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M arine D iesel E ngines By Deven Aranha © Shroff Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd. A ll rights reserved. N o part o f the m aterial, protected by this copyright notice, m ay be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or m echanical, including p h o tocopying, recording, o r by any inform ation storage and retrieval system, w ithout the w ritten perm ission o f the copyright owners, nor exported, without the written permission o f the publishers. First Edition : July 2004 Seventh Reprint: January 2013 ISBN 13: 978-81-7366-927-9 P u b lis h e d b y S h ro ff P u b lis h e rs a n d D is tr ib u to r s P v t. L td . C -103, M IDC, TTC In d u s tria l A rea, P a w a n e , N av i M u m b ai 400 7 05, Tel: (91 2 2 ) 4 1 5 8 4 1 5 8 , Fax: (91 22) 4158 4141, e-mail: spdorders@ shroffpublishers.com, Printed at D ecora Book Prints Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai. CONTENTS Marine Diesel Engines Table O f Contents Preface Acknowledgements CHAPTER 1 : INTERNAL COMBUSTION DIESEL ENGINES Concept of Internal Combustion Engines......................... 01 Stroke....................................................................................01 Mean Piston Speed ............................................................02 Advantages / Disadvantages of Diesel Engines 03 Classification of 1C. Engines............................................ 04 Otto, Diesel. Dual and Actual Cycles................................06 2-Stroke C y cle.....................................................................09 4-Stroke C y cle................................................................... 12 2-Stroke vs. 4-Stroke Engines .................................... 16 CHAPTER 2 : ENGINE COMPONENTS Engine Structure...............................................L . 19 Top Bracing..... ................................................ 20 Fatigue Failure.....................................................................21 Bedplate............................................................................... 22 Entabulature. A-Frame. Tie-Bolts and Pinching Screws 24 Holding Down Bolts and Chocks ...................................... 25 Resin, Resilient Chocks.... ......... 27 Piston : Water cooled. Oil cooled, Oros, Composite.....29 2-Stroke versus 4-Stroke Pistons, Defects, Rotating Pistons. Piston Rings : Compression Rings. Oil Scraper Rings 36 Failures. Running-in. Shapes. Coatings. CPR Rings. Antipolishing Ring, SIPWA. Stuffing Box G land............................................................. 44 Lmer. Liner W ear.................................................................45 Lubricating Quills and Accumulator 48 H
CONTENTS Marine Diesel Engines ■ Cylinder Head Cover.......................................................... 50 Exhaust V alve..................................... .............................. 51 Valve Springs....................................................................... 53 Valve Rotators......................................................................55 Variable Exhaust Closing (VEC) 56 Crankshaft .......................................................................... 58 Crankshaft Stresses 62 Crankshaft Deflections.......................................................63 Chain Drive, Tightening and Inspection 64 Chain Elongation.................................................................67 Camshaft Readjustment after Chain Tightening 68 Bearings Plain Bush Journal, Pivot Pad Journal 69 Mam Bearings................................................................. 71 Connecting Rod and its Bearings 72 Bottom End Failures and Bolt Design 74 Crosshcad Bearings............................................................ 75 Puncture Valve.....................................................................77 Engine Materials 78 CHAPTER 3 : AIR SYSTEM Scavenging,..:..;;;......................;............;....u..i..:;.............. 81 Uniflow, Reverse, Loop and Cross Scavenging.............81 Gas Exchange Process.....S................................ 84 Supercharging......................................................................S5 Constant Pressure and Pulse Turbocharging 86 Series. Parallel Supercharging 89 TVo-Stage Supercharging 91 Single and Multiple TVbochargcr Systems 91 Power Take-In and Power Take-Off 92 Axial Flow Turbocharger 94 Uncooled Turbochargers 97 Surging................................................................................. 99 Compressor M a p .................................................................99 [ii] CONTENTS Marine Diesel Engines CHAPTER 4 : AIR COMPRESSORS Isothermal Compression................................... 103 Adiabatic Compression and the Compression Cycle.... 103 Multistage Compression .................................... 104 Reciprocating,and Rotary Compressors....... *................ 104 Volumetric Efficiency and Bumping Clearance ............... 105 Compressor Valves................. ..............fan..................... 105 Compressor Faults.................. laSLari............................ 106 CHAPTER 5 : FUEL SYSTEM F u eliy p es.............................................................................109 Fuel Properties................................................................... 110 Fuel Specifications...................................... U 6 Combustion Phases............................................................ 117 Knock........................................................................... n s Factors Affecting Combusuon.......................................... 119 Combustion Chamber and Piston Crown Designs ........ 121 Compression R atio ............................................................ 121 Residual Heavy Fuel O ils................................................. 122 Bunkering ........................................................................... 123 Fuel Injectors................. 125 Injector ty p es........................................................ 126 Injection Methods ...................... 130 Fuel Pum ps............................ 131 Suction Valve Controlled P um p..................................... 131 Suction and Spill Controlled Pum p.............................. 133 Port Controlled Jerk P um p............................................... 134 Injection Systems................................................................ 135 Variable Injection Timings (V1T)..................................... 136 Fuel Quality Setting (FQ S)............................................... 140 Super-V IT and Conventional V1T.................................... 140 Fuel C am .......................................................................... 146 High Pressure pipe safety............................. 147 [iii]

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