from :- (1) Primary sporogenous cells (2) Primary parietal cells (3) Both (4) None of the above 16. Which one is female gametophyte? (1) Embryo (2) Embryosac (3) Endosperm (4) Pistil 17. The functional megaspore in Capsella is always:- (1) Micropylar (2) Chalazal (3) All (4) Any 18. Obturators which help in fertilization are out growth of:- (1) Pollen tube (2) Stigma (3) Placenta or funiculus (4) Pollen grains 19. Filiform apparatus are found in:- (1) Antipodal cell (2) Egg cell (3) Secondary nucleus (4) Synergids Exercise - I
NEET : Biology [ 58 ] www.allendigital.in  Digital 20. Perisperm is:- (1) Persistant nucellus in seed (2) Ovule wall (3) Ovule coat (4) Fossil of haustoria 21. The plant in which G.B. Amici discovered pollen tube is:- (1) Capsella (2) Parthenium (3) Portulaca (4) Pisum 22. Megasporophyll is called:- (1) Stamen (2) Carpel (3) Ovary (4) Stigma 23. How many pollen sacs are present in a mature anther ? (1) 4 (2) 1 (3) 3 (4) 2 24. Anatropous (Resupinate) type of ovule is :- (1) Straight (2) Inverted (3) Transverse (4) Coiled 25. The special features of the endothecium of anther of Capsella :– (1) Radially elongated cells (2) Thickening of -cellulose (3) Hygroscopic (4) All of the above 26. Which of the following types of embryosac is mostly found in Angiosperm? (1) Bisporic polygonum type (2) Tetrasporic type (3) Monosporic - onagrad type (4) Monosporic - polygonum type 27. When hilum, chalaza and micropyle lie in one straight line then ovule is called:- (1) Amphitropous (2) Orthotropous (3) Campylotropous (4) Anatropous 28. The vegetative cell gives rise to:- (1) Male gametes (2) Tube nucleus (3) Pollen tube (4) Exine 29. 'Callase' enzyme which dissolve callose of tetrad of microspores to separate 4 microspores is provided by:- (1) Pollen grains (2) Middle layer (3) Tapetum (4) Endothecium 30. The primary endosperm nucleus in Polygonum type of embryosac is :- (1) Haploid (2) Diploid (3) Triploid (4) Tetraploid 31. Floriculture is related with :- (1) Rearing of Bees (2) Embryo culture (3) Tissue culture (4) Cultivation of flower 32. In Angioperms all the four microspores of tetrad are covered by a layer which is made up of :- (1) Pectocellulose (2) Callose (3) Cellulose (4) Sporopollenin 33. Monothecous anther is found in which family:- (1) Malvaceae (2) Liliaceae (3) Brassicaceae (4) Asteraceae 34. All the nuclei in polygonum type of embryo sac are :- (1) Haploid (2) Diploid (3) Haploid and diploid (4) Haploid and polyploid 35. In which family pollinia are found ? (1) Papilionaceae (2) Asteraceae (3) Asclepiadaceae (4) Apocyanaceae 36. Nucellus is :- (1) Haploid (2) Polyploid (3) Diploid (4) Triploid 37. The nutritive layer of microsporangia of Capsella is :- (1) Endothecium (2) Exothecium (3) Sporogenous tissue (4) Tapetum 38. That haploid cell which divides by mitosis to form embryosac is :- (1) Megaspore mother cell (2) Microspore mother cell (3) Functional megaspore (4) Non functional megaspore 39. Microspore mother cell produce microspores by :- (1) Meiosis and Mitosis (2) Mitosis (3) Meiosis (4) Mitosis and Amitosis
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants  Digital www.allendigital.in [ 59 ] 40. Embryosac is represented by :- (1) Megagametophyte (2) Megasporophyll (3) Microgametes (4) Megaspore 41. Pollen grains are able to withstand extremes of temperature and dessication because their exine is composed of :– (1) Cutin (2) Suberin (3) Sporopollenin (4) Callose 42. Angiosperms have covered seeds due to presence of :- (1) Stamen (2) Ovary (3) Megasporophyll (4) Pollen sac 43. Annuals and Binnials flowers_____in their life time :- (1) Once (2) Twice (3) Many (4) Three POLLINATION, FERTILIZATION, ENDOSPERM, EMBRYO, SEED etc. 44. Outer seed coat is known as :- (1) Aril (2) Testa (3) Operculum (4) Caruncle 45. Which structure of the ovule is diploid:- (1) Nucellus (2) Integuments (3) Sec. nucleus (4) All of the above 46. Which type of growth movement is found in pollen tube? (1) Geotropic (2) Chemotropic (3) Hydrotropic (4) Chemotactic 47. When pollen grains of a flower are transferred to stigma of another flower of a different plant, the process is called:- (1) Geitonogamy (2) Xenogamy (3) Autogamy (4) Homogamy 48. Autogamy means:- (1) Transfer of pollen from anthers to stigma of the same flowers (2) Transfer of pollen from one flowers to another on the different plant (3) Occurrence of male and female sex organ in the same flowers (4) Germination of pollen 49. Maize is best example of :- (1) Anemophily (2) Ornithophily (3) Entomophily (4) Hydrophily 50. Which of the following promotes pollen germination and tube growth? (1) Starch (2) Boron (3) Calcium (4) Potassium 51. Polyembryony was first discovered by:- (1) Rosenberg (2) Hofmeister (3) Leeuwenhoek (4) Guha 52. Tegmen of the seed develops from:- (1) Perisperm (2) Funiculum (3) Inner integument (4) Outer integument 53. Example of Hypohydrophily is :- (1) Vallisneria (2) Zostera (3) Nelumbium (4) Hydrilla 54. Pollination in Yucca plant takes place by :– (1) Honey bee (2) Butter fly (3) Pronuba moth (4) Bird 55. The main embryo is developed as a result of:- (1) Pollination (2) Triple fusion (3) Syngamy (4) Fusion of two polar nuclei of an embryo sac 56. After fertilization the integument of ovule changes into :- (1) Seed coat (2) Tegmen (3) Fruit (4) Testa 57. After fertilization the seed is developed from:- (1) Ovule (2) Ovary (3) Nucellus (4) Endosperm 58. Double fertilization is unique character of :- (1) Gentium (2) Adiantum (3) Lilium (4) Sphagnum 59. After fertilization seed coat is formed by :- (1) Chalaza (2) Ovule (3) Integument (4) Embryo sac 60. The fusion product of secondary nucleus and male gamete is:- (1) Nucellus (2) Primary endosperm nucleus (3) Zygote (4) Secondary nucleus
NEET : Biology [ 60 ] www.allendigital.in  Digital 61. In pollination "Trap door mechanism" is found in :- (1) Salvia (2) Aristolochia (3) Ficus (4) Yucca 62. Water of coconut is:- (1) Endosperm (2) Nucellus (3) Endocarp (4) Mesocarp 63. The suspensor in Capsella develops from:- (1) Apical cell (2) Basal cell (3) Chalazal cell (4) Apical & basal cell both 64. Tigellum represents :- (1) Testa (2) Tegmen (3) Both of the above (4) Main axis of the embryo 65. The number of nuclei taking part in double fertilization are:- (1) Two (2) Three (3) Four (4) Five 66. In albuminous seed, the food is stored in:- (1) Testa (2) Plumule (3) Cotyledon (4) Endosperm 67. "Ruminate endosperm" is commonly found in seed of:- (1) Euphorbiaceae (2) Cruciferae (3) Palmae or Arecaceae(4) Compositae 68. In epigeal germination cotyledons come up above the soil due to growth of :- (1) Radicle (2) Plumule (3) Epicotyl (4) Hypocotyl 69. In which part of embryo maximum growth takes place in hypogeal germination :- (1) Plumule (2) Radicle (3) Epicotyl (4) Hypocotyl 70. In seeds, characterised by hypogeal germination, cotyledons generally do not becomes green because :- (1) They lack mitochondria (2) They developed very early (3) They contain inhibitor (4) They remain below the soil 71. Embryo of sunflower has :- (1) Two cotyledons (2) One cotyledon (3) Eight cotyledons (4) No cotyledon 72. Endosperm is formed during the double fertilization by :- (1) Two polar nuclei and one male gamete (2) One polar nuclei and one male gamete (3) Ovum and male gamete (4) Two polar nuclei and two male gametes 73. Adventive embryony in mango is due to :- (1) Nucellus (2) Integuments (3) Zygotic embryo (4) Fertilized egg 74. In Angiosperms pollen tube liberate their male gametes into the :- (1) Central cell (2) Antipodal cells (3) Egg cell (4) Synergid 75. The aleurone layer in maize grain is specially rich in :- (1) Protein (2) Starch (3) Lipids (4) Auxins 76. Anthesis is a phenomenon which refers to:– (1) Formation of pollen (2) Development of anther (3) Opening of flower bud (4) Reception of pollen by stigma 77. When the pollens of one flower falls on the stigma of another flower of the same plant then genetically it is known as :- (1) Cleistogamy (2) Allogamy (3) Autogamy (4) Dichogamy 78. What is the white part of green Coconut :- (1) Endosperm (2) Female gametophyte (3) Nucellus (4) Embryo 79. Entry of pollen tube through micropyle is called:- (1) Porogamy (2) Syngamy (3) Chalazogamy (4) Mesogamy 80. The constant feature of embryosac is :- (1) Synergids (2) Central cell (3) Antipodal cells (4) Egg cell 81. Endosperm of angiosperm is :- (1) 2n (2) 3n (3) n (4) 4n 82. Select the odd statement regarding insect pollinated flowers? (1) Flowers are large, colourful, fragrant (2) Pollen grains are sticky (3) Most of entomophilous plants are ornamental (4) Most of insect pollination occurs by moth.

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