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The title of Revelation 9 is ‘The Locusts from the Abyss and the Angels Who Sinned’. Following Revelation 8, the fifth and sixth trumpets are blown in Revelation 9, which make known the punishment to the betrayed tabernacle members through the locusts that came out of the abyss and the four angels bound to the Euphrates. What are the locusts that come out of the abyss, and what are the four angels bound in the Euphrates? Also, when, where, and how did it happen that 1/3 of people die that very hour and day, month and year and what should we do to be saved at this time? Let’s find out through today’s words. 1. First, let’s look at the seven trumpets sounded in Rev 8, Rev 9, and Rev 11. ‘Trumpet’ is the flesh who speaks on behalf (Isa 58:1) and the saints left as seeds of faith (refer to Rev 3:4, Rev 6:6). The sound of the trumpet in Rev 8-9 announces that one-third of the spirits of the chosen people who were thrown out due to betrayal and became a part of the gentiles in Rev 6 are being killed. The reason for blowing the trumpet is to make known to the betrayed chosen people their sins and faults and to make them repent. The time when the trumpet is blown is after the chosen people who betrayed in Rev 6 have been judged and thrown out and belong to the gentiles, and the place where the trumpet is sounded is the tabernacle of the seven golden lampstands, which betrayed and became a part of the gentiles in Rev 6. 2. Now, let’s look at the event of the fifth trumpet. First, in Rev 9:1-3, it says that ‘a star fell from heaven and was given the key to the shaft of the abyss.’ What is the identity of ‘this star’? This star is the ‘wormwood star’ of Rev 8 (Rev 8:10-11), which came from the tabernacle of the seven golden lampstands and became one with the gentile destroyers. Also, the ‘abyss’ is hell, the dwelling place of Satan, and the headquarter of the destroyers, and the ‘key to the shaft of the abyss’ (Rev 1:18) refers to the wisdom that knows the secrets of Satan and the wisdom that brings the destroyers into the tabernacle. And when this star opens the abyss, it says that ‘the sun and the sky(air) are darkened by the smoke rising from the abyss.’ This refers to the untruth coming from the mouth of the false pastors, which darkens the perception, that is, the spirit, of the shepherds and saints in the tabernacle temple. Also, ‘the locusts that came out of the abyss, and were given power like that of a scorpion’ refer to the destroyers seven pastors who have the authority to kill people’s spirits with their Satan's doctrines. 3. Next is Rev 9:4-11. Verses 4-5 describe the process by which the seven pastors, that is, the locusts, the destroyers, turn people who didn't have God's seal into members of a gentile denomination. ‘People who didn't have God's seal’ are betrayed tabernacle members who did not repent even after hearing the trumpet sound, and during this process, tabernacle members were tortured severely for ‘five months’, the period of 150 days shows that this time is spiritually the same as the time of Noah (Gn 7:24, Mt 24:37). In verse 6, it says, ‘men seek death, but death will elude them,’ which shows that the suffering of the members of the tabernacle, who were despised and cursed because their ecclesiastical authority was taken away by the destroyers, is so great that they want to die. We can see how painful it is to not be able to die at will, even though they would rather die. In verse 11, the locusts, the destroyers, also have a ‘king’, which refers to the great prostitute, the false pastor who is the head of Babylon, the kingdom of demons, in Rev 17:1. 4. Next, in Rev 9:12, the ‘first woe that is passed’ is the plague of the fifth trumpet, that is, the tribulation of being tormented by locusts, and the ‘two others woes to come’ are the plagues of the sixth and seventh trumpets. Next, let's look at the event of the sixth trumpet. Let’s take a look at Rev 9:13-15. The ‘four bound angels’ in verse 14 are angels who sinned (Jud 1:6, 2 Pt 2:4), and the ‘great river Euphrates’ where the four bound angels are located is hell. In verse 15, it says that these sinned angels have been ready for the very hour, day, month, and year to kill a third of mankind. According to this word, the spirits of the betrayed tabernacle members will be killed by the false pastors who are with evil spirits(Rev 13:16-18). 5. Next is Rev 9:16-19. The two hundred million mounted troops in verse 16 are 'horses and their riders in verse 17, that is, the flesh and spirits belonging to the four angels who sinned. It says that the horse has fire, smoke and sulfur coming out of his mouth, and a head attached to his tail. This is a parable, and the ‘fire, smoke, and sulfur’ coming out of the mouths of those horses are various false doctrines for spiritual war, that is, commentaries and teachings that kill people. Due to the fire, smoke, and sulfur, the spirits of 1/3 of the betrayed tabernacle members are killed. The ‘tail’ is the false prophet (Is 9:15), and the ‘head’ is the destroyers, seven pastors. ‘The tail has a head’ means that the false prophets committed acts of killing people under the Introduction Main Points Revelation Fulfillment 10Min Speech Script New Song New Covenant Revelation