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CHUYÊN ĐỀ IV. SẮP XẾP CÂU THÀNH ĐOẠN VĂN, BỨC THƯ Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct arrangement of the sentences to make a meaningful paragraph/letter in each of the following questions. Exercise 1 Câu 1 a. There were musicians from all over the world and the audience loved the music. b. Last year, I went to a folk music festival with some friends and it was amazing! c. Folk music is a very important part of the culture in my country. d. It's music from the past and it tells stories about our history. e. I love listening to this kind of music because it's very traditional and emotional. A. c – d – e – b – a B. a – d – e – c – b C. a – e – b – c – e D. a – d – c – b - e Câu 2 Dear Ana, a. It's a religious holiday and we value it very much. Do you have a similar festival in your country? b. In India, we have a tradition called Diwali. It's in October or November. We celebrate the value of good over evil and light over darkness. c. Then, we give presents and eat special food. We also light candles and fireworks. d. To prepare for this, first, we clean our houses and wear new clothes. e. Thanks for your email. I'd love to tell you about a festival in my country. Best, Rahul A. b – d – a – c – e B. d – a – e – c – b C. a – d – c – b – e D. e – b – d – c – a Câu 3 a. For example, AI can understand what you say, learn to recognise your voice and help you find information on the internet. b. It saves time and helps them do things better. c. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technology that allows computers to do things that would normally
need human intelligence. d. Al is also used in many different applications, from self-driving cars and robots to online shopping and banking. e. Many people use Al every day. A. c – d – e – b – a B. a – e – b – d – c C. c – a – e – b – d D. a – d – e – b – c Câu 4 a. The biggest one is that it can give you a headache, make it hard to concentrate and even damage your hearing. b. Noise pollution can cause many problems. c. Some studies have shown that people who don't get enough sleep are more likely to have accidents, become ill and do badly at school or work. d. If you live in a very noisy area, it can also affect the quality of sleep. e. For these reasons, it is necessary that noise pollution be minimised as soon as possible. A. c – d – e – b – a B. b – a – d – c – e C. a – c – b – a – e D. a – d – c – b – e Câu 5 a. Our world is changing around us in such a frantic pace that if we do not continue to grow and develop, we will soon be left behind. b. Of course, we all have a natural desire to learn for adapting to change, enriching and fulfilling our lives. c. We need to continually keep our skills sharp and up-to-date so that we have an edge in all we do. d. For all these, it is obvious that there are so many advantages which follow lifelong learning. e. In the century, we all need to be lifelong learners. A. c – d – e – a – b B. a – e – c – b – d C. a – d – c – b – e D. d – e – a – c – b Exercise 2 Câu 1 a. By making these small changes in our daily lives, we can all play a part in protecting the environment and ensuring a better future for everyone. b. Besides clean air, it's also essential to keep our water clean by avoiding littering and properly disposing of waste.
c. One simple way to contribute is reducing waste and recycling items like paper, plastic, and glass. d. Planting trees is another helpful step because they absorb harmful carbon dioxide and provide us with clean air. e. Taking care of the environment is crucial for the health of our planet. A. e – c – a – b – d B. e – c – d – b – a C. e – a – c – d – b D. e – a – d – c – b Câu 2 a. Poaching and illegal wildlife trade also put them in danger. b. These endangered species are at risk due to threats like habitat loss from deforestation or development. c. Around the world, animals and plants are facing extinction. d. By raising awareness and taking action, we can help ensure a future where these amazing creatures don't vanish and the ecosystems are kept healthy. e. The loss of a species can disrupt entire ecosystems, impacting everything from our food supply to the air we breathe. A. c – b – a – e – d B. c – e – d – a – b C. d – b – a – e – c D. a – b – e – d – c Câu 3 a. We can slow this warming by reducing greenhouse gas emissions through renewable energy sources and sustainable practices. b. As a consequence, extreme weather events like heat waves, droughts, and floods become more common. c. Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide trap heat from the sun, causing the planet to warm. d. This warming disrupts weather patterns, melts glaciers, and raises sea levels. e. Action is crucial to safeguard our planet for future generations. A. a – b – e – d – c B. c – e – a – b – d C. c – d – b – a – e D. e – d – b – a – c Câu 4 a. But the gap isn't all negative! b. By bridging the gap with open communication and mutual respect, families and societies can thrive. c. The generation gap refers to the difference in attitudes and values between generations.
d. It can cause tension over things like technology, social issues, or even fashion. e. Generations can learn from each other. A. e – c – d – a – b B. d – a – b – c – e C. a – b – c – e – d D. c – d – a – e – b Câu 5 a. Designed for a few minutes of use, they often end up in landfills or pollute our oceans. b. Single-use plastics, like shopping bags, straws, and disposable cutlery, are a growing environmental concern. c. To tackle this issue, many places are banning single-use plastics or encouraging reusable alternatives. d. By carrying reusable bags, using paper straws, and choosing durable cutlery, we can all play a part in reducing plastic pollution and protecting our planet. e. These plastics break down into microplastics, harming wildlife and entering the food chain. A. b – a – e – c – d B. a – b – c – d – e C. b – c – a – d – e D. d – a – b – c – e Exercise 3 Câu 1 Dear Principal, a. I hope that we can work together to make positive changes for the benefit of all the students at our school. b. I would like to suggest a few changes that I believe would improve the quality of the school lunches. c. I also have some concerns about the nutritional value of the meals. It seems that many of the dishes are high in fat and sugar, and there are not enough fruits and vegetables available. d. I am writing to express my concern about the quality of the food in the school cafeteria. Sincerely, Claudia Wilson A. d – c – b – a B. c – a – d – b C. a – c – d – b D. d – c – a – b Câu 2 a. Additionally, homeschooling offers families greater flexibility in scheduling. They can adjust the daily routine to accommodate extracurricular activities, family trips, or other commitments,

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