GV HOA NGUYEN HOANG - HIEN LE APTIS 1. Rừng thông + Bãi biển ● Describe In these two pictures, I see two completely different places. In the first picture, I see two people standing in a pine forest. The weather looks very cold. Looking at the background, I see a lot of pine trees around. In the second picture, I see two people sitting and looking at the sea. They seem to be relaxing and enjoying themselves very much. It seems that the beach is very beautiful and the weather is very lovely and gorgeous. ● Which place do you like more? Pine forests or beaches? I prefer beaches. People love beaches for their calming vibes. The gentle sound of waves, warm sand, and wide sea views create a peaceful atmosphere that helps folks unwind. Beaches offer a break from the usual routine, giving a sense of escape and a chance to connect with nature. Plus, there's the fun factor – swimming or playing beach games adds to the enjoyment. The positive feelings associated with the coastal setting make beaches a top choice for those seeking a relaxing getaway from the daily grind. ● Does the weather affect people's emotions? Why? Yes, weather can impact people's emotions. Sunny days often boost mood and energy levels, triggering positive emotions. On the other hand, gloomy weather can lead to feelings of sadness or lethargy. Natural light affects the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter linked to mood. Additionally, seasonal changes can influence emotional states, with sunlight exposure playing a role in regulating circadian rhythms. Overall, weather conditions have a significant influence on people's emotional well-being by affecting neurotransmitter levels and daily rhythms. MS HOA - HIEN LE APTIS
GV HOA NGUYEN HOANG - HIEN LE APTIS 2. Tranh 1 người nhìn máy bay + 1 người đứng đợi tàu ● Describe 2 pictures Both of the pictures depict the means of transport. In the first picture, I can see that there is a man sitting next to his luggage suitcase. He's wearing a very polite suit, I guess he's a businessman or something like that. To be more specific, he was standing at the airport and watching the plane go up in the sky. In the second picture, there is a man wearing a denim jacket and a red backpack. He is waiting for the train to arrive. I guess he's about to take the train to his hometown to visit his parents. Looking at the background I can tell that it’s a nice weather ● Why do people prefer to go by plane than by train? From my perspective, each mean of transport has its own advantages, airplanes are not an exception. When compared to the train, the plane is considered to be a faster and more convenient means of travel. Wherever you want to go or need to go suddenly, especially abroad, the plane is a perfect choice as it will take you to the place you want in the fastest and simplest way. Besides, flying is one of the safest ways to travel, you can stay safe in the knowledge that your plane has been checked, double checked, and checked once more before you even step on board. ● Why does flying make many people feel uncomfortable? Some people have gradually become uncomfortable flying, such as me. I know some people think flying is one of the most exciting and magical things, but I personally am not a fan. FMP, maybe there are 4 main reasons that make many people feel uncomfortable when they’re flying. These are: remembering a bad flight, hearing scary stories about flying, taking a flight while feeling nervous, or traveling during a personally stressful phase in their life. Besides, it's extremely bad if your flight is delayed, which happens quite often in the airline industry. MS HOA - HIEN LE APTIS
GV HOA NGUYEN HOANG - HIEN LE APTIS 3. Đề xe đạp + chèo thuyền ● Describe: Looking at the 2 pictures, there are 2 types of sports including individual sports and team sports. As I can see, the first picture shows a rowing team. It looks like they are facing a strong wave from the river because the athletes are pulling as hard as they can. They are wearing life jackets and the competition seems dangerous. On the other hand, in the second picture, I can see a male athlete in a bike jersey and helmet. It looks like he is taking part in a competitive road cycling which is held on paved roads with a lot of trees around. ● What are the difficulties of these 2 sports? Each sport has its own challenge. As for racing bikes, the first difficulty is that it has a risk of injury. Besides, racing bikes is a sport that requires keeping the pace and understanding how to handle unexpected situations. Regarding the rowing race, I think the hardest part is the co-operation and the ability to tolerate bad weather conditions. Therefore, it is not only physically demanding but mentally exhausting as well. ● Why do some people prefer team sports to individual sports? From my perspective, people who choose to play team sports often receive support from their team members, so it suits best for people who are outgoing, extroverted and sociable. They find themselves most enjoyable while interacting and cooperating with others to achieve the goal. Moreover, team sports teach their players valuable life lessons that they could not learn from individual sports. For example, team sports teach people about leadership which is one of the most important skills nowadays. MS HOA - HIEN LE APTIS