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Nội dung text 23. UNIT 19 THE ANIMAL WORLD Thế giới động vật.Image.Marked.pdf

THE ANIMAL WORLD Thế giới động vật 1. Choose the correct option. (Chọn đáp án đúng.) 1. Câu nào sau đây trả lời cho câu hỏi: “What are these animals)”: a. They look brave. b. They are giraffes. c. They look strong. d. I like them. 2. Câu nào sau đây trả lời cho câu hỏi: “Why do you like lions?” a. They are lions. b. They look strong. c. They are giraffes. d. Because they roar loudly. 3. Câu “They're birds." trả lời cho câu hỏi nào sau đây? a. Why do you like lions? b. What are these animals? c. What do you want to see? d. Why do you like birds? 4. Câu nào sau đây trả lời cho câu hỏi: “Why do you like peacocks?” a. They're peacocks. b. Because they run quickly. c. Because they roar loudly. d. Because they dance beautifully. 5. Câu: “These giraffes run quickly” có nghĩa là: a. Những con sư tử này chạy nhanh. b. Những con hươu cao cổ đó chạy nhanh. UNIT 19
c. Những con hươu cao cổ này chạy nhanh. d. Những con công này múa đẹp. 6. Câu: “These peacocks dance beautifully." có nghĩa là: a. Những con hổ này đáng sợ. b. Những con chim này hát hay. c. Những con ngựa này chạy nhanh. d. Những con công này múa đẹp. 7. Câu nào sau đây trả lời cho câu hỏi: “What animals have long necks and legs?”: a. They're peacocks. b. They're lions. c. They're crocodiles. d. They're giraffes. 8. Câu nào sau đây trả lời cho câu hỏi: “What animals dance beautifully”?: a. They're lions. b. They're monkeys. c. They're peacocks. d. They're hippos. 9. Câu: “Because they sing merrily” trả lời cho câu hỏi nào sau đây? a. What are these animals? b. Why do you like giraffes? c. Why do you like birds? d. What animals do you want to see? 10. Câu nào sau đây trả lời cho câu hỏi: “What animals roar loudly?”: a. They are birds. b. They are giraffes. c. They are hippos. d. They are lions. 2. Choose the correct option to complete each blank. (Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành mỗi chỗ trống.)
1. A: What ____________ these animals? B: They're hippos. a. do b. does c. is d. are 2. Why ____________ you like peacocks? a. are b. do c. is d. does 3. A: ________________ do you like birds? B: Because they sing merrily. a. What b. Where c. Why d. When 4. I like peacocks __________ dance beautifully. a. because it b. because they c. because d. because that 5. Nam likes lions because _________ look strong. a. it b. they c. she d. he 6. Mai doesn't like crocodiles because they are _________. a. scary b. funny c. friendly d. beautiful 7. A: Those animals swim well. What are they? B: They are ______________. a. lions b. giraffes c. birds d. hippos 8. A: Those animals look scary. What are they? B: They are ______________. a. monkeys b. peacocks c. birds d. hippos 9. Why ____________ Lan like monkeys? B: Because they are funny. a. is b. are c. does d. do 10. Those lions are roaring ____________. a. loud b. quick c. quickly d. loudly 3. Read and match each sentence in A with the appropriate sentence in B. (Đọc và nối mỗi câu trong cột A với câu thích hợp trong cột B.) A B 1. What are these animals? a. I want to see giraffes.
2. Why do you like peacocks? 3. Why doesn't Lan like crocodiles? 4. What animals do you want to see? 5. What animals does Nam want to see? b. They are lions. c. He wants to see hippos. d. Because they are scary. e. Because they dance beautifully. 4. Read the dialogues and choose the correct option [a, b, c, d, e, f, or g] in the box to complete each blank. (Đọc các đoạn hội thoại và chọn đáp án đúng [a, b, c, d, e, f hoặc g] trong khung để hoàn thành mỗi chỗ trống) a. Why b. giraffes c. like d. peacocks e. hippos f. strong g. What Nam: Wow, those (1) _____________ are so beautiful. Minh: I don't like giraffes. Nam: (2) _____________ animals do you like? Minh: I like (3) _____________. Nam: (4) _____________ do you like peacocks? Minh: Because they dance beautifully. What animals do you (5) _____________, Nam? Nam: I like hippos. Minh: Why do you like (6) _____________? Nam: Because they look (7) _____________. 5. Read the text and choose the correct option. (Đọc đoạn văn và chọn đáp án đúng) Nam and his sister Mai are at the zoo. There are many different animals in the zoo such as lions, birds, crocodiles, peacocks, monkeys, hippos, etc. They like peacocks because they dance beautifully. Mai likes birds because they sing merrily. She doesn't like lions because they roar loudly. Nam likes hippos because they look strong. He doesn't like crocodiles because they look scary. 1. Nam and Mai like _____________. a. crocodiles b. lions c. hippos d. peacocks 2. Mai likes _____________ because they sing merrily. a. giraffes b. monkeys c. hippos d. birds 3. Nam likes hippos because _____________. a. they dance beautifully b. they look strong c. they run quickly d. they sing merrily 4. Mai doesn't like lions because _____________.

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