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Nội dung text 2. data structure using c OCT-NOV - 2022.pdf

Time :2 Hours I. i. ii. iii. iv. V. vÌ. vii vii 0x. X. Second Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination October / November - 2022 The method of storing data is called (a) Data structure Select the most appropriate answer from the options provided. (c) Flow chart An algorithm is a (a) Infinite (NBB 0210) DATA STRUCTURE USING 'C' (3) Point a[4] (d) end (a) 500 (CBCS NEP Scheme) What will be the output of the following algorithm? (1) Start (2) array = (100, 200, 300, 400, 500] (a) Creat (b) Finite A Queue is a (b) 100 The complexity of binary search algorithm is. (a) O(n) (b) O(logn) (a) FIFO list (a) 1 sorting uses divide and conquer technique. The process of removing an element from stack is called. (b) Algorithm (d) Program set of precise instructions for performing computation. (c) Constant (d) None of the above (b) Push (a) Merge sort (b) Bubble sort (c) Selection sort (d) None (b) LIFO list Each node in a singly linked list has (b) 3 (c) 400 (b) 1 (c) O(n) 1 Q.P. CODE 34221 (c) Evaluation (c) both a andb (c) 2 fields. Max. Marks : 60 (c) 2 (d) None of the above (d) O(nlogn) (d) POP (d) None (d) 4 Which of the function is used to release the allocated memory space. (a) Free() (b) Dealloc () (c) Malloc ( ) (d) Calloc () (10x1=10) What is the minimum number of children that a binary tree node can have? (a) 0 (d) 3
Il. 2 3. 4. 5 6. 7. 8. 9. III. 10. 11. 12. 13. Write a short notes on any FIVE of the following. IV. How do you analyse the performance of an algorithm? What is recursion? Write a recursive algorithm to solve tower of Hanoi problem. Define stack. Explain 'push' operation with an example. Write an algorithm for insertion sort. Write a short note on Dynamic memory allocation functions. Evaluate the following postfix expression: Sort the following numbers using selection sort: Define the following terms with respect to binary tree: () Root (i) Degree of a node (iii) Leaf node Answer any THREE question from the following. AB +C - BA + C ^ -, Define Data Structure. Explain the classification of Data Structures. 45,°20, 40, 5, 15, 25 Where A = 1, B = 2, C=3 15. a) What is a Queue data structure? Explain insertion and detection operations on simple queue with C' functions. Answer the following. b) Define an array. VWith the help of a 'C' program, initialize and display a 1-D array. a) What are the operations performed on singly linked list? Explain any two with its algorithm. 14. How do you represent a binary tree using an array? Explain with example. b) 16. a) b) Q.P. CODE 34221 Write the postfix expression for the following infix expression : (A + (B - C) * D) ^E+F) With an example, explain quick sort technique. (5x3=15) OR (3x5=15) What is a linked list? Explain types of linked lists in brief. Write a note on priority and double ended queues. OR 2 What do you mean by searching? Write an algorithm for binary search. Explain types of recursion with example. (2x10=20) (4+6) (5+5) (6+4)
Q.P. CODE 34221 (i) Inorder (ii) Given the binary tree, write the nodes in Preorder and (ii) Post order traversals a) A E B F Construct a binary tree given inorder and pre order traversals. INORDER: BEGACED b) (6+4) PREORDER : ABFGCDE *** 3

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