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TIẾNG ANH 8 I-LEARN SMART WORLD WORDFORM HỌC KÌ 2 (Bám sát 100% SGK, tất cả từ vựng viết hoa cuối câu đều lấy từ Unit 5 đến Unit 8) UNIT 5 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1. These are ______________coloured flowers. BRIGHT 2. Repeated use of some washing powders can lead to a loss of______________in colours. BRIGHT 3. She gave the greatest ______________of her career. PERFORM 4. By the age of 15, Allan had become an experienced circus ______________. PERFORM 5. Ms. Mai spoke very ______________about that yesterday. POWER 6. We follow very strict guidelines on the use and______________of personal details on computers. STORE 7. The astronauts are ______________in space. WEIGHT 8. After nearly five months of ______________, the astronauts of the international space station said they were happy to return to Earth. WEIGHT 9. Follow the instructions on the back of the bag ______________. CARE 10. He drove ______________and caused a serious accident. CARE 11. I ______________agree with you. COMPLETE 12. You'll be paid on ______________of the project. COMPLETE 13. In the past, ______________depended on a knowledge of the positions of the stars. NAVIGATE 14. Keep______________! My little daughter is sleeping in her bedroom. QUIET 15. He is a ______________spoken, thoughtful man. QUIET 16. I enjoyed the ______________of the early morning. QUIET 17. The Eiffel Tower in Paris is an instantly ______________landmark. RECOGNIZE 18. This webpage includes a list of officially ______________world Universities, Colleges and other higher-education institutions. RECOGNIZE 19. ______________began to free the trapped miners. RESCUE 20. His behaviour endangered the ______________of the public. SAFE 21. The plane landed ______________after being severely damaged during a storm. SAFE
22. The water was dirty and ______________to drink. SAFE 23. Choosing a guest ______________ for your event is of vital importance because it makes or breaks the success of your conference. SPEAK 24. Ladies and gentlemen, could I have your ______________, please? ATTEND 25. The hotel is beautifully ______________in a quiet spot near the river. SITUATION UNIT 6 LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS 1. ______________and poor living conditions can contribute to the spread of dangerous diseases. CROWD 2. The French began to______________the island in the 15th century. POPULATION 3. This city is densely ______________. POPULATION 4. The two languages are completely different from each other. They are______________from each other. SIMILAR 5. The results also showed the ______________of the two groups. SIMILAR 6. My bedroom is ______________and comfortable. SPACE 7. The furniture was______________spread out. SPACE 8. These programmes are each watched by around 19 million ______________every week. VIEW 9. He had the ______________of a college student. APPEAR 10. The black car drove away from them and ______________. APPEAR 11. I'll try to get on the______________from Nha Trang to Hanoi tonight. FLY 12. “You don't know much about our town, do you?” - “No, I'm a ______________ here.” STRANGE 13. The universities have been ______________silent in their response to the riots. STRANGE 14. This design is in beautiful colours with three rectangles and three ______________. TRIANGULAR 15. Space travel is one of the marvels of modern ______________. SCIENTIST 16. My phone came with 20 ______________ringtones. OPTION 17. He left and, more ______________, never came back. IMPORTANT 18. We have always stressed the ______________of English learning. IMPORTANT 19. We have totally ______________views. DIFFER
20. The ______________between two things is the way in which they are unlike each other. DIFFER 21. That sounds ______________. DANGER 22. There was a ______________report of UFOs flying over the city. RECENTLY 23. She was confused. I could see the ______________in her eyes. BELIEVE 24. Follow the link for a more detailed ______________. DESCRIBE 25. Hopefully, there is light despite all of the ______________. DARK UNIT 7 TEENS 1. Carolyne is a fashion ______________. DESIGN 2. She has just been appointed artistic ______________of Queensland Theatre Company. DIRECT 3. There is clear evidence that mobile phone usage has been ______________ responsible for a number of accidents. DIRECT 4. Ho Chi Minh city is ten miles in the opposite ______________. DIRECT 5. He began a career in ______________, working for the North London Press Group. JOURNALIST 6. A musician is a person who plays a______________instrument as their job or hobby. MUSIC 7. By the time he died, he was a ______________. MILLION 8. Someone who is ______________likes playing sports. SPORT 9. Many children are so ______________they are unable to do even basic exercises. FIT 10. I'm trying to improve my ______________by biking to work. FIT 11. His face assumed a sort of ______________expression. DREAM 12. I want to help people have ______________smiles. BEAUTY 13. Tonight she surprises herself by playing the piano ______________. BEAUTY 14. In most cases, long, repetitive exercise sessions are ______________and demotivating, and increase the risk of injury. ENJOY 15. One drink and she became very ______________. TALK 16. He wants to be a ______________dentist. FAME 17. People always complain that Judy spoke in a loud, rather ______________voice. FRIEND 18. Steve really values your______________more than anything else. FRIEND 19. Hundreds of ______________are being sent out this week. INVITE
20. There is a(n) ______________restaurant with an outdoor terrace. INVITE 21. Oysters are a ______________of the area. SPECIAL 22. He told the ______________ that he couldn’t live without his guitar. INTERVIEW 23. One of the top concerns for solo ______________is safety. TRAVEL 24. They don’t have a lot of money. They want to eat in  ______________restaurants. EXPENSIVE 25. Today, you have the______________to decide your own future. FREE UNIT 8 TRADITIONS OF ETHNIC GROUPS IN VIETNAM 1. The collar was ______________with very small red strawberries. EMBROIDERY 2. Missouri is not nearly as ethnically diverse as the rest of the US. ETHNIC 3. Routine tasks are often delegated to ______________, untrained doctors. EXPERIENCE 4. It expected to maintain ______________of cars at the same level as last year. PRODUCT 5. More______________farmers have been able to provide cheaper food. PRODUCT 6. The rate of______________following non-payment of water charges is rising. CONNECT 7. Nha Trang, my hometown, is the ______________capital of Khanh Hoa province. PROVINCE 8. The cloth has ______________patterns such as squares, clouds, flowers,etc. TRADITION 9. You know ______________well what happened. PERFECT 10. The rule of law is still ______________, but it’s better than having no laws at all. PERFECT 11. With its simple ______________, the main bedroom looks beautiful. DECORATE 12. She made all the important ______________ in her family. DECIDE 13. He was criticised as a weak and ______________leader. DECIDE 14. Chi, my little daughter, is trying to eat ______________. She usually eats a lot of steamed vegetables. HEALTH 15. She asked them whether they were ______________. HUNGER 16. We joined lots of fun ______________ in Jun village last summer. ACT 17. I think the ______________sound exciting. EXCITE 18. Everyone is in a state of great ______________. EXCITE 19. She had a ______________expression on her face. THINK

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