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RETAKE MONTHLY TEST 2023 – 24 COMPUTER – II Date: 16-01-2024 Time: 1Hour 45 Min. Max. Marks: 50 SECTION “A” (MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS) Q#1 Choose the correct answer for each from the given options. 15 1. If the function returns no value then it is called: a. Data type function b. Calling function c. Main function d. Void function 2. scanf() is a predefined function in______header file. a. stdlib. h b. ctype. h c. stdio. h d. stdarg. h 3. Operator % in C Language is called? a. Percentage Operator b. Quotient Operator c. Modulus d. Division 4. If n has the value of 3, then the output of the statement, printf(“%d%d,n++,++n) is a. 3 5 b. 4 5 c. 4 4 d. 2 5 5. The standard header _______ is used for variable list arguments (...) in C. a. b. c. d. 6. This rules/format for using programming language are called a. sematic b. rule c. syntax d. module 7. In 1983, C++ was developed by Bjarne structure up at the a. Bell laboratories b. Microsoft c. IBM d.US Defence department 8. In the for loop structure, which statement is present? a. Assign statement b. Alter statement c. Both a & b d. None of these 9. The function put char() stands for a. put character b. put string c. put integer d. put float 10. Borland international Inc, USA released its own version of C++ in 1992 and called its compiler as a. Turb C++ b. R & K C++ c. Super soft C++ d. DBS C++ 11. Compiler cannot detect this error a. runtime b. logical c. Absolute d. syntax 12. A variable that can hold the value 234 having a data type a. char b. int c. float d. double 13. Who is often referred to as the creator of the C programming language? a. Dennis Ritchie b. Linus Torvalds c. Bill Gates d. Alan Turing 14. If both numerator and denominator of a division operation in C language are integers, then we get a. Expected algebraic real value b. Unexpected integer value c. Compiler error d. None of the above 15. Which of the following are C preprocessors? a. #ifdef b. #define c. #endif d. all of the mentioned 16. All a minimum, all C programs must specify one function called a. basic function b. main function c. primary function d. elementary function 17. A variable which can be accessed by all program modules is called a. global variable b. local variable c. argument d. private variable 18. Which of the following declaration is not supported by C language? a. String str; b. char *str; c. float str = 3e2 d. Both a & c 19. char constant value a. must be enclosed in double quotes b. must be enclosed in single quotes c. must be enclosed in either single or double d. doesn’t need to be enclosed in quotes 20. Number of Keywords present in C Language are? a. 32 b. 34 c.62 d. 64 21. In C, what is the purpose of the scanf function? a. Print formatted text to the console b. Read formatted input from the console c. Declare a new variable d. Perform mathematical calculations 22. What is #include ? a. Preprocessor directive b. Inclusion directive c. File inclusion directive d. None of these 23. What is the other name of Question Mark Colon Operator? a. Comparison Operator b. If-Else Operator c. Binary Operator d. Ternary Operator 24. This function is used to clear the screen a. clear b. clrscr c. Clrsr d. CLS() 25. A variable definition defers from a declaration in that a. the declaration sets aside storage space b. the declaration specifics the name and type of the variable c. the definition sets aside storage space d. the definition specifics the name and types of the variable 26. The first High-level language to be introduced was: a. COBOL b. FORTRAN c. Pascal d. BASIC 27. In C programming language, which of the following type of operators have the highest precedence a. Relational operators b. Equality operators c. Logical operators d. Arithmetic operators 28. Which of the following is an example of initializing a variable.