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Nội dung text 3.2. TEST 2 (UNIT 3) - HS.docx

TEST 2 (UNIT 3) I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A. hurry B. housing C. hard D. heir 2. A. prohibit B. rehearse C. rhinoceros D. unhealthy 3. A. bird B. regret C. market D. fork 4. A. appreciate B. approve C. apron D. architect 5. A. ghetto B. ghost C. perhaps D. spaghetti II. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 6. There is growing public _____________ over levels of air pollution in our cities. A. unhappiness B. trouble C. anxiety D. worry 7. The principal is trying to obtain _____________ funding for the school. A. additional B. spare C. another D. unused 8. I love desserts, but they are so _____________. A. increasing B. expanding C. growing D. fattening 9. This is just my kind of diet – no _____________, plenty of fruit which I love. A. leftovers B. junk food C. healthy food D. juice 10. The Earth takes _____________ 365 days to go round the Sun. A. approximately B. mostly C. closely D. generally 11. “Sorry, I’m really not in the _____________ for your jokes.” A. state B. mood C. condition D. pleasure 12. _____________ from the edge of the cliff. It’s dangerous. A. Avoid B. Hold back C. Keep back D. Keep away 13. The patient should _____________ certain foods such as raw eggs. A. give up B. clear C. avoid D. escape 14. We need to ensure that handwriting is _____________ taught in our primary schools. A. correctly B. truly C. precisely D. properly 15. You need a _____________ from all your hard work. A. peace B. rest C. vacation D. recreation III. Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word below. There are three extra words that you do not need. place demands compete exams scores choices gain tutor
Nowadays, parents are determined to get their children into the highest performing school in their area. Many of these schools are seeing (16) _____________ of children competing for each place and are setting ever more rigorous tests and (17) _____________ to select their preferred students. These students may be as young as 9 or 10 when they start this process. In London, the pressure on children to succeed and (18) _____________ a place at the “right” school has almost become out of control with experts predicting that this situation will only continue to worsen as the (19) ___________ for school places grow. Employing a(n) (20) _____________ for your child, which only a few years ago would have been seen as an unusual step, is now common for many parents. IV. Complete the conditional sentences type 1 with the suitable modal verbs and ordinary verbs. 21. If it rains, I _____________________________ to school by bus. 22. If our teacher gets angry with us, she _____________________________ us extra homework. 23. If people don’t have much time, they _____________________________ fast food. 24. If you drink hot milk before bedtime, you _____________________________ well. 25. If you get up late, you _____________________________ time for breakfast. V. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. Cyberbullying is the (26) _______________ of technology to annoy, threaten, or embarrass (27) _______________ person. Online threats and aggressive, or rude texts, posts, or messages all count. So does (28) _______________ personal information, pictures, or videos designed to hurt or embarrass someone else. (29) _______________ comments often focus on things like a person’s gender, religion, race, or physical differences. Online bullying can be particularly damaging and upsetting (30) _______________ it is usually anonymous or (31) _______________ to find. People can suffer (32) _______________ a 24/7 basis - every time they (33) _______________ their cellphone or computer. The first thing (34) _______________ to solve the problem is to tell an adult you trust. You also can talk to your school counselor or a trusted teacher or family member. Ignoring bullies is the best way to take away their power, but it isn't always easy to do - in the real world (35) _______________ online. 26. A. use B. purpose C. advantage D. control 27. A. the other B. others C. other D. another 28. A. sending B. placing C. posting D. adding
29. A. Polite B. Rude C. Sudden D. Simple 30. A.so B. because C. due to D. but 31. A. hard B. hardly C. severe D. easy 32. A. at B. on C. of D. on 33. A. stop B. leave C. check D. mark 34. A.do B. doing C. to be done D. to do 35. A. of B. on C. in D. or VI. Read the text and choose the correct answers. How To Have A Well-balanced School Life Achieving a well-balanced school life can be difficult for students who need to attend to different affairs like extra-curricular activities, personal relationships, household chores, and many more. One of the primary steps that we must prioritize is to establish a suitable plan. Having a plan at hand may help us be aware of the goals and the aims in the first place. The plan may consist of the daily and weekly objectives and a list of actions to achieve such goals. After creating a plan, the next thing we need to do is how to maximize our potentials and improve our skills to increase the chances of achieving the goals. We can do this by knowing our fields of interest and passion. Our interests, preferences, and hobbies may play a significant role in productivity. Accomplishing the academic tasks can be challenging if our health is not in good condition. In order to achieve a well-balanced school life, we should pay attention to our physical, mental health and social aspects. It is recommended to have protein-rich and high- carbohydrate meals with a lot of vitamins and minerals. To maintain our mental health, we try outdoor activities with our friends. Maintaining relationships with other people could boost our energy levels and increase our productivity. The next thing we should do is to manage time effectively. Identify the activities that need to be done immediately, the tasks that can be done at a later time and complicated assignments and tasks that could take up most of our time and start doing them one step at a time. (Source: Internet} 36. A well-balanced school life requires students to _______________. A. study all subjects well at school B. share time between different activities efficiently
C. skip doing household chores and avoid personal relationships D. try to do one thing at a time 37. All of the following things are true about the plan of action EXCEPT that _______________. A. we should create a plan in the first place B. the plan helps us imagine the ways to achieve the aims C. we should plan in advance what we will do to achieve our goals D. it contains our interest and hobbies to follow 38. Understanding our interests and passions may help us _______________. A. learn new skills B. achieve the goals more easily C. have more preferences D. set up our plan of actions 39. All of the following are true EXCEPT that _______________. A. our physical, mental health and social aspects are important to achieve our tasks B. trying outdoor activities with friends requires carbohydrate-free meals C. meals with a variety of nutrients are good for our physical health D. mental health and social aspects may improve our productivity 40. Managing time effectively means we should do each activity _______________. A. all at a time B. step by step C. in a proper way D. in the order of difficulty VII. Complete the conversation about teen stress, using the responses (A-G) given. There are two extra ones that you do not need. A. Some are even stressed out about the entrance exam to high school. B. Spending a minimum of 20 minutes a day talking with our parents about our schoolwork is very useful. C. Teenagers should get enough rest every day - about 9 hours a day. D. The challenge is to have a balance between work and play. E. Yes, nowadays there is a heavy load for students to learn. F. I think we should have time-management skills and organizational skills. G. Younger kids may have more serious signs of school stress. Nick: I can see some Vietnamese students suffer from stress and homework pressure. Is it right, Phuc? Phuc: (41) ________________________________________________________________________. Nick: I have seen some girls crying in class after getting low test scores. Phuc: And others have gone without sleep a few nights to keep up with homework. (42) ________________________________________________________________________. Nick: So some students may have emotional, physical and mental stress.

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