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Unit 5- Test 4 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 1: A. about B. enough C. sound D. cloud Question 2: A. proposed B. explained C. impressed D. injured Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position ofprimary stress in each of the following questions. Question 3: A. applicant B. opponent C. argument D. leftover Question 4: A. wildlife B. offer C. provide D. parents Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 5. John doesn’t get on well with his roommates, ________? A. was he B. does he C. did he D. is he Question 6. Betty pointedly avoided ______ at him when she spoke. A. to look B. looking C. looked D. to be looking Question 7. The pregnant woman hopes that her baby will _______ its grandmother, who is living in Sweden. A. take after B. set up C. look up D. go on Question 8:Is this_______ hike through the forest ? A. the shortest B. shorter C. shorter than D. the most short Question 9: If it ____________ now, we would delay our trip. A. rained B. rain C. will rain D. would rain Read the following advertisement/school announcement and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on youranswer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 10 to Question 10:A. on B. in C. at D. about Question 11:A. attentive B. attend C. attention D. attentively Question 12:A. few B. any C. many D. a lot Question 13:A. work B. worked C. worker D. working Question 14:A. Having increased B. Increasing C. Increased D. Had increased Question 15:A. effectiveness B. efficiency C. attention D. advancement Business operation will resume as normal (10)_______ 3rd of May Many thanks for your kind (11)_______ and being appreciative with this situation. On this occasion, we would like to thank you for your support and cooperation in the year 2023 and look forward to receiving your continuing assistance in 2024. Should you have (12)_______ questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Wish you and your family a healthy, happy and successful holiday. Best regards, BENEFIT Qualified staff can sign official contracts without the probationary period mentioned above. Friendly, dynamic (13)_______ environment, fast promotion. Salary range: from 7,000,000 to 8,000,000 VND. (14)_______ salary by working (15)_______ and full commitment to the regime for employees according to the current law (health insurance, social insurance, unemployment insurance …). Stay on Saturday, CN and public holidays according to state regulations.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct arrangement of the sentences tomake a meaningful paragraph/letter in each of the following questions. Question 16: a. Various cultural exchanges help visitors know more about our country. b. First, promoting its culture and get to know other cultures. c. Greater educational opportunities abroad are now open to Vietnamese students. d. Viet Nam has gained three main benefits since it joined different international organisations. e. Finally, increasing both local and international tours. f. Second, creating more educational opportunities for both Vietnamese and foreign students. g. Our country has become one of the most popular destinations for foreign tourists in the region. A. d – b – a – c – f – e – g B. d – b – f – e – a – c – g C. d – b – a – f – c – e – g D. d – a – b – c – f – e – g Question 17: a. I am keen on music concert and I believe it's much better to join the concert as a supporter. I have experience for vonlunteering. b. Dear Mr. Claire Veneer, c. Last year, I helped at a charity project at a orphanage. I was in charge of decorating the stage and helping in carrying things. I am responsible and energetic. d. I noticed your advertisement for volunteers in supporting school concert, and I am writing to apply for the role. e. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, Minh Ngan f. I am available for music concert the whole day. Moreover, I can get there by bike. A. b – f – c – a – d – e B. b – d – a – c – f – e C. b – c – f – a – d – e D. b – e – d – a – c – f Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of thenumbered blanks from 18 to 23. We now live in a small town in Bac Giang. We all think that in 2050, (18)_______ will grow into a small city. (19)_______ will come and settle down here. There will be more entertainment centres and better facilities. Several factories will be built in the area, (20)_______. But things will become more expensive, especially oil and electricity. Also, (21)_______. Air and water will be polluted (21)_______ and not properly treated drainage system. It is important that the government and local authorities work closely (23)_______. Question 18: A. our small house B. the our small house C. small house of us D. this our small house Question 19: A. More and more people come from nearby villages B. More and more people coming from nearby villages C. More and more people from the nearby villages D. More and more people are coming from nearby villages Question 20: A. but creating more jobs for local people B. so more jobs will be created for local people C.so more jobs will create for local people D. so having created more jobs for local people Question 21: A. the environment having to suffer B. the environment may have to suffer C. Having suferred by the environment D. May the environment suffered Question 22: A.due to the smoke from factory chimneys B. because the smoke from factory chimneys C. with factory chimneys so D. according to the smoke of factory chimneys Question 23: A. to developing the sustainable B. to sustainable the supportive development C. to develop supportive sustainable D.to support sustainable development Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correctoption that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 24 to 28. Chau van singing is an ancient form of Vietnamese performance art which combines singing and dancing. It (24)_________ in the Northern Delta region of Viet Nam around the 16th century, and later spread to all parts of the country. It is used to praise the gods or national heroes.
There are several (25)_________of chau van singing. One typical type is hat tho or worship singing – the slow chanting including an act of worship. (26)_________ type is hat hau – the singing and dancing of a psychic. The main musical (27)_________used in chau van performance are the moon-shaped lute, bamboo clappers, drum, and gong. The costumes of chau van performances are very important. The style of clothes, hats, and belts depends on the rank of the gods or saints the performers worship. It has changed over time, but the rules about the colours have stayed the same.As a form of traditional performance art, chau van singing was recognized (28)_________part of Vietnamese national culture. Question 24: A. starts B. start C. to start D. started Question 25: A. type B. typical C. types D. of types Question 26:A. Another B. Other C. Anothers D. Others Question 27: A. tools B. instruments C. machine D. talent Question 28: A. like B. so C. to D. as Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correctanswer to each of the questions from 29 to 33. Plastic is everywhere. It’s incredibly useful and our life wouldn’t be the same without it. Now, you probably don’t throw anything into the sea, but did you know 10% of all the plastic in the world ends up there? It comes from ships, from litter on beaches, the wind carries it from land and rivers take it out to sea. In fact, somewhere in the Pacific Ocean there is an enormous area of floating plastic called the Great Garbage patch. Nobody knows exactly how big it is, but some people say it’s the size of the USA! It’s the world’s largest rubbish dump. Why does it happen? The strong ocean currents push everything into a huge vortex of rubbish that stays in one place. Everything that is made of plastic (balls, tyres, syringes, toothbrushes, toys, bottle tops, plastic bags, etc.) ends up in this huge garbage patch. Charles Moor, the oceanographer who discovered it in 1997, believes it contains 100 million tons of plastic. This plastic is dangerous for marine life because fish swallow it, birds feed it to their babies, and animals like sea turtles get trapped in plastic nets. In fact, each year about 1 million sea birds and 100,000 marine animals die because of plastic. The patch also reduces the amount of microscopic plankton that fish can find to eat. This is because it contains 3 kilos of plastic for each half kilo of plankton. But the most harmful plastic is invisible, because ocean waves and sunlight break up the plastic into tiny pieces. These particles are easily swallowed and they can carry man-made chemicals, which get into the food chain. ‘What goes into the ocean goes into animals and onto your dinner plate,’ says Dr Jon Erikson, a marine researcher. The Environmentalist David de Rothschild took a 12,000 mile journey across the Pacific Ocean in a boat made of 12,500 recycled plastic bottles called the Plastiki. He wanted everyone to know about the dangers of plastic and to show practical ways to recycle. We can all do something to help. Use less plastic, recycle more and pick up litter! (Adapted from "Achievers Bl" by Helen Halliwell) Question 31: Which could be the best title of the passage? A. The Danger of Plastic B. Marine Life in Danger C. The Pacific Ocean at Risk D. The Great Garbage Patch Question 32: The phrase ‘it' in paragraph 1 refers to ___ A. the sea B. plastic C. the world D. wind Question 33: The word ‘ invisible’ in paragraph 4 mostly means ___ A. unable to be seen B. unable to be eaten C. impossible to be drunk D. impossible to swallowed Question 34: According to the passage, plastic is dangerous for marine life since ___ A. sea animals and fish can mistake it for food B. sea turtles and fish like to eat it C. people use it as traps to catch fish and sea turtles D. sea animal babies are fed on plastic nets Question 35: Which of the following is TRUE about plastic as stated in the passage? A. 10% of rubbish ends up in the sea. B. 100,000 sea birds die because of plastic every year. C. Plastic particles from the sea can appear at your meal. D. David de Rothschild tried to find the huge garbage patch in the Plastiki. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correctanswer to each of the questions from 34 to 40. The concept of flipped learning is largely credited to Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams, a set of Colorado high school teachers who decided to start adding audio to their PowerPoints back in 2007, posting them online to students who were absent from class would still get a chance to hear what their teacher had to say. The teachers saw that these videos weren’t just beneficial for students who needed to play catch-up. They were being watched by kids who were in school to hear the lessons too. The recordings were helping to reinforce learning. Bergmann and Sams began pre-recording all of their lectures, and today’s flipped classroom was born. Since then, teachers who have adopted flipped classrooms have turned to introducing lessons with digitized lectures, with viewing typically done outside of the classroom as homework, or at-home reading then using their class time to engage students in more active learning. That can mean everything from group activities to peer teaching. Essentially, learning
has been flipped from using homework as a way to follow a lecture up with problem-solving or group projects. Instead, the homework is where students have a concept presented, and their flipped classroom is where they do their problem- solving or projects. During the pandemic, this flipped learning became a necessity for many teachers, especially those in a hybrid model who were trying to maximize their in-class time with students. And the flipped classroom model has been seen by some teachers as a way to provide a homework alternative that makes better use of students’ time, as students are not expected to come up with answers to problems at home when they need their teacher’s assistance. (Adapted from: https://www.teachstarter.com/au/blog/flipped-learning-in-primary-classrooms-us/ ) Question 34:Which of the following could be the best title for the passage? A. The Evolution of Classroom Teaching: From Traditional to Flipped Learning B. The Impact of Covid-19 on Educational Practices: Flipped Learning Emerges C. Innovative Teaching Techniques: The Rise of Bergmann and Sams' Flipped Classroom D. Maximizing Learning Opportunities: The Role of Hybrid Models and Flipped Learning Question 35:The wordtheyin paragraph 1 refers to______ A. videos B. students C. Powerpoints D. teachers Question 36:Which of the following is NOT stated in paragraph 2? A. Teachers who have adopted flipped classrooms typically use class time for passive learning activities. B. Homework in the flipped classroom model involves viewing digitized lectures or reading at home. C. Flipped learning involves using class time for active learning, such as group activities or peer teaching. D. The concept of flipped learning originated with Bergmann and Sams pre-recording their lectures. Question 37: The word engage in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to______ A. encourage B. coordinate C. participate D. communicate Question 38:The word hybrid in paragraph 3 is opposite in meaning to______ A. separation B. combination C. blended D. pyramid Question 39:According to the passage, in the Covid 19 situation, ______ A. Traditional teaching methods were favored over flipped learning. B. Flipped learning became a necessity for many teachers, particularly those in a hybrid model. C. Teachers abandoned the use of technology in the classroom. D. Students were expected to spend less time on homework and more time in class. Question 40:It can be inferred from the passage that______ A. Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams were initially resistant to the idea of flipped learning. B. Flipped learning primarily benefits students who are already proficient in their studies. C. The Covid-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of flipped learning among educators. D. Traditional teaching methods have completely replaced flipped learning in modern classrooms. The End

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