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NHÓM CHỦ ĐIỂM 6: ENVIRONMENT VOCABULARY SET 20: ENVIRONMENT AND TECHNOLOGY Vocabulary: 1. address (v): giải quyết 2. adequately (adv): thỏa đáng 3. alternative energy source (n): nguồn năng lượng thay thế (năng lượng mặt trời, năng lượng gió...) 4. ascribe (v): đổ tại, quy cho 5. catalyst (n): chất xúc tác 6. counterproductive (adj): phản tác dụng 7. culprit (n): nguyên nhân, thủ phạm 8. depletion (n): suy yếu, kiệt quệ 9. destruction (n): phá hủy, hủy diệt 10. diminish (v): giảm bớt 11. energy consumption (np): lượng tiêu thụ năng lượng 12. exploitation - over-exploitation (n): khai thác - khai thác quá mức 13. fossil fuels (np): nhiên liệu hóa thạch 14. greenhouse gas emission (np): khí thải nhà kính 15. hybrid transport vehicle (n): xe lai điện (sử dụng cả động cơ đốt trong và động cơ điện) 16. immense (adj): lớn 17. practical (adj): thực tiễn 18. smog (n): lớp khói bụi dày (so sánh với fog) 19. stratosphere - biosphere - atmosphere (n): tầng bình lưu - sinh quyển - khí quyển 20. symbolic (adj): mang tính tượng trưng Exercises: Task 1: Write sentences from given cues. Make changes to the cues when needed. 1. stratosphere / be / layer / gases / surround / earth / a height of between 15 and 50 kilometres. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 2. greenhouse gas emission / culprit / ozone depletion / cause / global warming. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 3. Wedding rings / intend / symbolic / love / commitment. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 4. As / we / flow / airport/we/ see / murky yellow smog / hover / over the city. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 5. people / concern / destruction / rainforests. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Task 2: Translate from Vietnamese to English 1. Những nhà máy này vẫn thải khí độc vào bầu khí quyển trong suốt nhiều năm, nhưng các nhà chức trách vẫn chưa tìm ra cách giải quyết. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 2. Để tránh tình trạng khai thác quá mức nhiên liệu hóa thạch và để bảo vệ môi trường, các sản phẩm sử dụng năng lượng thay thế được khuyến khích sử dụng. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 3. Các biện pháp nâng cao an toàn cho xe hơi có thể trở nên phản tác dụng vì mọi người có thể
lái xe nhanh hơn. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 4. Điểm số và sự tham gia của học sinh là chất xúc tác để thay đổi chương trình giảng dạy. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 5. Sự nổi tiếng của cô ấy với tư cách là ca sỹ đã lu mờ dần từ những ngày tháng huy hoàng trong thập niên 1980. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Task 3: Fill in the blanks with suitable words/phrases address (v) energy consumption (np) adequately (adv) exploitation - over-exploitation (n) alternative energy source (n) fossil fuels (np) ascribe (v) greenhouse gas emission (np) catalyst (n) hybrid transport vehicle (n) counterproductive (adj) immense (adj) culprit (n) practical (adj) depletion (n) smog (n) destruction (n) stratosphere - biosphere - atmosphere (n) diminish (v) symbolic (adj) Developments in technology has brought various environmental problems. Some believe that people need to live simpler lives to solve environmental problems. Others, however, believe technology is the way to solve these problems. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Some 1___________environmental problems such as global warming and ozone 2___________in the Earth's 3___________can be 4___________technological developments. While some people believe that living a simple life can mitigate these problems, I contend that the best measure is green technology. There is a common fallacy that a simple lifestyle can 5___________address environmental issues. People may argue that by cutting household and transport energy use, they are making a substantial contribution to environmental protection. However, this method does not stop the massive 6___________at industrial sites. Some may also claim that not using electricity at home is the right choice, and events such as Earth Hour are an appropriate measure to cut carbon dioxide production. Nevertheless, the aforementioned event is more 7___________than 8___________, as most people start to light candles to replace electric light, an act that produces even more carbon-dioxide than light bulbs do. I firmly believe that environmentally-friendly technology is the best answer to these problems. First, electric or 9___________can reduce the amount of traffic fumes that have been damaging both the 10___________and the 11___________of Earth. For example, thick layers of 12___________in Beijing gradually 13___________after most petrol and diesel cars were replaced by electric ones. Second, the use of 14___________such as solar and wind power can stop the 15___________of 16___________, thus reducing the amount of 17___________, the main 18___________of global warming. Finally, with the latest technological advancements, household appliances that once threatened the environment have become greener. An excellent example of this is that modern refrigerators and air-conditioners do not produce CFCs, a type of gas that is proven to be a major 19___________of ozone 20___________. In conclusion, advances in technology should be adopted to tackle environmental problems, while simple ways of life are an ineffective and sometimes 21___________ solution for these problems.
316 words, written by Tu Pham
Key: Task 1: 1. Stratosphere is the layer of gases surrounding the earth at a height of between 15 and 50 kilometres. 2. Greenhouse gas emissions are the culprit of ozone depletion that causes global warming. 3. Wedding rings are intended to be symbolic of love and commitment. 4. As we flew into the airport, we could see murky yellow smog hovering over the city. 5. People are concerned about the destruction of the rainforests. Task 2: Answers may vary 1. These factories have been releasing toxic gases into the atmosphere, but the authorities have not found any solutions. 2. To avoid over-exploiting fossil fuels and protect the environment, products consuming al ternative energy sources are encouraged to be used. 3. Improved safety measures in cars can be counterproductive as they encourage people to drive faster. 4. Students' results and participation acted as a catalyst for changes in the curriculum. 5. Her popularity as a singer has diminished since the glory days of the 1980s. Task 3 Some (1) immense environmental problems such as global warming and ozone (2) depletion in the Earth's (3) stratosphere can be (4) ascribed to technological developments. While some people believe that living a simple life can mitigate these problems, I contend that the best measure is green technology. There is a common fallacy that a simple lifestyle can (5) adequately address environmental issues. People may argue that by cutting household and transport energy use, they are making a substantial contribution to environmental protection. However, this method does not stop the massive (6) energy consumption at industrial sites. Some may also claim that not using electricity at home is the right choice, and events such as Earth Hour are an appropriate measure to cut carbon dioxide production. Nevertheless, the aforementioned event is more (7) symbolic than (8) practical, as most people start to light candles to replace electric light, an act that produces even more carbon-dioxide than light bulbs do. I firmly believe that environmentally-friendly technology is the best answer to these problems. First, electric or (9) hybrid transport vehicles can reduce the amount of traffic fumes that have been damaging both the (10) biosphere and the (11) atmosphere of Earth. For example, thick layers of (12) smog in Beijing gradually (13) diminished after most petrol and diesel cars were replaced by electric ones. Second, the use of (14) alternative energy sources such as solar and wind power can stop the (15) over-exploitation of (16) fossil fuels, thus reducing the amount of (17) greenhouse gas emissions, the main (18) culprit of global warming. Finally, with the latest technological advancements, household appliances that once threatened the environment have become greener. An excellent example of this is that modern refrigerators and air-conditioners do not produce CFCs, a type of gas that is proven to be a major (19) catalyst of ozone (20) destruction. In conclusion, advances in technology should be adopted to tackle environmental problems, while simple ways of life are an ineffective and sometimes (21) counterproductive solution for these problems. 316 words, written by Tu Pham

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