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Nội dung text 09. Extra Company Law CHARTS.pdf

Powers exercisable only at Board Meeting [Section 179] EXTRA COMPANY LAW B OARD can do all acts that company can do Powers which within provisions other than - through Act/ of Act/MOA MOA/AO Al otherwise AotegOGM are reserved Some Powers are for members exercisable at to be exercised BM only in GM. calls on shares Buyback Issue of securities Borrowing Money can be delegated Investment By passing resolution at BM Giving Loan/Guar./security Approval of Merger to fyBusiness Approval of financial statements *D/Manager/comm I icontribution Principal officer of co./Branch Takeover * ppointment of KMP/Aiditor Removal of KMP © CA Shivangi Agrawal
Approval and signing of financial statements (Sec. 134) FS + CFS approved by Board and then signed by If chairman is authorised by Board If not authorised by Board chairperson and 2 Directors OPC CEO, CFO (ofwhompI) and CS ifappointed signfor given to suditor for sudit Powers and Duties of Auditors (Sec. 143] Rights Duties to access books of Duty to make inquiries accounts - to receive Notice Only to make report to make inquiries Duty to follow Auditing standards to receive remuneration to exercise reasonable Right of lien. skill and care © CA Shivangi Agrawal
Audit of Government Companies CAG shall direct manner in which Government audit to be done for company to CAG who may Auditor shall submit copy of AR within 60 days of receipt of Audit may order Comment Supplement report supplementary upon Audit Audit Audit Report Report Branch Audit company's Auditor 1 Person qualified to be appointed same rights and duties such Branch Auditor shall report on accounts of branch and givetocompany's Auditor who all of branch in his report in manner he considers necess any creporting of fraud by Juditor Auditor to report If fraud less than I cr # f fraud or or more within 2 days of knowing within 2 days of knowing Report to Board/Audit committee Report to Board/Audit committee atwre Disclosure in Amount Reply within 45 days Board's Report Party Yes NO within 15 days of reply within 15 days of expiry of 45 days Report of Auditor, Reply of Board, Report of Auditor, comments on reply Details of report Sent to Board to CG to CG © CA Shivangi Agrawal
Audit Committee [Section 177] Composition Functions Powers - Tublic companies disted Public Companies OR to latest accordingaroun have puc of 10 ce/mone Turnover of 1000 Loans,Deposita more than - 50cr. Not read if United Public Co.I 5v/wos) to mandatorilyconstitute Judit Dormant - ↑inimum Number Recommendation for of Directors = 3 shall - ppointment & remuner. in which Majority be of Auditors Independent Dir Review ofAuditor's Performance Abilitytoreadunderstandin Examination of Fs & Auditors report scrutiny of loans Valuation of Assets · call for the comments of Evaluation ofInternal Auditors about Internal control, control observation Monitor use of Public funds · Review financial statement AND · Discuss issues of Is with Auditors * · pproval of RelatedParty Investigate t with powers to access information If not covered asa If Amount 1c and · Oversee Vigil Mechanism ACwillgiveration No approval formto Ac and No ratification within 3 months voidable at the option of Ac © CA Shivangi Agrawal

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