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Unit 1: A long and healthy life 1A. Pronunciation • Strong and weak forms of auxiliary verbs Underline the weak form and double underline the strong form of the auxiliary verbs in the following short exchanges. Then practise them with your partner. 1. A: Do you often work out in the morning? B: Yes, I do. 2. A: Can you swim in the butterfly style? B: No, I can’t. 3. A: Have you ever practised karate? B: Yes, I have. 4. A: Aren’t you an aerobic instructor? B: Yes, I am. 5. A: Didn’t you have time for the swimming practice yesterday? B: No, I didn’t. I was busy yesterday. 6. A: Has she joined a gym? B: Yes, she has. 7. A: Can doing squats bum a lot of calories? B: Yes, it can. 8. A: Shall we go now? B: I think we ought to. 9. A: Must we go now? B: I think we must. 10. A: Does lifting weights build our muscles? B: Certainly, it does. 1B. Vocabulary • Words and phrases related to health and fitness I. Complete the sentences with the words given. muscles diet treatment develop active repetitive life expectancy avoid cut down lifestyle strength fit 1. The instructions give a balanced __________ , and protect against infections. 2. You must be very __________ if you do so much running. 3. Regular exercise will help to strengthen your __________ . 4. We focus on the importance of __________ participation by elderly people in the life of the community. 5. __________ for both men and women has improved greatly in the past 20 years. 6. Some of the tasks required considerable physical __________ . 7. There have been great advances in the __________ of cancer. 8. You can change your eating habits and lead a healthier __________ . 9. Computers are now being brought into this career to perform __________ tasks. 10. The doctor told him to __________ on his drinking. 11. Some alcoholics __________ liver cancer when they drink heavily. 12. Pregnant women should __________ certain foods such as raw eggs. II. Complete the sentences with the verbs given in the correct form. fall include ensure treat give up lead help give off work out stay
1. I go jogging every morning and __________ with weights twice a week. 2. Peter has decided to __________ football at the end of this season. 3. My father always __________ a very active life. 4. How do you make this change and __________ a balanced diet? 5. A healthy lifestyle __________ taking exercise and not smoking. 6. The fire doesn’t seem to __________ much heat. 7. One in seven road accidents is caused by drivers __________ asleep at the wheel. 8. Eat right to __________ healthy. 9. It was difficult to __________ patients because of a shortage of medicine. 10. Herbal products can __________ you to relax and sleep well. III. Fill in each blank in the following sentences with the correct word / phrase below. immune system life expectancy ageing workout longevity boosting meditation nutritious 1. __________ takes many forms, but its core is the ability to control the mind and quieten it down. 2. Learning is the most fundamental brain __________ - and the more you do it, the more you’ll benefit. 3. Research for more recent periods shows a surprising and continuing improvement in __________ among those aged 80 or above. 4. Many individuals through the ages realised there was a very important link between health, exercise, fitness, meditation, intelligence and __________ . 5. A research suggests that tai chi may also slow down __________ by boosting a certain type of stem cell. 6. Bird’s nest soup brings overall benefit to the __________ and it gives you glowing skin. 7. Widespread gardening provides an opportunity for exercise, sunlight and __________ food for people in Okinawa, Japan. 8. The first step in __________ Nagano's life span was a campaign to reduce salt consumption and promote a healthier diet and lifestyle. IV. Complete the following famous sayings with the words below. cheerfulness nutrition basis fitness cures healthy cleanliness illness disease value Best Sayings About Health & Nutrition 1. “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man __________, wealthy and wise”, Benjamin Franklin. 2. “Physical __________ is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, but it is also the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity”, John F. Kennedy. 3. “Those who think they have no time for exercise will sooner or later have to find time for ________________,” Edward Stanley. 4. “Health is like money, we never have a true idea of its __________ until we lose it,” Josh Billings. 5. “The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with __________ ,” Thomas Edison. 6. “A good laugh and a long sleep are the best __________ in the doctor’s book,” an Irish proverb. 7. “To ensure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate __________ , and maintain an interest in life,” William Londen. 8. “Today, more than 95% of all chronic __________ is caused by food choice, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiencies and lack of physical exercise,” Mike Adams.
9. “Water, air and __________ are the chief articles in my pharmacopoeia,” Napoleon I. 10. “By cleansing your body on a regular __________ and eliminating as many toxins as possible from your environment, your body can begin to heal itself, prevent disease, and become stronger and more resilient than you ever dreamed possible!” Dr. Edward. • Vocabulary for CLIL: Bacteria and viruses V. Complete the sentences with the words given. disease organisms illness infected vaccine antibiotics bacteria spread food poisoning infectious 1. I’m taking __________ for a throat infection. 2. Clean the wound so it doesn’t get __________ . 3. Foot and mouth disease is caused by a highly __________ virus which animals either eat or inhale. 4. All living __________ have to adapt to changes in environmental conditions. 5. There is no __________ against HIV infection. 6. __________ is an illness of the stomach caused by eating food that contains harmful bacteria. 7. She suffers from a rare __________ of the brain. 8. Doctors say that his __________ isn’t life-threatening. 9. Some __________ help the human body fight disease. 10. Some unhygienic conditions encourage the __________ of disease. • Prepositions VI. Complete each sentence with the correct preposition. 1. They are looking __________ ways to add further value __________ their products. 2. He is receiving treatment __________ cancer. 3. I don’t have any sugar so you’ll have to do __________ . 4. You can help prevent heart disease __________ changing your lifestyle. 5. His back injury may prevent him __________ playing in tomorrow’s game. 6. The wood gave __________ a sweet, perfumed smell as it burned. 7. Cut down __________ fatty foods if you want to lose weight. 8. He has changed a lot __________ the past decade. 9. Diseases that were once thought incurable can be treated __________ antibiotics. 10. She suffers __________ a rare bone disease. 1C. Grammar • Past simple vs Present perfect I. Choose the correct words. 1. David has been / was at the beach for hours. I think he’s having a great time there. 2. Have your friends bought / Did your friends buy tickets for the concert yesterday? 3. My younger sister has started / started school six months ago. 4. So far this week we’ve seen / we saw two funny films on TV. 5. I’ve talked / I talked to my grandparents on the phone last week. 6. What’s the noise? Have your neighbours bought / Did your neighbours buy a new dog recently? 7. Have you seen / Did you see Nick this week? 8. We’ve known / We knew Ann and Tom for three years. We’re really good friends now. II. Choose the correct answers.
1. My school football team hasn’t won / didn’t win a match since the start of the year. 2. I haven’t been / didn’t go to China. What’s it like? 3. It has rained / rained three times this week. 4. I have seen / saw my first Disney film when I was four years old. 5. I feel at home in this village because we have lived / lived here for six years now. 6. I’m a big football fan, but I have never been / never went to the stadium. 7. It hasn’t rained / didn’t rain for a long time, so it’s very hot. 8. I have sent / sent an email to Jack last week, but he hasn’t replied. III. Complete the sentences. Use the past simple in one sentence and the present perfect in the other. 1. a Italy __________ the World Cup in 2006. (win) b He’s happy because Manchester United __________ all their matches this year. (win) 2. a ‘Can you tidy your room?’ - ‘I __________ it this morning.’ (tidy) b ‘Can you tidy your room?’ - ‘I __________ it.’ (tidy) 3. a What time __________ you __________ home last night? (arrive) b ‘ __________ Ben __________ ?’ - ‘Yes, he’s in the living room.’ (arrive) 4. a Come on, let’s eat. Dad __________ dinner. (cook) b Who __________ this food? It’s delicious. (cook) 5. a I __________ lots of interesting people since I arrived. (meet) b __________ you __________ anyone interesting while you were on holiday? (meet) IV. Complete the text using the present perfect or the past simple form of the verb in brackets. I 1 __________ (meet) Andy on a diving course when I was seventeen. We 2 __________ (be) together since then and in the last six years we 3 __________ (visit) some awesome places on our holidays. Last month, we 4 __________ (decide) to get married. The wedding 5 __________ (be) great, but exhausting because we were underwater and I 6 __________ (have) a big wedding dress on. Since we got married, we 7 __________ (not have) time to think or relax. These last few weeks 8 __________ (go) very fast. Time flies when you’re in love. V. Complete the dialogue using the present perfect or past simple form of the verbs in brackets, or an auxiliary verb. Nick: 1 __________ you ever __________ (visit) Disneyland Paris? Ann: Yes, I 2 __________ . It’s fantastic. Nick: When 3 __________ you __________ (go) there? Ann: I 4 __________ (go) with my mum last weekend. Nick: Really? Ann: Yes, we 5 __________ (travel) there by train on Friday evening and we 6 __________ (leave) on Sunday morning. But my dad 7 __________ (not come) with us. Nick: 8 __________ he __________ (be) there before? Ann: No, he 9 __________ . He hates places like that. He 10 __________ (not visit) a theme park since 1995 when he 11 __________ (be) fourteen years old. Nick: And what 12 __________ you __________ (think) of the rides? Ann: I really 13 __________ (like) them all - especially the Big Thunder Mountain ride. It’s terrifying. 14 __________ you ever __________ (see) a photo of it? Nick: No, I 15 __________ . But I 16 __________ (hear) a lot about it. It sounds great. VI. Complete the text about young adventurers with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Young Adventurers

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