STD X – HISTORY & CIVICS Hasmita Shah, B/203, Gokul Divine, Off S.V.Road, Irla, VIle Parle (West), Mumbai 400056. Mob:9699926941 [Date] 1 CHAPTER 6 – MAHTMA GANDHI & THE NATIONAL MOVEMENT Syllabus Mahatma Gandhi: • Non-Cooperation Movement: Causes (Khilafat Movement, Rowlatt Act, Jallianwala Bagh tragedy), programme and suspension – Chauri - Chaura incident, and impact of the Movement • Civil Disobedience Movement: Causes (reaction to the Simon Commission, Declaration of Poorna Swaraj at the Lahore Session of 1929), Dandi March Programme and the impact of the Movement, Gandhi Irwin Pact and the Second Round Table Conference ❖ Mahatma Gandhi: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, popularly known as “Bapu” or “Mahatma Gandhi” or “Father of the Nation”. ❖ Non-Cooperation Movement: Non – Co-operation is ‘a way of protesting in which one does not co-operate with the evil – doer.’ This resolution was ratified at the regular session of Congress at Nagpur, in December, 1920. 1) Causes which led to the Non-Cooperation Movement: i. Rowlatt Act: • The Rowlatt Act implied: Arrest of a person without a trial. In camera trial. (trial in seclusion) ii. The Jallianwala Bagh tragedy: • A large but peaceful crowd had gathered at the Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar. General Dyer, the military commander of Amritsar, surrounded the Bagh with his soldiers and ordered them to shoot at the crowd. • About one thousand innocent demonstrators were killed. iii. The Khilafat Movement: • the Muslim population in India, started a powerful agitation, known as the Khilafat movement, in order to restore the powers
STD X – HISTORY & CIVICS Hasmita Shah, B/203, Gokul Divine, Off S.V.Road, Irla, VIle Parle (West), Mumbai 400056. Mob:9699926941 [Date] 2 of the Caliph under the leadership of the Ali Brothers – Mohammed Ali & Shaukat Ali. iv. Programmes of the Non-Cooperation Movement: The programmes of the Non-cooperation Movement were as follows: • Boycott programmes: Boycott of government schools, colleges and courts. Boycott of foreign goods. • Swadeshi Programmes: Popularization of Swadeshi and Khadi by reviving hand spinning and hand weaving. Establishment of national schools and colleges, private arbitration courts known as panchayats all over India. 2) Reasons for suspension: The Non-Cooperation Movement was suspended because of a violent tragedy which occurred in Chauri Chaura. i. About 3000 peasants who had marched to a police station to protest against a police officer who had beaten up volunteers. The police fired upon the peasants. This infuriated the demonstrators and they set up the nearby police station on fire killing 22 policemen. Gandhiji was shocked at this and withdrew the Non-Cooperation Movement. 3) Impact of the Movement: The impact of the Non-Cooperation Movement was as follows: i. The National Movement became a mass movement. ii. It transformed Congress from a deliberative assembly into a revolutionary movement. iii. It fostered Hindu – Muslim Unity. iv. It generated a desire for freedom and inspired the people to challenge the colonial rule. ❖ The Civil Disobedience Movement: The causes that led to the Civil Disobedience Movement were as follows: 1) The Simon Commission:
STD X – HISTORY & CIVICS Hasmita Shah, B/203, Gokul Divine, Off S.V.Road, Irla, VIle Parle (West), Mumbai 400056. Mob:9699926941 [Date] 3 i. In November 1927, the British Government appointed the Indian Statutory Commission which had no Indian member. This was seen as a violation of the principle of self-determinations and a deliberate insult to the self-respect of the Indians. Therefore, the Indian National Congress decided to boycott the Commission at ‘every stage and in every form’ ii. Congress’s demand for Poorna Swaraj: The British government did not accept the Nehru Report and the Congress passed the Poorna Swaraj Resolution at the Lahore Session of 1929 The Congress working committee put forward a working programme which included: Preparation of Civil Disobedience Movement and Poorna Swaraj as its objective. ❖ Launching of Civil Disobedience Movement: The Civil Disobedience Movement was launched on March 12, 1930. 1) The programme of the Civil Disobedience Movement: The Civil Disobedience Movement involved: Defiance of Salt Laws. Boycott of British goods of all kinds. Non-payment of taxes and revenues. • Dandi March programme: On 12th March, 1930 Gandhiji began the historic Dandi march from Sabarmati Ashram to Dandi. On the morning of 6th April, Gandhiji reached Dandi and picked up the salt and violated the Salt Law. ii. Reasons for suspension of the Civil Disobedience Movement: • Gandhi Irwin Pact: The British realized that it was a waste to hold the 1st Round Table Conference without the representatives of the Congress. So, the government started negotiations with Gandhiji which resulted in the signing of the Gandhi – Irwin Pact As per the Gandhi-Irwin Pact, the government agreed to: ➢ To permit peaceful picketing of shops selling foreign goods and liquor.
STD X – HISTORY & CIVICS Hasmita Shah, B/203, Gokul Divine, Off S.V.Road, Irla, VIle Parle (West), Mumbai 400056. Mob:9699926941 [Date] 4 ➢ To permit free manufacture of salt by people near the sea coast. The Congress in turn agreed: ➢ To suspend the Civil Disobedience Movement. ➢ To participate in the 2nd session of the Round Table Conference. iii. Reasons for the renewal of the Civil Disobedience Movement: Failure of the Second Round Table Conference: Gandhiji attended the 2nd round table Conference as the sole representative of the Congress. • But the conference was soon deadlocked on the minorities issue. • British government refused to grant Dominion Status immediately. Therefore, Gandhiji returned to India disappointed. • The Great Depression of 1930’s in the world had hit the farmers in India. Gandhiji asked for an interview with Lord Willingdon, but it was refused. So, congress renewed the Civil Disobedience Movement. 2) The impact of the Civil Disobedience Movement: i. The Movement developed patriotic fervor in the country. ii. The Movement under the leadership of Birla and the ‘Harijan Sevak Sangh’ changed the social conditions. depressed class were given entry into the temples and access to the wells. iii. It brought women out of their homes to participate in politics. iv. It made the people understand the significance of the principles of non-violence.