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Question 22: This is my business and you have no right to______ A. intervene B. interfere C. interrupt D. out Question 23: The taxi_________ up by the kerb. A. turned B. stopped C. came D. drew Question 24: The wheels_______ as the car went over an icy patch. A. skipped B. skidded C. slid D. slipped Question 25: Do you mind_________that everyone has got a ticket? A. controlling B. checking C. assuring D. knowing Question 26: My teacher was very conscious________his bald head. A. of B. with C. about D. for Question 27: The offer of a place at a good university is not to be_________at A. coughed B. sneezed C. laughed D. rejected Question 28: The official report on the accident was a_________of lies. A. pack B. bundle C. heap D. bunch Question 29: Unless you __________to the rules, we'll have to ask you to leave. A. obey B. stand C. do D. conform Question 30: If you want to find these titles, look them up in the__________ A. reference B. index C. catalogue D. directory Question 31: Between you and me, so don't tell anyone, I am sure he will lose the election. A. In truth B. In confidence C. In fact D. In conclusion Question 32: The soldiers received commands from_________one-eyed general. A. a B. an C. very D. the Question 33: He was____________with an extraordinary musical ability. A. ensured B. entrusted C. entreated D. endowed Question 34: I could__________a note of panic in his voice. A. desist B. detest C. detect D. deter Question 35: It is________impossible to tell the twins apart. A. realistically B. virtually C. closely D. extremely Question 36: Thousands of people use the _______ of footpaths across these hills. A. gird B. network C. circuit D. channel Question 37: A newspaper’s opinions are given in its_______ A. cartoons B. editorial C. reports D. titles Question 38: Mr Brown is not a serious investor, but he likes to ________ in the stock market. A. splash B. splatter C. paddle D. dabble Question 39: The terrorists who hijacked the plane last night are still holding ten_____ A. casualties B. hostages C. pedestrians D. victims Question 40: They tried in vain to save enough money to buy a house and so finally they rented one. A. without money B. without trial C. without success D. without work Question 41: No wonder she is jumping for jov. she has just been given promotion. A. very jumpy B. very silly C. very happy D. very noisy Question 42: I wish I could trust you again, but all you ever did to me was to let me down. A. to make me cry B. to make me angry C. to despite me D. to disappoint me Question 43: You shouldn't worry about the exam because you have prepared well and you will probably find it a piece of cake. A. easy to digest B. easy to read C. easy to start D. very easy Question 44: My son would love to have a Buzz Lightmonth toy for his birthday. Do you have any at your store?-Sorry, madam. They are out of stock.
A. bankrupt B. broken C. not available D. stacked Question 45: I invested all my money in that failed company and now I find my whole investment has gone down the drain. A. has been overtaken B. has been confirmed C. has been wasted D. has been confused Question 46: I would advise you to do that as well and in that way you will kill two birds with one stone. A. get things done twice B. get something done two times C. get two things done at the same time D. get two things done twice Question 47: Everyone thought Jane and Elly were a happy couple, but it was all just making believe. A. modesty B. pretending C. reality D. denial Question 48: It is very difficult to_________the exact meaning of an idiom in a foreign language. A. transfer B. exchange C. convert D. convey Question 49: At the end of the match the players were_______exhausted. A. solely B. utterly C. actually D. merely Question 50: We couldn't fly________because all the tickets had been sold out A. economical B. economy C. economic D. economics
LỜI GIẢI CHI TIẾT Câu Đáp án Giải thích chi tiết đáp án 1. D Kiến thức về từ vựng Đáp án: D. stroll /strǝul/ (n): đi dạo take a stroll: đi dạo, tản bộ Các đáp án còn lại: A. Creep /kri:p/ (n): sự bò, trườn B. crawl /kro:l/ (n): sự bò trườn, kéo lê C. stride /straid/ (n): bước dài Dịch nghĩa: Cô ấy thường đi dạo trước khi đi ngủ. 2. C Kiến thức về từ vựng Unusual /ʌn'ju:ʒuǝl/ (a): không thông thường, bất thường Belief /bi'li:f/ (n) : niềm tin, lòng tin, sự tin tưởng Đáp án: C. hold /hǝuld/ (v): giữ Dịch nghĩa: Tôi vẫn giữ một vài sự tin tưởng đặc biệt về giáo dục 3. D Kiến thức về từ vựng Đáp án: D. succession /sǝk'seʃan/ (n): sự liên tiếp, chuỗi Các đáp án còn lại: A.success /sǝk’ses/ (n): thành công B.continuation /kǝn,tɪn.ju'eɪ.ʃǝn/ (n): sự tiếp tục C.repetition /repɪ'tɪʃan/(n): sự lặp lại Dịch nghĩa: Cô ấy gặp một chuỗi tai họa. 4. B Kiến thức về cụm động ỉừ B. put (off) - lần lữa, chần chừ, trì hoãn Các đáp án còn lại: A. shake off - tống khứ, giũ sạch C. set off - làm nổi bật, làm tăng lên, khởi hành D. hold off - chậm lại, nán lại Dịch nghĩa: Tôi thích chiếc đầm nhưng hơi chần chừ vì giá của nó. 5. C Kiến thức về thành ngữ merchandise /mɜ:tʃǝn.daɪs/ (n): hàng hóa motivate /'mǝʊ.tɪ.veɪt/ (v): thúc đẩy customer /'kʌstǝmǝ/ (n): khách hàng inform /in'fͻ:m/(v): báo tin, cho biết make sb tick = motivate sb: thúc đẩy, kích thích ai Dịch nghĩa: Nếu anh ta biết điều gì thúc đẩy khách hàng của mình thì anh ta đã có thể bán được cho họ nhiều hàng hóa hon. 6. A Kiến thức về thành ngữ To stick around: ở quanh quẩn gần, lảng vảng gần = remain in one place. Affix (v): dán Unsatisfactorily /ʌn,sætɪs'fæktǝrili/ (adv): không hài lòng. Go around: đi xung quanh, đi vòng quanh 7. C Kiến thức về từ vựng Make sb do sth: làm cho ai làm sao Đáp án: C. mimic /’'mɪm.ɪk/(n): Sự bắt chước giống hệt (thường để gây cười cho ngưòi

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