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CHUYÊN ĐỀ 20 CÂU TƯỜNG THUẬT - REPORTED SPEECH A. LÍ THUYẾT Câu tường thuật là loại câu thuật lại lời nói của người khác dưới dạng gián tiếp. I. Một số thay đổi cơ bản khi tường thuật Khi chuyển từ câu nói trực tiếp sang câu nói gián tiếp có những thay đổi sau: 1. Các đại từ Các đại từ Trực tiếp Gián tiếp Subject pronouns I he/ she You I/ We/ They We We/ They Object pronouns me him/ her you me/ us/ them us us/ them Possessive adjectives my his/ her your my/ our/ their our our/ their Possessive pronouns mine his/ hers yours mine/ ours/ theirs ours ours/ theirs Demonstratives this that these those 2. Trạng từ chỉ thời gian Trực tiếp Gián tiếp today that day tonight that night tomorrow the next day/ the following day tomorrow morning the next morning yesterday the day before/ the previous day ago before now then next (Tuesday) the next/ following Tuesday last (Tuesday) the previous Tuesday/ the Tuesday before the day after tomorrow in two days' time/ two days later the day before yesterday two days before here there
3. Thì của động từ Hiện tại đơn  V(bare) / V(s,es) He said: "I live in a big city."  am/is/are She said: "I am at home."  Ved / V(cột 2) He said (that) he lived in a big city.  was/were She said (that) she was at home. Quá khứ đơn  Ved / V(cột 2) Peter said: "I did it by myself."  was/were Mary said: "I was in the park last Sunday."  had + Vp2 Peter said (that) he had done it by himself.  had been Mary said (that) she had been in the park the Sunday before. Hiện tại tiếp diễn am/is/are + V-ing She said: "We are learning now." was/were + V-ing She said (that) she was learning then. Quá khứ tiếp diễn was/were + V-ing He said: "I was sleeping then." had + been + V-ing He said (that) he had been sleeping then. Hiện tại hoàn thành have/has + Vp2 He said: "Someone has stolen my bag." had + Vp2 He said (that) someone had stolen his bag. Hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn have/has + been + V-ing She said: "I have been waiting for you for 3 hours." had + been + V-ing She said (that) she had been waiting for me for 3 hours. Tương lai đơn will/shall + V(bare) Lan said: "I will call you tonight." would + V(bare) Lan said (that) she would call me that night. Tương lai gần am/is/are + going to + V Huong said: "We are going to have a party next weekend." was/were + going to + V Huong said (that) they were going to have a party the next weekend." Động từ khuyết thiếu can He said: "I can’t come on time." could He said (that) he couldn't come on time.  must/have to (sự bắt buộc) She said: "I must take care of my little brother."  must (sự suy diễn) He said: "You must be tired now."  must (đưa ra lời khuyên) My father said: "This exam is very important. You must prepare for it well."  mustn't (sự cấm đoán) She said: "You mustn't make noise here."  had to She said (that) she had to take care of her little brother.  must He said (that) I must be tired then.  must My father said (that) that exam was very important and I must prepare for it well.  mustn't She said (that) I mustn't make noise there. may My teacher said: "You may use might My teacher said (that) we might
dictionaries for this test." use dictionaries for that test. need He said: "I need do it now." needed/had to He said (that) he needed/had to do it then.  needn't (dùng ở hiện tại) She said: "We needn't set off early."  needn't (dùng ở tương lai) He said: "You needn't come here tomorrow."  needn't/didn't have to She said (that) they needn't/didn't have to set off early.  wouldn't have to He said (that) I wouldn't have to come here the next day. II. Không thay đổi thì động từ 1. Khi động từ tường thuật ở thì hiện tại hoặc tương lai Ví dụ: He says: "I have just finished my work."  He says (that) he has just finished his work. 2. Khi động từ tường thuật ở thì quá khứ, cũng không có thay đổi thì động từ trong những trường hợp sau a. Tường thuật một sự thật hiển nhiên, một chân lí Ví dụ: The little boy said: "Mother's mother is grandmother."  The little boy said mother's mother is grandmother. b. Khi động từ trong câu trực tiếp có các thì: quá khứ tiếp diễn kết hợp với quá khứ đơn, quá khứ đơn với quá khứ hoàn thành, quá khứ đơn (đi kèm thời gian cụ thể) Ví dụ: He said: "I was doing my homework when my mother came in."  He said (that) he was doing his homework when his mother came in. He said: "I was born in 2000."  He said (that) he was born in 2000. c. Khi động từ trong câu trực tiếp có: used to, should, would, could, might, ought to, had better, would rather Ví dụ: Peter said: "We used to go fishing in the afternoon."  Peter said (that) they used to go fishing in the afternoon. d. Khi tường thuật mệnh đề ước muốn với “wish” và “if only” Ví dụ: He said: "I wish I were taller."  He said (that) he wished he were taller. e. Câu điều kiện loại 2, 3 Ví dụ: He said: "If I were you, I would apologize to Linda."
 He said (that) if he were me, he would apologize to Linda. f. Cấu trúc: "It's (high/about) time..." Ví dụ: My mother said: "It is high time you washed the dishes."  My mother said (that) it was high time I washed the dishes. III. Các loại câu tường thuật 1. Câu tường thuật ở dạng câu kể Công thức: S + say(s)/said + (that) + S + V Lưu ý: say(s) /said to sb  tell(s)/told sb Ví dụ: He said to me: "You are my best friend."  He told me (that) I was his best friend. 2. Câu tường thuật ở dạng câu hỏi a. Câu hỏi YES-NO Công thức: S + asked/wanted to know/wondered if/whether + S + V Ví dụ: "Did you go with your mother yesterday?" asked he.  He asked me if/whether I had gone with my mother the day before. b. Câu hỏi có từ để hỏi Công thức: S + asked (+O) /wanted to know/wondered + Wh-words/how + S + V Ví dụ: The teacher asked: "Why didn't you go to class last Friday?"  The teacher asked me why I hadn't gone to class the Friday before. 3. Câu tường thuật với động từ theo sau bằng động từ nguyên thể - tell/ask sb + to V: bảo/yêu cầu ai làm gì - advise sb + to V: khuyên ai làm gì - promise + to V: hứa làm gì - threaten + to V: đe doạ làm gì - warn + sb + not to V: cảnh báo không nên làm gì - invite sb + to V: mời ai làm gì - remind + sb + to V: nhắc nhở ai làm gì - encourage sb + to V: khuyến khích ai làm gì - offer + to V: đề nghị làm gì - agree + to V: đồng ý làm gì

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