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Nội dung text [SC] USM - Uniform Code of Military Justice.pdf

SECTION 1 | GENERAL PROVISIONS A1. Definitions A2. Individuals Covered by this Code A3. Jurisdiction A4. Dismissed Officer’s Right to Trial by Court-Martial A5. Amendment A6. Rights of the Accused A7. Equality Under the Law A8. Judicial Officers SECTION 2 | APPREHENSION & RESTRAINT A9. Apprehension A10. Applying Restraint A11. Restraining Individuals Facing Charges A12. Reporting and Reception of Prisoners A13. Restriction on Confinement or Arrest with the Enemy. A14. Prohibition of Pre-Trial Punishment SECTION 3 | NON-JUDICIAL PUNISHMENT A15. Non-Judicial Punishment SECTION 4 | COURT-MARTIAL JURISDICTION A16. Classification of Courts-Martial A17. Convening of Courts-Martials A18. Joint Chiefs’ Trial A19. Qualifications of the Presiding Officer A20. Protection Against Double Jeopardy A21. Prohibition of Cruel and Unusual Punishment A22. Triers of Fact; Presiding Officer A23. Command Influence A24. Powers of Courts-Martial; Type A25. Filing of Cases A26. Prohibition of Compulsory Self-Incrimination. A27. Quasi-Judicial Functions A28. Admissions of Exhibits & Witnesses A29. Trial Scheduling SECTION 5 | TRIAL PROCEDURE A30. Court Convening A31. Administration of the Honesty/Juror Oath. A32. Confirmation of the Charges. A33. Entering of the Pleas. A34. Opening Statements. A35. Main Arguments A36. Witness Examinations A37. Closing Statements A38. Verdict A39. Court’s Power to Enforce A40. Additional Procedure to be Prescribed. A41. Opinions on Sentencing A42. Final Sentencing A43. Rulings A44. Plea Agreements SECTION 6 | SENTENCING A45. Sentencing A46. Confinement and Arrest A47. Sentences Subject to Review A48. Review of Sentencing A49. Execution of Sentencing SECTION 7 | PUNITIVE ARTICLES A50 - A99. The Punitive Articles SECTION 8 | MISCELLANEOUS PROVISION A100. Base Security A101. Capital Punishment A102. Provision for Administrative Discharges A103. Decision Binding A104. Review of Regulation or Orders A105. Statute of Limitations A106. Situations Not Specifically Prohibited A107. Chief Judge Advocate General SECTION 9 | COURT OF APPEALS A108. Establishment of the Court of Appeals A109. Duties A110. Conflict of interest
1. Definitions. In this code: a. The term "armed forces" or "services" pertains to the Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, Navy, Coast Guard, and Space Force of the United States. b. The term "military" encompasses all armed forces or the personnel within them. c. A "commissioned officer" is an individual holding the rank of Second Lieutenant or Ensign, and above. d. The term "commanding officer" includes commissioned officers, the Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Senior Enlisted Advisor of any armed force. e. A "superior commissioned officer" refers to a commissioned officer superior in rank or command. f. The term "Judge Advocate General" denotes the highest-ranking legal officer in an armed force, serving as the commander of their own Corps or other unit to provide legal services. g. A "military judge" is a judge advocate designated under article 8 of this code. h. A "legal officer" is any commissioned officer of the services designated to perform legal duties for a command. i. The term "accused" refers to a person who has been accused of an offense under this code in any proceeding under this code. j. An "accuser" is a person who accuses an accused. k. The term "dismissed," concerning a commissioned officer, means decommissioning. l. The "Chief Judge Advocate General" is the most senior Judge Advocate General based on their most recent appointment to that position throughout the entire Armed Forces. 2. Individuals Covered by this Code. The following individuals fall under the jurisdiction of this code: a. Members of the armed forces, including those awaiting discharge and volunteers from the moment of their acceptance into the armed forces; i. In the context of Roblox, the term "members" in this section pertains to any individual in groups officially recognized as part of the Armed Forces. b. Contractors employed by the armed forces, particularly those engaged in development work; and c. Individuals in the custody of the armed forces serving a sentence imposed by a court-martial. 3. Jurisdiction. a. An individual subject to this code who commits an offense against it while in that status remains under the authority of this code even after the termination of their former status. b. This code is applicable to all games, servers, communication networks, or other related areas connected to the group(s) it serves. It also extends to any other game, servers, communication networks, or related areas used for official operations (specifically in relation to battle or war, but not exclusively) by the group(s) for which this code is applicable.
4. Dismissed Officer’s Right to Trial by Court-Martial. a. Dismissal of an officer shall only occur through a general court-martial or the appropriately ordered non-judicial punishment. i. Exceptions to this rule for administrative reasons, such as inactivity, administrative abuse, officer purges, and other actions, may be provided by the Judge Advocate General of the concerned service. b. In the event that a formerly commissioned officer, dismissed through non-judicial punishment, submits a written application for trial by court-martial, asserting under oath that they may have been wrongfully dismissed, the Judge Advocate General shall promptly convene a general court-martial to try the officer on the charges, ensuring that it takes place no later than one calendar month. c. If the Judge Advocate General fails to convene a general court-martial within the prescribed time frame, the officer's commission shall be reinstated. 5. Amendment. This code can undergo amendments when specific criteria for a given amendment are fulfilled: a. Approval of the amendments by a majority (over 1⁄2) of the Judge Advocates General; and b. Approval of the amendments by a designee of the President of the Sailors Corporation, with the provision that the President or the designee may delegate the approval authority to any other commissioned officer. 6. Rights of the Accused. a. An individual accused of one or more offenses against this code is entitled to: i. the right to a prompt trial; ii. the right to be informed of the pending legal action against them; iii. the right to legal counsel, either self-obtained or appointed, without excessiveness during representation; and iv. the right to a public trial, unless the Military Judge concerned seals the matters at hand. b. Additionally, every person upon arrest or detention has: i. the right to avoid arbitrary detention; and ii. the right to be promptly informed of the reasons for such detention. 7. Equality Under the Law. Unless stated otherwise in this code, every individual, irrespective of rank, wealth, position, or authority, is subject to this code, with no exemptions for members of the Joint Staff, Joint Chiefs of Staff, or any unit's headquarters.

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