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UNIT 9. NATURAL DISASTERS LANGUAGE FOCUS PRONUNCIATION I. Circle the word in each line which has the underlined part pronounced differently. Then listen and repeat. Track 43 1. A. funnel B. fully C. pudding D. cushion 2. A. thought B. downpour C. bought D. although 3. A. landslide B. island C. rescue D. destroy 4. A. strengthen B. together C. earthquake D. authority 5. A. disaster B. poisonous C. tsunami D. cousin II. Mark the stress of the following words. Then listen and repeat. Track 44 1. A. music B. musical C. musician 2. A. nation B. national C. nationality 3. A. danger B. dangerous C. endanger 4. A. marvel B. marvellous C. marvellously 5. A. poison B. poisonous C. poisoning VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR III. Write a word / phrase from the box under its correct picture. landslide tornado tsunami rescue worker emergency kit 1. ___________________ 2. _____________________ 3. _____________________ 4. ___________________ 5. ___________________ IV. Use the words provided in brackets in their correct forms to complete the sentences. 1. There were 82 volcanic ________ occurring last year. (erupt) 2. The local authority has an effective ________ system for natural disasters. (warn)
3. She opened the letter with ________ hands. (tremble) 4. Last year, a tornado hit the southern United States ________ . (violent) 5. Some lakes are full of ________ gases from nearby volcanoes. (poison) V. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete the sentences. 1. The rescue workers spent the whole day searching for flood ________. A. people B. victims C. men D. losers 2. Violent earthquakes may lead to loss of life and ________. A. death B. lava C. property D. rain 3. A tsunami causes ________ to boats, bridges, and anything as waves come in and go out. A. destruction B. fatality C. injuries D. extinction 4. It’s almost impossible to ________ exactly when an earthquake will happen. A. predict B. overlook C. experience D. forget 5. The strong tornado ________ some trees and dropped them miles away. A. picked out B. took off C. cut out D. pulled up VI. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete the sentences. 1. A ________ occurred in a mountainous village last month. It buried a house under rocks and mud. A. landslide B. tsunami C. tornado D. rain 2. The largest ________ eruption known in history occurred in Indonesia in 1815. A. flooding B. volcanic C. stormy D. mountainous 3. They blew the emergency ________, hoping that the rescue workers could hear it and search for them. A. call B. signal C. kit D. whistle 4. The violent earthquake ________ the road system and many vehicles. A. pulled off B. damaged C. flooded D. trembled 5. The local ________ issued a flood warning but many villagers refused to leave their houses. A. authority B. culture C. weather D. community 6. Many victims of the tsunami were still ________. The rescue team was searching for them. A. finding B. losing C. missing D. escaping 7. I ________ an essay when the table started trembling. A. write B. am writing C. wrote D. was writing 8. When the rescue workers ________, everyone was trembling with fear. A. arrive B. are arriving C. arrived D. were arriving 9. It suddenly rained heavily while they ________ home last night. A. were walking B. was walking C. walked D. walk 10. As soon as he ________ the fire, he ________ to a safe shelter.
A. escaped - was moving B. escaped - moved C. was escaping - moved D. was escaping - was moving 11. She ________ in Tonga when a violent storm ________ the island. A. was being - was hitting B. was - was hitting C. was being - hits D. was - hit 12. My grandma ________ the Daily news at 7 p.m. yesterday. A. watch B. is watching C. watched D. was watching 13. A storm swept ________ the town at midnight. Luckily, no one was injured. A. away B. through C. along D. from 14. The flood cut the village ________ from the outside world for several days. A. off B. down C. across D. back 15. After the flood, the village was declared a ________ area and received special help from the government. A. work B. countryside C. disaster D. distance READING VII. Read the passage and tick () if each statement is true (T) or false (F). Natural disasters are violent events that are outside the control of humans. Scientists have been studying natural disasters that already happened in order to make predictions of when and where a certain disaster may occur. Until now, scientists can tell the signs of storms, tornadoes, and floods quite accurately. Predicting volcanic eruptions and earthquakes is much more difficult. Before an eruption, there might be leaking gases or lava, but many volcanoes erupt with no warning at all. Although scientists still cannot predict the exact location and time of earthquakes, they know the regions where they are most likely to occur and give warnings about them. Most natural disasters are impossible to stop but their effects can be reduced by being prepared for them. If you live in an area that is prone to disasters, follow the authority’s warnings and instructions and get ready to evacuate. These actions will help you to minimise possible damage to property, injuries and even loss of life. (Adapted from: https://kids.britannica.com) Statements T F 1. Studying past natural disasters does not help predict future disasters. 2. Predicting a flood seems to be easier than predicting a volcanic eruption. 3. Scientists are unable to make an early prediction of where and when an earthquake occurs. 4. It is possible to stop natural disasters if we know when they will happen. 5. People in disaster-prone areas should listen attentively to the instructions of the authority.
VIII. Read the short story and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D. It was the rainy season and there was a severe downpour for a whole week. At first, we thought that it was normal. However, the rain got heavier and heavier and, soon, our neighbourhood was flooded. We were totally unprepared. The water level in the river rose very fast and submerged the whole village in one metre. The flood swept away livestock and furniture. Everyone was frightened. Some people climbed to the rooftops and waited for rescue boats. While it was still raining heavily, rescue workers were searching all places to evacuate the villagers to a flood relief centre. The men in the village, after being rescued, helped with the work. At the centre, we were given hot drinks, porridge and milk for the babies as well as dry clothes and blankets. When there was less rain and flood water declined, we left the centre for home and started to clean up our village. It was such a relief to see the sun again. We decided to follow the authority’s warning system and prepare ourselves for floods during the rainy season ever since. 1. The word downpour in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________. A. water B. flood C. rain D. wave 2. It can be inferred that there was a ________ near the writer’s village. A. mountain B. river C. hill D. beach 3. Who evacuated the flood victims to the relief centre? A. The rescue team. B. The men in the village. C. The villagers. D. The rescue workers and the male villagers. 4. What did the relief centre provide the flood victims with? A. Food B. Wifi C. Dried nuts D. Beds 5. After the flood, the villagers understood the importance of ________. A. being well-prepared for the flood season B. evacuating before a flood came C. building a flood relief centre D. cleaning their village IX. Read and complete each numbered blank in the passage with the correct answer A, B, C, or D. Humans cannot stop a natural disaster while it is occurring. However, (1) ________ are trying to reduce their disastrous effects in many ways. First, there are constructions that protect humans. Countries which suffer from earthquakes have buildings that can withstand the most powerful ones. Those lying by (2) ________ have dykes to prevent rising water from flooding nearby areas. Those with frequent hurricanes and tornadoes build storm shelters for people to stay. Besides, systems for early warning are being used. The systems pick up (3) ________ that a natural disaster may occur and send warning messages to the people it might affect.

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