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PHYSICS 1. A triangle made by wire of resistance 24Ω. Then find resistance across point ‘A’ and ‘B’. (A) 2 9  (B) 9 2  (C) 14 Ω (D) 2.4 2. An electric Kettle has two heating coil. When both the coil used in Kettle separately, then time taken to boil the same amount of water is 3s and 6s then find time when both the coils are connected in series and used (A) 4s (B) 18s (C) 9s (D) 3s 3. For a given circuit find potential difference across 8Ω if current in 12Ω is 3 Amp. (A) 120 V (B) 24 V (C) 96 V (D) 16 V 4. In the circuit shown, reading of Ideal Ammeter A is; (A) Zero (B) Infinite (C) 40A (D) 80A 5. In the given circuit bulbs are rated as B1 (50w, 220V) B2(50w, 220V) B3(220V, 50w) B4(50w, 220V) & B5(220V, 100w) Among these bulbs which glow brightest ? (A) B1 (B) B3 (C) B5 (D) All of these 6. In the circuit E1 has e.m.f. of 12V and zero internal resistance while the battery E has an e.m.f. of 2V. If the galvanometer G reads zero, then value of the resistance ‘x’ in ohm is (A) 100 Ω (B) 500 Ω (C) 400 Ω (D) 200 Ω 7. A Potentiometer wire has length 10 m and resistance 8 Ω. The resistance that must be connected in series with the wire and main battery of emf 20V, so as to get a potential gradient 1.6V per m on the wire (A) 44 Ω (B) 2 Ω (C) 3 Ω (D) 8 Ω 8. A carbon resistance has coloured strips as brown, green, orange and silver respectively. The resistance is (A) 15 kΩ ± 10% (B) 15 kΩ ± 15% (C) 15 kΩ ± 20% (D) 10 kΩ ± 5% 9. In the given circuit a meter bridge is shown in balanced state. If Temperature of X is increases which have –ve coefficient of resistivity then balance point will shift towards. (A) Towards X (B) Towards Y (C) May be towards (D) Will not shift 10. A cell is balanced at 40 cm and 30 cm of potentiometer wire respectively when it is in open circuit and when short circuited by the resistance of 4Ω. The internal resistance of cell is (A) 4Ω (B) 3Ω (C) 4 3 Ω (D) 3 4 Ω 11. The effective resistance between A and B is (A) 7 5 R (B) 5 7 R (C) 3 7 R (D) 5 3 R PW-AITS_NT-08

23. 4 cells each of e.m.f. 2V and internal resistance of 1 ohm are connected in parallel to a load resistor of 2 ohm. Then the current through the load resistor is (A) 2A (B) 1.5A (C) 1A (D) 0.888A 24. As the switch S is closed in the circuit shown in figure, current passing through it is : (A) 4.5A (B) 6.0A (C) 3.0A (D) Zero 25. A potentiometer has uniform potential gradient across it. Two cells connected in series (i) to support each other and (ii) to oppose each other are balanced over 6m and 2m respectively on the potentiometer wire. The e.m.f.’s of the cells are in the ratio of : (A) 1 : 2 (B) 1 : 1 (C) 3 : 1 (D) 2 : 1 26. In a potentiometer experiment the balancing with a cell is at length 240 cm. On shunting the cell with a resistance of 2Ω, the balancing length becomes 120 cm. The internal resistance of the cell is : (A) 4 Ω (B) 2 Ω (C) 1 Ω (D) 0.5 Ω 27. In the figure shown for determining values of R1 and R2 the balance point for Jockey is at 40 cm from A. When R2 is shunted by a resistance of 10 Ω, balance shifts to 50 cm. R1 and R2 are (AB = 1m) : (A) 10 3 Ω, 5Ω (B) 20Ω, 30Ω (C) 10Ω, 15Ω (D) 5Ω, 15 2 Ω 28. Shown in the figure given below is a meter-bridge set up with null deflection in the galvanometer. The value of the unknown resistor R is : (A) 13.75 Ω (B) 220 Ω (C) 110 Ω (D) 55 Ω 29. At a certain place, vertical component of earth’s magnetic field is 3 times the horizontal component of earth’s magnetic field. If a magnetic needle is suspended freely in air then it will incline (A) 30o below horizontal (B) 60o below horizontal (C) 30o above horizontal (D) 45o above horizontal 30. The value of the apparent angles of dip in two planes at right angles to each other are 45o and 30o respectively. The true value of angle of dip at the place is (A) cot –1 (1) (B) cot–1 (2) (C) cot–1 (3) (D) cot–3 (4) 31. A magnetic needle oscillates in horizontal plane with a period T at a place where the angle of dip is 60o. When he same needle is made oscillate in a vertical plane coinciding with the magnetic meridian, its period will be (A) T 2 (B) T (C) 2T (D) 2T 32. A bar magnetic moment M is cut into two equal parts along its length. The magnetic moment of either part is (A) 2M (B) M (C) M/2 (4) zero 33. A steel wire of length l has a magnetic moment M. It is then bent into a semi-circular arc. The new magnetic moment is (A) M (B) M  (C) M  (D) 2 M 34. Point A and B are situated perpendicular to axis of a small bar magnet at large distances x and 3x from its centre on opposite sides. The ratio of the magnetic fields at A and B will be approximately equal to (A) 2 : 9 (B) 1 : 9 (C) 27 : 1 (D) 9 : 1 35. Figure shows two small identical magnetic dipoles a and b of magnetic moment M each, placed at a separation 2d, with their axis perpendicular to each other. The magnetic field at the point P mid-way between the dipoles is (A) 0 3 M 4 d   (B) 0 3 M 4 d   (C) zero (D) 0 3 5 M 4 d  

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