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Date of planning : ....../…./ 2024 ENGLISH 6 Date of teaching: ........... UNIT 1 : MY NEW SCHOOL - Day 1 WEEK : I. OBJECTIVE:By the end of the lesson Students will be able to review and practice the grammatical points that they have learnt. - use the words related to the topic My New School. - pronounce the sounds /a:/ and / / correctly; - use the present simple; - use the adverbs of frequency; - introduce someone to someone else; - read for general and specific information about schools; - write a paragraph about one’s school. II. LANGUAGE CONTENTS: + Vocabulary: use the words related to the topic My New School. Pronouncing the sounds /a:/ and // correctly; + Grammar: - use the combinations: to play, to do, to have, to study + Noun; - use the present simple; - use the adverbs of frequency; III. MATERIALS: - Grammar in use . - Practical grammar book. Work book English 6 ........ IV. PROCEDURE : Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I. PRESENTATION: * Teacher revises some grammar notes in Unit 1 : 1) PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE: I- The present simple 1- Usage: We use the present simple to talk about things in general .We also use it to say that something happens all the time or repeatedly. 2- Formation: Positive: *I/ we/ you/ they/ pl. noun + V *He/She /It/ S.noun +V-s/ V-es Negative *I/We…….+don’t/ do not+ V * He/she…+doesn’t/ does not + V Questions and short answers *Do+ You/ I/we…+V? Yes ,I/ we…. do (or) - Learn how to form and use them. - Review. - Copy them. - Learn how to use them.
 No, I/we …… don’t *Does+ he/she…..V? Yes ,he/she…. does (or)  No, he/she …… doesn’t C. Adverbs: Always, usually, often....... - Everyday, every week ........ - Once/ twice a day/ week..... * T introduces quickly present continuous tense S+ am /is/ are + V-ing Exercise I : Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form.Present simple or Present continous 1. He often ………………. (go) to school on foot. 2. It ……………….(rain) very hard now. 3. The sun ……………….(warm) the air and ……………….(give) us light. 4. Look! A man ……………….(run) after the train. 5. She ……………….(go) to school everyday. 6. Bad students never ……………….(work) hard. 7. It often ……………….(rain) in the summer. It ……………….(rain) now. 8. The teacher always ……….(point) at the black – board when he ……………….(want) to explain something. 9. Mother ………….(cook) some food in the kitchen at the moment, she always ……….(cook) in the morning. 10. I always ……………….(meet) him on the corner of this street. 11. Where ………. You ………..(go) now? – I ……………….(go) to the theater. 12. He ……………….(not do) morning exercises regularly. 13. ………… he ……………….(do) morning exercises now? 14. Water ……………….(boil) at 100 degrees centigrade. 15. He …………….. (meet) the dentist next week. 16. …………. You ……………..(be) a good student? 17. They …….. usually …………. (not go) to school by motorbike. 18. He …………… (swim) overthere now. 19. She ……………..(come) here next month. 20. They ……………….. (not be) doctors. 21. He often ……………………… (get) up late. 22. ……….. you often …………….(watch) TV? 23. Mr. Brown ……………….. (listen) to music now? 24. I usually ………………….. (go) shopping on weekend. 25. Hai often ……………………(wash) his face at 6.15. 26. .....................she ……………………(play) badminton at the - Copy. - Learn how to use them. - Ss do themselves. - Give the answers. - Copy . - Learn how to do them. - Ss do themselves.
moment? 27. Thanh and Mai always ……………………(see) a movie on Saturday. 28. ………….he often ……………………(take) a bus to school? 29. We ……………………(be) student in class 8A. 30. She ………… often ……………………(not do) homework in the evening. * Ask Ss do more exercises in work book ENGLISH 6 - T guides. - Let Ss do themselves. - T goes round helping if necessary. - Call Ss to do . Exercise 4 : C. Speaking . 1/ 1. What are your favourite subjects at school, Frank? 2. What kind of music do you like? 3. Which(secondary ) do you go to/ attend? 4. What do you usually do on Sunday? 5. Who is your favourite teacher? 2/ What is your grandfather doing? - He is reading a newspaper. 2. What are the teacher and students doing? - They are doing experiment. 3. What are the boys doing? - They are playing football 4. What time do these people usually have a walk? - At 6 o’clock/ At 6 a.m 5. What time does Phong often listen to music? - At 9 p.m. - Ask Ss do more exercises about tenses if have time. III. Homework : - Review two tenses of verbs - Finish exercises. - Prepare new lessen. - Give the answers. - Copy . - Learn how to do them. - Ss do themselves. - Give the answers. - Copy . Ngày ......... Tháng …… Năm 2024 KÝ DUYỆT
PRACTICE EXERCISES UNIT 1 I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. 1. a. some b. rode c. come d. month 2. a. judo b. hope c. post d. one 3. a. brother b. mother c. go d. don’t 4. a. physics b. history c. excited d. music 5. a. healthy b. history c. vocabulary d. my II. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. 1. Listen! Someone______ at the door. a. Are knocking b. is knocking c. knock d. knocks 2. ________ I forgot my calculator. a. Oh dear b. I see c. You’ll see d. That’s OK 3. I’m excited _________ our first day at school. a. In b. with c. about d. for 4. Let’s _______ our school uniform and go to school. a. Take off b. wear on c. put off d. put on 5. Get up, Tom. We ________ to school, today. a. Are going back b. going back c. go to back d. are going to back 6. I meet my friend ______ my way to school a. In b. on c. at d. __X_ 7. Do you ______ your things with your classmates? a. Share b. help c. put on d. wear 8. My school is _______ by mountains and green fields. a. Surrounding b. surround c. surrounded d. surrounds 9. How do you get to school every day? - ___________ a. By bike b. on foot c. I walk to school d. all are correct 10. I ______ my homework with my friends. a. Play b. have c. do d. all are correct 11. Students live and study in a ____________ school. They only go home at weekends. a. Boarding b. international c. creative d. small 12. ________ does Mai usually cook dinner? – At five pm. a. What b. When c. What time d. Why 13. They are healthy because they _______ every day. a. Play chess b. do judo c. study vocabulary d. play music 14. Do you keep when your teacher is talking? - ___________ a. Yes, I do b. Yes, we do c. Yes, I am d. a & b are correct 15. Hoang _____ in a small house in the center of the city. a. Live b. lives c. don’t live d. a & c are correct III. Complete the sentences with the correct present simple affirmative or negative form of the verbs in brackets. 1 I like football but I _______________ (like) basketball. 2 On Saturdays I ____________ (get up) early. I stay in bed!

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