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END-OF-TERM 1 - TEST 1 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 1. A. increase B. lead C. head D. heating Question 2. A. match B. check C. chairman D. machine Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 3. A. present B. smartphone C. money D. become Question 4. A. charity B. gravity C. example D. probably Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 5: We should _________ rubbish we see on the beach to keep the environment clean and safe for marine life. A. turnoff B. setup C. break down D. pick up Question 6: Large trees on the street provide shade for people and reduce the urban _________. A. explosion B. heat C. item D. resource Question 7: We can all contribute to a cleaner planet by living _________ and reducing our carbon footprint. A. green B. blue C. yellow D. red Question 8: By adopting cleaner energy sources, we can significantly decrease greenhouse gas _______. A. difference B. pollution C. plastic D. emission Question 9: The plan has been made. Our school _________ a recycling program to promote eco-friendly habits. A. is going to be organised B. is going to organise C. will be organised D. will organise Read the following advertisement/ school announcement and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the blanks. WANT A SUMMER JOB? Are you (10)______ high school student looking for a summer job? Apply (11)_______ ABC Farming Company. We need some employees to collect soft fruit during the holiday. Requirements:  Hard-working  Strong  (12)_______ Contact number: 0341206745 (Mr. John) Address: 15 Black Street, Scotland Question 10: A. an B. a C. the D. Ꝋ Question 11: A. for B. with C. to D. in Question 12: A. careless B. careful C. care D. carefully ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE GRADUATION CEREMONY The school Youth Union would like to announce  All students of Grade 12 (13)______ present by 17:00 on Jun 29, 2024.  Girls are required to wear the traditional (14)______ , while boys must wear white shirts and dark pants. (15)_______ parents need further information, feel free to contact Mr. Viet at 0974042062 Question 13: A. must B. have to be C. due to D. going to Question 14: A. customs B. activities C. cultures D. costumes Question 15:A. Had B. Should C. Were D. Do Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct arrangement of the sentences to make a meaningful paragraph/ letter in each of the following questions. Question 16. a. Finally, doing exercise daily helps in producing cells in the hippocampus, which helps you to learn and control memory.
b. In addition, it helps in developing your muscles. It also helps in improving the oxygen level and blood flow of the body. c. First of all, it helps in maintaining your weight. d. Exercise has a lot of benefits in today’s world. e. Moreover, it helps you reduce weight if you are overweight. A. b – e – d – a – c B. d – e – c – b – a C. d – a – b – e – c D. d – c – e – b – a Question 17. a. First, what are the university entry requirements for international students in the UK? b. Regards, c. Dear Kevin, I hope you well! I am writing to ask you for some information and advice on higher education in your country. d. What’s more, what types of accommodation are available for international students? e. Do I have to take any university entrance examinations if I have a certificate of secondary school graduation and a transcript of marks for all subjects. f. I wish you and your family the best A. c – e – a – d – f – b B. c – a – e- f – d – b C. c – a – e – d – f – b D. c – a – b – f – d – e Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks. Families can function well if everyone can communicate their needs and wants to communicate with each other respectfully. (18)_______. Sometimes it can be better to wait (19)______ so that you can more calmly communicate what is going on for you and (20)_______. You may not always get what you want straight away and you might have to be patient and/ or learn the art of negotiation and compromise. (21)_______is a great way to work things out so everyone comes out winning. For example, you might agree to help with chores around the house so you can go to the movies. It’s important to stick to your side of the agreement - this builds trust and respect. Talking things over can be helpful, particularly if you are worried about (22)_______. It’s important (23)_______ who you feel is understanding and supportive. This could be a parent, brother, sister, cousin, aunt, uncle, grandparent, or close family friend. Question 18. A. This can be hard if you are feeling frustrated, angry, hurt or sad B. Which can be hard if you are feeling frustrated, angry, hurt or sad C. It can be hard if you are feeling frustrating, angry, hurt or sad D. Being hard if you are feeling frustrated, angry, hurt or sad Question 19. A. until intense feelings have passed B. having passed intense feelings C. to pass intense feelings D. pass intense feelings Question 20. A. how you need and want B. your need and want C. you can need and want D. what you need and want Question 21. A. To learn to negotiate B. Learning to negotiate C. Learning negotiated D. To learn negotiating Question 22. A. our family relationships B. their family relationships C. your family relationships D. its family relationships Question 23. A. someone is in your family B. to identify someone in your family C. identify someone in your family D. someone to identify in your family Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. Technology will allow homes in the future to be "smart.” Appliances will communicate with each other and with you. Your stove, for instance, will tell you (24) ______ your food is cooked and ready to eat. The technology is possible because of tiny information-storing devices called RFID1 chips. People already use them to keep (25) ______ of pets and farm animals. Future RFID chips will store information about (26) ______ the items in your cabinets. For example, they will record the date that you bought each item. Other devices will "read" this information using radio waves. When you need more food, your cabinets will tell you to buy it. In a smart home, you won't have to repaint the walls. The walls will (27) ______ be digital screens, like computer or TV screens. The technology is called OLED and it's here already. A computer network will link these walls with everything else in your house. Called "ambient intelligence," this computer "brain” will control your entire house. It will (28) ______ adapt to your preferences. Your house will learn about your likes and dislikes. It will then use that knowledge to control the environment. (Adapted from Complete Advanced)
Question 24. A. that B. how C. who D. when Question 25. A. track B. control C. pace D. contact Question 26. A. all B. every C. any D. each Question 27. A. definitely B. really C. actually D. completely Question 28. A. therefore B. also C. still D. instead Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Orbis is an organisation which helps blind people of everywhere. It has built an eye hospital inside an aeroplane and flown it all over the world with an international medica team. Samantha Graham, a fourteen-year-old schoolgirl from England, went with the plane to Mongolia. Samantha tells the story of the Eukhtuul, a young Mongolian girl. ‘Last year, when Eukhtuul was walking home from school, she was attacked by boys with sticks and her eyes were badly damaged. Dr. Duffey, an Orbis doctor, said that without an operation she would never see again. I thought about all the things I do that she couldn’t, things like reading schoolbooks, watching television, seeing friends, and I realised how lucky I am.’ ‘The Orbis team agreed to operate on Eukhtuul and I was allowed to watch, together with some Mongolian medical students. I prayed the operation would be successful. The next day I waited nervously with Eukhtuul while Dr. Duffey removed her bandages. “In six months your sight will be back to normal,” he said. Eukhtuul smiled, her mother cried, and I had to wipe away some tears, too!’ Now Eukhtuul wants to study hard to become a doctor. Her whole future has changed thanks to a simple operation. We should all think more about how much our sight means to us.’ Question 29. What information can be learned from this passage? A. the best way of studying medicine B. the international work of some eye doctors C. the difficulties for blind travellers D. the life of schoolchildren in Mongolia Question 30. The word "she" in the passage refers to ____. A. the writer B. the nurse C. Eukhtuul D. the medical studen Question 31. After meeting Eukhtuul, Samantha felt ____. A. angry about Eukhtuul’s experience B. grateful for her own sight C. proud of the doctor’s skill D. surprise by Eukhtuul’s ability Question 32. W hat is the result of Eukhtuul's operation? A. After some time she will see as well as before. B. Before she recovers, she needs another operation. C. She can see better but can never have normal eyes. D. She can't see perfectly again. Question 33. What is the writer's main purpose in writing this passage? A. to describe a dangerous trip B. to explain how sight can be lost C. to report a patient's cure D. to warn against playing with sticks Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Facebook users spend an average of more than 15 hours a month on social networking sites. While there are plenty who caution against such intensive use - and there are a number of studies detailing the harm Facebook could potentially cause - there also are lots of reports extolling the site's virtues. As the social media giant prepares for its upcoming initial public offering, here are some ways Facebook just might be good for you. Spending time on Facebook can help people relax, slow down their heart rate and decrease stress levels, according to researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Milan. In a study published earlier this year, researchers studied 30 students and found that a natural high was sparked when they were on the social media network that led to relaxed heart rates and lower levels of stress and tension. In the study, the students were monitored in three situations: looking at panoramic landscapes, performing complicated mathematical equations and using Facebook. While the first situation was the most relaxing for students and the math problems were the most stressful, the time on Facebook uncovered high levels of attractiveness and arousal. The findings support the researchers’ hypothesis that Facebook's success, as well as that of other social media networks, correlates to the specific positive mental and physical state users experience. While many may argue that social media networks only distract employees, research shows the opposite may be true. Research from Keas.com found that a 10-minute Facebook break makes employees happier, healthier and more productive. The study examined workers in three groups: one that was allowed no breaks, one that was allowed to do anything but use the Internet and one that was allowed 10 minutes to use the
Internet and Facebook. The Facebook group was found to be 16 percent more productive than the group that was not allowed to use the Internet and nearly 40 percent more productive than the group that was allowed no breaks. "Short and unobtrusive breaks, such as a quick surf on the Internet, enables the mind to rest itself, leading to a higher net total concentration for a day's work, and as a result, increased productivity," said Brent Coker of the department of management and marketing at the University of Melbourne in Australia. Facebook is also in the business of matchmaking. Research shows that nearly 60 percent of singles will friend someone new on Facebook after meeting them in person. If they like what they see, 25 percent are likely to contact their new love interest via Facebook. Once the courting is over, nearly 40 percent of those social networking adults will update their relationship status on Facebook, with just 24 percent telling their friends first. Facebook use between couples will continue through the dating process, the research shows. Throughout the day, 79 percent of couples said they send partners Facebook messages or chat on the social network. In addition, more than 60 percent would post romantic messages on their significant other's Facebook wall. When the relationship ends, more than half of those surveyed immediately update their status to single, which automatically sends out a notification to their friend list to start the dating cycle over again. (Source: https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/) Question 34. Which of the following could be the main idea of the passage? A. The benefits that Facebook might bring you. B. The disadvantages that Facebook causes in modern life. C. The classes are most influenced by Facebook. D. The functions that are used most on Facebook. Question 35. The word "sparked" in the second paragraph is opposite in meaning ______. A. produced B. reduced C. prevented D. controlled Question 36. According to paragraph 2, what do the scientists discover in their study? A. Spending too much time on Facebook may increase levels of pressure and heart disease. B. Students often suffer from stress when they are working on something related to mathematics. C. Facebook can make its users more optimistic and aroused. D. The success of Facebook may motivate the development of other social networks. Question 37. The word "one” in paragraph 3 refers to ______. A. the study B. a group C. the Internet D. a research Question 38. Why does Facebook motivate the productivity of employees? A. Because the Internet distracts users from taking breaks from work. B. Because it helps people refresh their minds and then enhance their concentration on work. C. Because employees are happy with what they read on Facebook. D. Because they are allowed to relax after hard work. Question 39. The word "courting" in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to ______. A. dating B. marriage C. divorce D. making acquaintance Question 40. Which of the following is NOT correct about the impact of Facebook on users’ relationships? A. More than half of single people tend to make new friends on Facebook after face-to-face contact. B. Married people often use Facebook to keep in touch with their spouses. C. Not many people change their relationship status to single after their breakdown. D. Adults are more likely to update their relationship status on Facebook than to tell their friends about that. The End

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