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Ex: Mr. Dan milks the cow every morning. Ông Dan vắt sữa bò mỗi sáng. orchard n /ˈɔːrtʃərd/ vườn cây ăn quả Ex: There is an apple orchard nearby. Có một vườn táo gần đó. paddy field n /ˈpædɪ fi:ld/ ruộng lúa Ex: The farmer is working in the paddy field. Người nông dân đang làm việc ở ruộng lúa. picturesque adj /ˌpɪktʃəˈresk/ đẹp, hấp dẫn (phong cảnh) Ex: We came to a picturesque cottage. Chúng tôi đến một ngôi nhà đẹp như tranh vẽ. plough v /plaʊ/ cày (thửa ruộng) Ex: After months without rain, the ground was too hard to plough. Sau nhiều tháng không có mưa, mặt đất trở nên quá cứng để cày xới. specialty n /ˌspeʃiˈæləti/ đặc sản Ex: Seafood is a specialty on the island. Hải sản là một đặc sàn ở trên đảo. stretch v /stretʃ/ kéo dài ra Ex: Stop stretching your sleeves like that! Đừng kéo dài tay ảo của con ra như the! unload v /ˌʌnˈləʊd/ dỡ hàng Ex: The truck driver was waiting to unload. Tài xế xe tải đang chờ để dỡ hàng. vast adj /vɑːst/ ruộng lớn, mênh mông, bao la Ex: It's a vast land. Đó là một vùng đất rộng lớn. well-trained adj /wel treind/ lành nghề, có tay nghề Ex: He is a well-trained craftsman. Anh ấy là một người thợ thủ công lành nghề. II. WORD FORM Word Related words Transcription Meaning collect (v) thu gom, lấy collection (n) /kəˈlekʃn/ sự thu gom, sự sưu tầm collective (adj) /kəˈlektɪv/ tập thể, chung collector (n) /kəˈlektər/ người sưu tầm, người thu gom collectively (adv) /kəˈlektɪvli/ chung, tập thể cultivate (v) trồng trọt cultivable (adj) /ˈkʌltɪvəbl/ có thể canh tác cultivated (adj) /ˈkʌltɪveɪtɪd/ có học thức, tu dưỡng cultivation (n) /ˌkʌltɪˈveɪʃn/ sự canh tác disturb (v) làm phiền disturbance (n) /dɪˈstɜːrbəns/ sự quấy rầy, làm phiền disturbing (adj) /dɪˈstɜːrbɪŋ/ nhiễu loạn
disturbed (adj) /dɪˈstɜːrbd/ bối rối, lúng túng, bị nhiễu convenient (adj) thuận tiện convenience (n) /kənˈviːniəns/ sự thuận tiện, tiện lợi V. PRACTICE Exercise 1. Complete the sentence with the words in the box. boring nomadic hard peaceful colourful vast slow inconvenient brave friendly 1. Life in the city is fast but life in the countryside is ______________. 2. The old city around the cathedral is the most ______________ part of town. 3. Our neighbors have always been very ______________. 4. I’m sure that people are ______________ to strangers in my village. 5. My father is a ______________ soldier. 6. The film was so ______________ that I fell asleep. 7. It will be very ______________for me to have no car. 8. The ______________ majority of pupils attend state-funded schools here. 9. She hoped the different ethnic groups in the area could live together in ______________ co- existence. 10. A ______________ life is hard but interesting. Exercise 2. Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of the word in brackets. 1. Iceland is considered the most ______________ country in the word. (peace) 2. A ______________ lifestyle has its advantages and disadvantages. (nomad) 3. My brother has been a stamp ______________ for several years. (collect) 4. It is a/an ______________ place to hold a picnic because it is too far from the road. (convenience) 5. Drinking water in some areas may be ______________. (safe) 6. During my stay in the village, I was ______________ with several local farmers. (friend) 7. Encouraging children to eat and drink ______________ is very important. (health) 8. Local people in the village often wear their ______________ costumes during the festivals. (tradition) 9. Please give ______________ to that charity to help the homeless after the flood. (generous) 10. The baby slept very ______________ because the bed was really comfortable. (sound) Exercise 3. Fill each blank with a word/phrase in the box.
busiest time herding noisier buffalo buffalo-drawn carts colorful rice fantastic countryside harvest time 1. At the ______________, my brother always helps my parents load the rice onto the truck and drives it home. 2. I often help my parents dry the ______________ in the yard in front of my house. 3. Some farmers in my village still use ______________ to transport rice home. 4. He usually goes ______________ the buffaloes with other boys in his village. 5. My pen pal says he would like to visit my ______________ at harvest time to see what farmers do. 6. My friend has never ridden a ______________ so he would like to try once. 7. Harvest time is the ______________ of the year in the countryside. 8. Our garden is ______________ in spring when almost flowers bloom. 9. I like looking at the stars on starry nights. It's ______________. 10. My uncle lives in the city. He says it’s ______________ than my village. Exercise 4. Put the adverbs ill the comparative form. Adverbs Comparative form Adverbs Comparative form Adverbs 1. badly 11. late 1. badly 2. conveniently 12. smartly 2. conveniently 3. early 13. responsibly 3. early 4. far 14. patiently 4. far 5. fast 15. generously 5. fast 6. fluently 16. cleverly 6. fluently 7. happily 17. quickly 7. happily 8. hard 18. suitably 8. hard 9. slowly 19. beautifully 9. slowly 10. well 20. strongly 10. well Exercise 5. Fill in the blank with the correct comparative form of the adverbs. E.g: He is singing more loudly than the other singers. (loudly) 1. He arrived _________________ expected. (early) 2. We walked _________________ the rest of the people. (slowly) 3. They called us _________________ in the afternoon. (late) 4. My mother and my sister talked _________________ the other guests. (loudly) 5. He hit his arm _________________ before. (hard)

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