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Nội dung text RUTC REO Part #1 | COC Revalidation Course for Engineers

1. Which of the following Convention is also known as the Minimum standard convention ● Maritime Labor convention ● ILO Convention no 147 ● STCW Convention 1978 ● STCW convention 1975 2. _____________ is an international agreement that aimed to reduce carbon dioxide emission ● KYOTO Protocol ● Paris Agreement ● Montreal Protocol ● All of the above 3. Which of the following statements correctly describes the phenomenon of Surging in a 2-stoke crosshead engine ● Due to sudden increase in engine load the Exhaust gases may flow back through scavenge ports causing surge ● Due to sudden decrease in engine load the turbocharger pressure ratio drops. This causes high pressure downstream of turbocharger in scavenge trunk casing flow reversal of scavenge air ● Due to sudden increase in engine load, the T/C turbine rpm may increase the compressor pressure ratio to surge ● Due to sudden decrease in engine load the turbocharger may stall as the higher pressure downstream in exhaust system may cause reversal of flow of exhaust gases 4. Which of the listed requirements for cargo ships regarding the personal life saving appliances does not correspond to present regulation ● Self-igniting lights for lifebuoys required on tankers shall be of electric battery type ● Cargo ships of less than 85 m in length shall as a general rule carry immersion suits for every person on-board ● Ships with a length of 100m or less shall carry minimum 8 lifebuoys ● Ships fitted with free-fall lifeboats may carry thermal protective aids instead of immersion suits 5. How is the concentration of dissolved oxygen in feedwater of an Auxiliary boiler maintained at acceptable limits ? ● Feedwater is cycled through a DC Heater ● Feed water is treated with phosphates ● Oxygen is liberated in the three stages of feed water pre heating ● Oxygen is liberated by maintaining the highest practical feed water temperature
6. The portable extinguisher designed for use on almost all the classes of fire is a ● Dry chemical extinguisher ● Water extinguisher ● Foam extinguisher ● Wet chemical extinguisher 7. STCW Convention prescribes _______________ standards related to training certification and watch keeping for sea farers ● Minimum ● Maximum ● Optimal ● All of the above 8. Seebeck effect is used in ● Thermistors ● Thermocouples ● RTD ● Hot wire sensor 9. ____________ is a test during which standard values off measured are applied to the measuring device and the corresponding output readings are compared with the standard values ● Linearity ● Hysteresis ● Calibration ● None of the mentioned 10. Which of the following is the greatest volume of waste discharge to water ● Spillages from oil pipelines ● Sewage ● Nuclear waste ● Spillage from tankers 11. Fire of Carbonaceous substances is known as ● Class A Fire ● Class B Fire ● Class C Fire ● Class D Fire 12. PSC inspections comprise of ● SOLAS
● MARRPOL ● COLRREG ● All of the above 13. How many rescue boats a cargo ship carry ? ● At least 2 ● At least 3 ● At least 1 ● At least 4 14. How many bunker samples are taken during bunkering by Drip sampling ● One ● Two ● Three ● Four 15. Freight paid by charterers on a quantity cargo short shipped i.e. quantity agrred upon but not loaded by the charterers is called ● Pro rata freight ● Back freight ● Dead freight ● None of the above 16. Use of Halon as a Fire extinguishing medium has been discontinued because ● It is highly toxic ● It is expensive ● It has ozone depleting potential ● It leads to acid rains 17. The maximum capacity of an oil fuel tank for any ship built on or after 1st August 2010 as restricted by MARPOL Annex 1 is ● 600 m3
● 1200m3 ● 2500m3 ● 3000m3 18. International Air pollution certificate validity ● 4 years ● 5 years ● 6 years ● 3 years 19. IOPP Certificate is valid for __________ years ● 5 years ● 3 years ● 1 year ● Lifetime 20. Entries in Oil record book part 1 are to be in ● At least English Spanish or French ● At least English German or French ● At least English Spanish or German ● At least English German or Italian 21. Your vessel has been in collision and you are not sure if your vessel is sinking or not. How will you handle this situation ? ● Make sure that the lifeboat has much bunker as possible and make you course for nearest land. ● Wait and see how the situation is developing ● Search for missing persons. Continue to monitor situation and prepare for abandonment in case it becomes necessary ● Leave the vessel and stay not closer than 5 nautical miles 22. PSA are ● Assessment of Risks ● Cost benefit assessment

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